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Everything posted by framey

  1. The bertha rods could almost cast a vuaxhall corsa lol my mate has both the bertha and the dd
  2. Cyprinus look to be the ones to go for all the top brands without the mark up
  3. Assuming that was mine but i didnt mean to Apologise if thats the way it came across
  4. Cash convertors in hemel hempstead has 4 MINT txi plus reciever old style with the circle on the front for 350 i thought that was expensive personally but my mate reckons it was a good buy he lovesa delk
  5. Oakwood angling in wgc had some in as i bought the 4.5
  6. I think i have Seen something similar to this in an old korda rig guide
  7. otters apparently
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