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Everything posted by cobleyn

  1. cobleyn


    did anyone see what the line was that dave lane had on tight lines on friday for zigging? I couldnt see what it was.
  2. I think marsh is a new member on here...he would be a good source of I fo methinks.
  3. A 25kg sack of 22 mm halibuts is always worth taking.
  4. may yield some results.
  5. France?
  6. That could well have been it ste.
  7. Steve Just to modify the albrite knot to make it a bit eaier...put one turn over the loop and whip back over the top over it. Works a bit better I find. Hope it helps.
  8. I went for a look around it and it's a cracking lake. Nice big quiet gravel pit (didn't see any speed boats on my visit). It was a bit too far for me and I wasn't quite sure on the stocks.
  9. Nash have done one recently that's quite good.
  10. I've never understood why they put White braid in the centre of snakebite.
  11. I think the choice between the two is negligible.Merlin will look more natural where there is weed. Supernova on clear bottom. Just remember to put some putty on them as kryston continues to supply braid that floats and loops up....even after both products have been around for nearly 20 years. Ps. If you've never used a braid hook length before... Get ready for it tangling. You can stop this by: Adding a pva bag or stringer to your hook Putting your whole rig in a pva bag Feathering your cast down
  12. Surely you mean khods?
  13. Andy I've been using Seaguar Flouro in 45lb for my chods for a while. Happy with the results TBH. I've been using around 15ft of it and using it as a casting leader too. Give it a rub across your trousers (holding it very tight) to de-kink it, as its quite springy. Connect it with Albright knot to your mainline; but make sure your top bead can slip over the knot.
  14. Mmmm love thier ice-cream but I did'nt know they netted lakes
  15. http://www.orchid-lakes.co.uk/
  16. Sorry mate but I can't agree. I had to kill a large carp which was tethered to a "properly tied" lead-core rig which had already lost the lead so it wasn't the angler who had done anything wrong ............... other than using lead-core in the first place. Keith Out of interest how long was the piece of leadcore? Personally, I've moved off of using leadcore for my chods as there is just too much information around suggesting it is unsafe- so I am a convert; especially seeing 4 or 5 feet of the stuff being used for some rigs-just a bit daft that. All of that said and for the sake of discussion as much as anything else... Do we think a 12 inch piece when used for normal rigs (eg safety clip type set-up), instead of using rig tubing still that bad?
  17. iv'e had loads of korda hooks open when fishing for big fish. there is only one hook i trust when big fish are around and that is solar longshanks in size 1 i've landed fish over 300lb on them and loads over 100lb. nuff said.
  18. cobleyn

    which rig?

    Hinged stiff link with a longshank nailer. Pop up held in place between two rubber grommets on the shank of the hook. Or zig.
  19. Stick with it dan! The albrite is great knot and worth mastering.
  20. As the weather picks up, I thought I would re-run this thread. The general concencus seems to be its got to be light and sharp...but other than that- everything seems to work. Surprised Danny's missed that trick K-Ziggers. But seriously- Does anyone have any other views on what makes a good Zig hook. Anecdotal thinking would suggest a 'chod' style hook would give the best hooking potential.
  21. I've only posted it twice mate! It really wound me up- like Reeaalllyyyy wound me up- if I can do anything to stop anglers paying good money to go there- I will do what I can- the joys of the internet.
  22. My View (posted last year on another thread): I had the mis-fortune of trying this place last year. Nothing wrong with the pools...just the owners. We got there on friday night, for a weekend stint and didnt see anyone 'till sat morning. No probs there. Then the ownders son came around the peg (and without introdcing himself) critiqued everything I was doing. Not want you want from a 13 year old. Once he was introduced, he then waited until I was just about to cast before informing me that he wanted to inspect my rig. I was then informed: No artificals (ie Maize), No safety clips - no helicopters- no chods(running rigs only), no combi link material- Mono only etc etc etc. I politely said "I'll tell you what... I'm off". 10 minutes later his 20 stone Dad came down, sticking his chest out and looking all surly. Lifes too short and there's too many good waters out there to waste money when lake owners want to get arsey with people- they dont publish their rules at the lake (and dont meet you to tell them to you)and then pick fault with perfectly sensible rigs that would be allowed in every other lake in the country. The search facility will yield you around other 10- 15 posts on it.
  23. As far as I'm aware (you may need to check). Yup you can still park in chez's and hire your boat from there if necessary. You can almost certainly drop your rig from the boat... I don't think many fish would come out if you had to cast Still a phenomenal place and will still make experienced anglers cry with frustration. I think you will be ok in oct for night fishing... But check because I can't quite remember. I think its just summer months were night fishing is banned.
  24. Les fortinerres should tick all of your boxes...ultimate carp and cats.com I think.
  25. If you pull the line really tight (ie the bit that goes down to the swivel), it reduces the diameter- so it should go back through.
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