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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. To be fair I think if I had to choose I would go gold but that Is mainly down to looks 😁 I thought the 35/45 thing was the angle of the cone on the spool? Are you thinking of using one of these as a spod reel BTW? I would get a dedicated spod reel for spodding,
  2. Only coated my sticky pineapple wafters in pineapple goo today and some DNA Pink perils in pink almond, I think that is enough for the time being 😳 I seem to have not even used any goo yet from the bottles it literally only takes a few drops, they did seem expensive but they will last an age unless I go crazy and use them in bags and stuff(I will do that 😁)
  3. I didn't win another 20kg of bait, I've decided not to lose any more money on those I have deleted the app 🤑 ultimately you can give yourself a 6% chance of winning but that is the only edge you can gain, they are drawn using a random number generator, which means you can't rule out any possibility, at least with horses you could rule out some no hopers and leave yourself with 3 or 4 genuine contenders 🤔 It goes along with fruit machines,fixed odds betting terminals etc as games you shouldn't play as they will get you addicted and cost you money as they are geared towards making you lose 😢
  4. I used a garlic stir fry oil in a spod mix a few times and caught over it, I don't see why it wouldn't work
  5. I do keep some without goo of I require a more natural change, I do have a lot of faith in pineapple though, I've always found it a winner, and one is pineapple and wonder Berry its different 😂 I'm sure I'll have plenty of options by the time I'm finished, I've got a lot of hookbaits that I probably wouldnt use without goo so it gives them a new lease on life 😁
  6. I have slightly regretted last year that I gave up using Pva bags 🤔 I was probably getting quicker bites from them, and also they could be landed on slightly dirtier spots knowing there would be a lovely little package waiting for them, the reason I stopped was it was hard work and you had to be on your game, I would probably start a session having tied up about 20 at home, mesh bags are quicker and easier but I'm not convinced they are as effective as solid bags, the only good thing about them is you know most people won't be going to those lengths,and I was rechecking them every couple of hours so it is probably not a bad edge, and while I wouldn't be confident putting one in thick weed, I know it would be presented OK most of the time over a few different surfaces 🤔
  7. Nah tbh most will catch if they are in the right place at the right time, I certainly have ones I like more than others but I'll use whatever suits the mood and situation usually, just got more choice nowadays 😁
  8. And these lil bad boys are going to be scopex cream pineapple and wonder Berry flavour I'm going to try and make them a mellow yellow 😉 I am loving the goo, about now it's fun if nothing else 😂
  9. Put a bit less in these ones pineapple supreme day today 😁 I have also removed the others from the goo drink 😁 These were white PJPU spice blends not so long ago, now pineapple spice blend gone for the less is more approach this time 😁🍍
  10. That's what I am planning to do lol But apparently I put too much in and they just haven't absorbed it all yet 😁😳 I will let them dry out a bit today in some fresh tubs 😁
  11. I think I have become obsessed with being presented correctly, needing to find a suitable spot for it, I used to fish just under the rod tips quite often lol same water, years later I nearly always aim for the far margins 😂 the swim I fished a lot this year Infact I caught a decent fish from years ago literally just under the tips didn't even consider it this time 😳 I watched the new carp angle programme with Joe Morgan last night, my jaw literally hit the floor when he said he was just going to chuck 2 rods out 😁 but it made perfect sense as he knew there were fish present and he didn't want to ruin his chances, I can't think of a time when I didn't know a spot inside out or hadn't found one and just chucked one out, I can certainly see me wanging more chods out this year at showing fish though, I ignored far too many signs last year of feeding fish that could've been catchable with the right set up, its a tough one cos knowledge is power as they say, but it certainly pays to buck the trend I think
  12. And these are some old DNA s7 half tones that are getting wonder berried 😂
  13. These were some white scopex cream dumbells about an out ago, quite interesting to see how they finish up
  14. I made an accidental discovery on the spot I had baited regularly last year after a while that had got quite firm, but by fishing a rod on the edge of it I found one morning my hookbait was covered in bloodworm, so might be worth looking just off the main Spots for something slightly softer ?
  15. I think it would be a good discussion, I tend to find softer spots can be more productive, I am keen to seek out some clay spots this year I found one or two last year but that was in a popular swim so I probably wouldn't try to work it myself , my most productive spots were clear or light of weed but in need of regular grooming tbh, I am cheating this year, I found I could easily find known or obvious spots but I never found those productive, this year I am gonna use my deeper 😳 to find some delicate spots that can be developed in less fancied areas, or holes in the weed to develop a bit I still feel dirty admitting I got a deeper but I've used it once and I did find out some useful info 😳
  16. Just go and spend some time watching and learning, plenty of time to work out your strategies yet, if you find out something however small, that's a success in my book, 👍
  17. PB pink BP + with wonder Berry and almond specials, 😍
  18. Couple of scrapes with a cast able weed rake would be fine 😁 I've bought some Gardner trick link in silt colour, will give that a whirl 👍
  19. I have been impressed with my aerlex spod reel so far, bail arm took at a bit of getting used too as it needs to be locked open, but I was tempted to go for shimano reels next time I upgraded, not so sure I would after reading this thread now 😂
  20. I used to do this in the olden days as long as its wide enough tubing, I found cheap tubing was never very easy to use, I used to use a tungsten one maybe ESP but can't remember ? and that was OK fortunately I can use unleaded leaders at the moment which I much prefer 😁
  21. I don't mind using a bait screw Infact I've got Some with swivels on now as well 😁, I just prefer separation from the shank of the hook, with the multi rig it sits off the back of it through the loop , and same with a D rig the metal isn't sitting directly on the shank, it is on the D and separate from the shank, more like a traditional hair, although a ring and floss would probably act more naturally, but more faffy 🤔 I think my run of hook pulls last year were all due to the fact I had baitscrews on the shank of the hook, which to me meant there wasn't enough separation between bait and hook, that was my conclusion anyway 😂 I also think the mechanics of a stiff d rig mean it will be different for them to deal with as if most anglers are using a semi stiff coated braid it will act Completely different and actually is more likely to hook the fish when it picks up the bait and tightens to the lead rather than when it blows it back out, All theories but I like a theory 😁
  22. I went through a small phase where I used one and I quite liked it, but then I listened to someone who said the same about it potentially not sitting right 🤔 I think I might give it a go again, if the situations right, I've gone off having a bait screw or, hook swivel on the shank of hook for some reason, I use a multi rig for pop ups now, quite happy with that, just think a nice simple d rig would work well enough as a bottom bait rig
  23. Does anyone ever use one still ? I can't help thinking most people will just use a coated braid for a bottom bait or wafter these days? I just made one and I think I like it 🤔
  24. I've decided to wait for a month or so then I'm going to start getting things going for spring,if we are ever allowed out again that is, I've also decided I'm going to be more covert this year 😁 Secret squirrel is going to be my middle names 🤓🤠🙈🙉🙊
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