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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. Korda have released a set of no frills bits and bobs, some of it looks alright tbh, I quite like the look of the cradle, and there is a new hook coming too and some mini heli safes
  2. I certainly think I'll have a place for everything 😁
  3. Well i got my tackle box today, it seems I usually don't take enough tackle to fill one I think I may now be in danger of buying more bits just to fill it,😂 It is pretty smart though I do like it, I don't think I had the energy for a full change over,I've done some of it already but it's quite stressful getting a new tackle box don't want to rush it 😂
  4. There is a company called bait wize that do an insect meal, I've not used them myself but they seem to have a lot of different products and they are they also distribute feed stimulants in the UK https://www.baitwize.com/Insect_Protein_Meal_BSF/p7161919_20503494.aspx
  5. Hopefully that will get you a bite or two good luck 👍
  6. I went for the bundle in the end as I do use leaders and by the time I had added 1 mini box it seemed sensible to just spend an extra few quid and get the lot, it should fit nicely into the tackle bag I am using, so will have some space for the bigger bits, I can also fit a couple of the zig box reels in so can keep Chods and zigs just incase I need some
  7. I'm looking to buy a new tackle box and I think this one looks the best for my needs? Should I just go balls out and get the bundle or not? My current set up has gone rogue now and it's started to irritate me, I'm mot going to get much fishing in cos of the pups so I might as well organise my tackle 😂
  8. I do like the way that purple line looks, looks pretty cool with the all black stuff
  9. Come on the England, I'm not gonna lie I'm getting nervous now
  10. Must be tory wildlife, unable to follow their own guidelines 😂
  11. I have no issue with prebaiting, its a very useful tool, if I had the money I would probably do it more and heavier as its a massive advantage done well I do know what you mean about boats though,people take all sorts of risks with them, although I can also see the advantages of owning one, like stealth being the main one, and prebaiting with a boat would be really useful rather than letting everyone know your spots when they hear you spombing the granny out the place 😂
  12. Sounds like some jealous member has been bending his ear about you doing 3 nights because he cant, if you can just don't let it bother you, keep your head down and crack on with it, don't report anything to him and see how he is with you to your face next time you see him
  13. England in final, it's got a 50/50 chance of coming home 😯
  14. Sounds to me like he is a right prick, how long have you got left on your ticket? I had an issue with a previous syndicate owner, totally ruins your fishing tbh, a place you used to be able to relax just becomes a place you don't want to be at anymore, which is a shame, don't do anything rash yet, try and stay calm and wait though he probably wants you to react, Hope you catch the biggun tonight 👍
  15. Is that a fb thing carp bell, try not to let it bother you too much though most of the time it isn't worth it I get called all sorts on there for my political beliefs they won't stop me trying though 😁
  16. I won these from the korda comp on fb recently, and as soon as I read about them I thought I had just the right pop up for those 😂 The moonshine flavour smells just like whisky, and the pop ups I've chosen to glug are proper job spice blend, so spiced whisky, got to be worth a go I think, maybe a good single for winter Of the previous ones my go to combo has been PJPU washed out pink BP+ with pink almond supreme, seems to be quite effective so far, wasn't too impressed with the cultured ones I found the coating just fell off them 😁
  17. I'm still trying to channel my inner jim shelley everytime I watch or listen to him I learn something useful 😯 Nigel sharp, Joe Morgan, Adam penning still catch plenty too, and even though what he does isn't really for me usually, Tom Maker regularly pops up with huge hits of fish and Kev Hewitt, like you say so many and you can learn from them all these days, it makes for a much more even playing field in some ways,
  18. Usually something different tbh, might be a similar colour sometimes, but generally I want my hookbait to stand out in some way, washed out pink BP+ proper jobs with almond goo have been the ones that seem to work lately 👍
  19. Very much so they are very bitey at the minute, you tube is pretty good for dog training vids already got them to sit for treats but we do need to divide and conquer this week 😁
  20. We've looked into that and we are taking all the steps to avoid it like trying to separate them, train them separately etc,let them be there own dogs but they still seem to like a ruck and even though we have 2 crates, so far nearly every nap they have been together in one its not going to be easy but we will do our best 😁 We will continue to try though they are quickly taking over, I had a nap in the sofa so I'm doing better now 😔 they are cute and fun though
  21. I think all anglers can answer that question if they are honest with themselves, Some people like a social and still manage to catch from the going swims, people like me who just want to be at the water fishing and looking don't always get the rewards,I like to think it balances out,but it doesn't always, I don't worry what others are catching too often, but more what I catch, but it's each to there own if you want or need to feel like you are top rod you need to sacrifice all the other stuff, I just do what I can prebait, walk round and fish the odd night when I can, the only thing I am keen to do better this year is find the fish before I set up, if I catch one that's all that matters, there is one guy who has been smashing it this year though, he has worked blooming hard walking round, fishing days when it was all he could do and a couple of work nights, but he capitalised on the situation, hopefully I will get a similar window at some point, but good luck to him he's earnt it 👍
  22. If it helps I just looked at the clock and said is it only quarter past 9 I only had 3 beers but the puppies kept me up late settling in and then they woke up at 5am, 😬
  23. We haven't conceded a goal yet if that carries on we can't lose 😬😬😁
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