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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. I don't think I completely agree with that, I like my hookbait to stand out from my free offerings tbh, I work on the theory that my hookbait should be more inviting than the rest or stand out from the rest, I think this may also lead to quicker bites and not having to wait till all the bait is gone before it is taken, I don't necessarily mean over flavoured or boosted to within an inch of its life but different be that coloured or with An amino booster or goo, but it's rare I will match the hatch tbh and I usually always have something different on each rod, as I want to find out what might be working that day,
  2. I've made a nice poem as my thought of the day 😁 Poor Matty Hancock, So Misunderstood, He got into politics, As he strived to be quite good, But he got corrupted, By the money and the power, Now he takes the tax payers coins And Sis gets a golden shower
  3. My share of today's earnings are going towards my syndicate ticket renewal, but that's probably my fishing budget blown for the month so no toys for me 😂
  4. Been to do a post lockdown boot sale this morning, sold a metalheadz drum and bass album on vinyl to an OAP, just goes to show you should never judge a book by its cover,
  5. Just when my syndicate lake was about to not be flooded for the first time in a while , god must be drinking too much this year 🤔
  6. This makes me want to try crimping, I've been wanting to make my Chods a little shorter for a while, 👍
  7. I'm slowly falling off the wagon at the moment, will take a look cheers
  8. I think you might just need a challenge you are happy with and it will click into place a bit tbh 👍
  9. He's got a point Highy I caught 10 fish in 24 hours last year, I was done in, not something I am too keen to repeat tbh 😂
  10. Has anyone tried adding tarka dhal to there spod mix? It's like a tikka but a little otter 😁😁😁😁😁 You can get kala chana in tins has anyone tried those? They are already spiced, I've made curries with them but never even thought of using them for bait until now 😳
  11. I wouldn't sell all your stuff before you have a go, You might enjoy it more but you may not and then you are back to square one, For me I think the important part is venue choice with carp fishing, if you don't enjoy fishing it or it has idiots on it, and it doesn't grab you then it isn't the right lake for you, sadly there do seem to be more idiots lately though, Give it a go but baby steps first 😏
  12. It must be invisible from drones or something 😂
  13. Price is rediculous tbh, mind you it seems that's the way it is going lately, they all seem to be getting blooming expensive, I'm quite glad I don't need a bivvy at the moment 😁
  14. I didn't see you had already put that link up 😂
  15. You will need a lot of brownie points for this one Highy 😳 https://johnsonrosstackle.co.uk/trakker-aquatexx-ev/23622-trakker-tempest-x-100-dpm-system-aquatexx-ev.html
  16. That is pretty amazing, love the Mozzie front, I need a quick exit Mozzie front now I'm getting older 😂
  17. Good luck with that BB, hope you enjoy it 👍
  18. The plan hasn't worked yet lol, just the rods left to pack up now, i am a little surprised nothing is happening yet with the carp,I've been prepping this spot for a few weeks now and it always looks bang on but I'm never convinced they are turning up, will keep going but might start a plan B 😂
  19. Well the night time passed uneventfully, thus far the morning has also passed uneventfully, I just dropped a scoops worth of my mix in the margins and apart from the few whole boilies the rudd pretty much destroyed it in 5 minutes do we think those pesky little monkeys will be doing the same in about 10ft of water out in the pond ? I kind of think they might be, I've done about 8 airbombs on each spot which mean there is probably only 30 whole boilies left on each spot, and as I'm fishing Chods the tench and bream may had those without me even noticing, I'm starting to think crumb might be a waste of time on here, I will have a little top up in a bit, but im sure the bloke fishing over the other side. Must think I am overbaiting noddy 😂 I do often think all other anglers just think I am a noddy anyway lol I usually agree but you have to try 😂
  20. It's lunch I've not even driven a truck yet not looking good 😭
  21. The trainer used to work here and does like a chat 😂 we shall see
  22. Just got fork lift refresher training to get through today,I won't be focusing on flt safety, car is loaded straight there after work, I have got a stomach bug type thing though,feel a bit dodge today, I'm hoping that passes before hometime fishing seems more important today 😂
  23. You will never manage to snap that one 👍
  24. The blurb makes it sound like one of the greatest horse racing systems you will ever buy, quite frankly they are usually a load of rubbish and not worth the paper the they aren't written on, best way is usually to learn things yourself without paying over the top for the promises of wealth, or in this case 40lb carp Haiths website has loads of recipes and ideas by Ken Townley, get stuck into that 👍
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