My View (posted last year on another thread):
I had the mis-fortune of trying this place last year. Nothing wrong with the pools...just the owners.
We got there on friday night, for a weekend stint and didnt see anyone 'till sat morning. No probs there. Then the ownders son came around the peg (and without introdcing himself) critiqued everything I was doing. Not want you want from a 13 year old. Once he was introduced, he then waited until I was just about to cast before informing me that he wanted to inspect my rig. I was then informed: No artificals (ie Maize), No safety clips - no helicopters- no chods(running rigs only), no combi link material- Mono only etc etc etc.
I politely said "I'll tell you what... I'm off". 10 minutes later his 20 stone Dad came down, sticking his chest out and looking all surly.
Lifes too short and there's too many good waters out there to waste money when lake owners want to get arsey with people- they dont publish their rules at the lake (and dont meet you to tell them to you)and then pick fault with perfectly sensible rigs that would be allowed in every other lake in the country.
The search facility will yield you around other 10- 15 posts on it.