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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. I got them so I could make low Chods and HSR with mouth trap, they are good for that as its quite tricky to knot them as short but it's easy with the krimps, but they do make a nice tidy stiff Ronnie boom section which is handy 👍
  2. I only crimp the stiff link one, I don't think crimping trick link will work that well, I know korda don't recommend crimping fluoros only hybrid stiff and boom, gardner stiff link is the same as boom
  3. Gardner also do some nice hooklinks though Trick link is quite nice to use, and if you want a boom stiff link is good and works with korda krimps and is cheaper than boom
  4. I could pretend I was singing in front of the mirror but Was going to brush the kids hair 😂 Thanks mine goes too often as well, it's usually worse when it's something stupid that caused it,
  5. I will have to see about that, the pups have now had there vaccine so they can get out walking this week, I may try but I'm not going to push it too hard we are all pretty done in at the moment 😂 They are growing up so fast 😭
  6. It's not luck it's good angling, If you think about it how do you improve as an angler if everytime you catch of don't catch its down to luck, good or bad, it isn't it is down to what you have done well or badly, I do think there are elements of good fortune, that can help you but ultimately they are things you learn or have learnt to use to your advantage when you see them, I think there are shortcuts nowadays that make it easier to level up though, everyone now has access to the best baits, sharpest hooks,even decent ready tied rigs, big fish in loads of waters all over the place some more accessible than others, best of everything if you can afford it, I could book a week on Holme Fen or somewhere and maybe obliterate my PB but it wouldn't mean that much to me, I earnt my PB and that's all that matters to me, hopefully I will have earnt the next one too 😁 But we live in a much more instant disposable world nowadays, I still think a 20lber is a big fish, and long may that continue 👍
  7. Well I've got a week off work next week , so it's the law of the Sod I've done my back in this morning picking up a hair brush off the side, the irony is I have no chuffing hair 😢
  8. You should try getting scammed by UPS, that is mission impossible to complain, what I do now is go on their Facebook page periodically and slag them right off, it hasn't solved a thing but makes me feel like I am making a difference 😂
  9. Lovely fish that one 😎 Well worth getting a tripod I got an amazon basics one for my camera wasn't expensive but well worth it 👍 I try to make it as simple as I can for photos, intervalometer, video light, tripod , get the mat set up with the camera ready with a practice snap, then just move the fish hit the timer unzip the retainer, bucket of water ready lift, take snaps, turn, do more snaps and back in the water, worth checking you have a good enough snap before releasing 👍 If they get a bit flappy I've found it can help to keep the eyes covered as much as possible, I think it's the bright lights that bother them, just takes a bit of practice to get used too then it becomes 2nd nature, Great session though bagged some whackers 👍👍😎😎
  10. Looks bigger than 12lb that one lovely fish well done 👍 Any pics of the big one????
  11. Well done that's certainly caught you a whacker or 2 all ready To copy links on your phone Share, copy links, put it in the post
  12. No I actually didn't 😭, I've always gone with the cooled button on for fear of shrinkage, and the repercussions that may bring for shrunken clothing especially that not belonging to me 😳 That part had become hot though I think it may have got stuck when spinning or something
  13. It's not luck, it's about having the right rig/bait/ trap in the right place at the right time, if you catch one it's because you have done all those things right, yes there may be elements of good fortune, you may have just walked round the corner at the right time to see one lump out or show you a sign, but you still have to tempt it to take your hookbait, some people just sit for days in the same swim and hope they come along, I never have the luxury of time so I prepare before a session and sometimes it pays off but it's never wasted time I don't think, learning what you have done wrong is as if not more important than learning what you did right 👍
  14. My reality of fishing has changed quite a lot lately, I fish for me, I like the peace and quiet, I'm not an antisocial angler and will talk to anyone that walks past but if I don't see anyone or can't see anyone around me and it's me vs the fish that's when I love it the most, I like making plans, getting the weed rake out clearing spots, walking around prebaiting, looking for signs, some of the most amazing fishing for me this year was just watching fish feeding on a spot I made, I only got to fish it once before it was overgrown again(10lb mirror and a tench) but I baited it for a few weeks and would regularly see big carp feeding on my spot and I saw the first one I had caught from the lake when I rejoined, it was just as good as fishing for me which is handy because I've only managed a few trips this year,and I am still smarting from the 2 lost fish from last time,, 😭 I'm hoping for a big autumn campaign. It seems my time of the year, so that's what I am already planning for, I know I won't be top rod there a lots of younger keener anglers, who have time and youth on their side and the drive, but if I can do enough to make me happy then that's all I need, actually I am pretty certain I've lost 2 30lb carp from this lake now, i am also pretty certain I deserve some redemption, but none of it will be luck, but effort and hopefully that will bring reward 👍
  15. I stuck my cyprinus in the washing machine that part went fine, I also put it in the tumble dryer that didn't go so well 🙄 it dried it but it also melted the strap that holds it onto the middle of the bedchair 😢
  16. I read a thing last week and they have had to stop production on these for a bit due to not being able to some ingredients or something
  17. And both after when I went jeez it must be terrifying now,
  18. These korda ones are a lot better than most flat ones that have gone before tbh, you can pack a lot into a fairly small footprint, it's designed well too, and has flaps and things that work properly and mini boxes that fit and you can get them out easily due to an angled base on them, it's just quite well thought out I like it, the basix range one looks pretty good for 20 quid though, I may have got that had it been released beforehand 🤔 Im still quite traumatised by the pic you put up of your tackle box a while ago I haven't got the space to accumulate mess in mine 😂 My life may be chaotic but as long as my tackle box is nice and organised that's good with me 👍
  19. I think I am sorted now, I had to pop in the tackle shop to get some korda scissors as my Gardner ones didn't fit in the box 😭 Looking pretty organised I think still have empty compartments though, must try harder 😂
  20. That was a good film, enjoyed it, I walked round there once many moons ago, it used to be on a club ticket, very strange place, I remember there were lots of stories about it, like drownings and suicides there and stuff, there was lots of rubbish in there too like tyres and stuff and I remember seeing some shoes in a margin down a cliff,it had a weird vibe and I never went back 😂 It did look nicer in the vid though 🤔
  21. Seems bang on today and the day after a full moon, couldn't get much better considering recent weather, I'm going to the late session at an inflatable park with the kids 😭
  22. Can't really help you with fox reels,never used them, but have a look at okuma 8k reels, I absolutely love mine so far, great performing, cast like a dream smooth as a baby's buttocks,
  23. Good luck hope you catch some monsters
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