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Everything posted by yonny

  1. p.s. it's not what I use but it is what I'll replace my customer build with when it dies. I have seen them and they handle like £250 rods!
  2. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Free-Spirit-CTX-SPM-Spomb-Marker-Rod-/122712288359?var=&hash=item1c9238ec67:m:mRR0UgLuCMw1fsZ8XwtZBEA
  3. IMO the best value spod rod is the Free Spirit CTX Spod. About £115 and it can really chuck 'em.
  4. With the Tungsten Loaded I don't bother, I just pull it straight, amazing stuff. With inferior links I'll always do it at the start of a session and will do it again if it's no longer straight for a recast.
  5. Certainly mate. You know what, I've been using heli's for years due to their anti tangle nature but at the mo a rule on the water I'm on means I've had to go to lead clips. I swear I'm getting less tangles, real eye opener!!
  6. It looks and sound very special mate. One day...... Nightmare when you drop one!
  7. This lake sounds better and better all the time......
  8. I saw camo baccy pouches somewhere, classic.
  9. Of course I would Nige, if it's there then I'd use it. No point in rolling it up and hoying it in the bushes lol!!
  10. For sure. I remember when I first started doing nights, I used this horrible Argos wire framed sun longer, a cheap 70's brown and orange summer sleeping bag that my Dad gave me, this absolutely useless leaky Nash bivvy thing that cost about 60 quid new.... not necessarily because gear wasn't available but because I couldn't afford anything better. I'd be absolutely freezing, regularly caught colds, ate and drank complete rubbish as I had no stove lol.... I DO NOT miss those days! But you wouldn't catch me dead using one of these Nash path things!!
  11. I agree, looks too manicured. Also, trying to be quiet with ton of pea gravel under you is almost a complete waste of time......
  12. £66 plus £18 on a set of "Stealth Pegs" to hold it down.......
  13. I love my hoodies but they are not the one in winter, waste of a layer IMO. micro-fleece and fleece all the way with a decent Goretex type jacket on top is the one. What do you think of it Phil? I've been looking at their SJ6 and SJ9 jackets, look nice. I got their sleeping bag and have to say it's brilliant.
  14. I aint fished down there in years but I know the place reasonably well. The fish are catchable, it's the other anglers that can make it difficult. If I was you I'd walk round all of the lakes until you find a free swim with fish in front of it. If you just slot into a random swim on the more popular waters you can easily blank. Regards bait they'll eat almost anything so take what you're confident in. Maybe add a little corn. Hunts Corner is much more bearable than the other lakes, you have your own water and no-one can mess with you. I'd check that first then the circus waters after. If you're really struggling to find anything then head for B1 or B2, they're unbearable to fish but you'll struggle not to catch.
  15. Don't think that's accurate buddy. Pretty sure anyone can make and sell a roller alarm as no patent was applied for before several firms had already built one. Delks vibratory system is however patented and the patent is rock solid - in fact I understand the reason Fox, Ace and others had to do away with their vibration sensing roller systems was they still infringed on Delks patent. I was hoping Fox had found a way round that on this new alarm. If they had, I'd have bough them. A roller with vibration sensing is the closest you can get to a do-everything alarm IMO but the ones that were made are getting on now; poor battery life and receiver range etc....
  16. I'm traditionally a dog man so it amazed me when we ended up with 2 cats how much I like them. We have Badger, a scruffy, greedy, mischievous little tinker, and Loris, so called because she has these big pretty eye like a slow loris. They have personality, something I always thought cats lacked, but you just need to get to know them. They're arrogant, ignorant, rude, expensive, and think they own the place. But they're my mates and I truly love 'em.
  17. I'm really disappointed with this new RX+. As far as I can tell the only feature that might make any difference in an angling situation is the increased clearance around the wheel to prevent freezing (which has happened to me!). Ultimately it's just another roller alarm, the same as any other that's been released in the last 20 years. Oh, and they look horrible.
  18. Lol.... no offence intended..... they're OK, it's just the hook point isn't long enough for them to sharpen up well.... Been using them this year in place of the Atomics, very impressed so far. A classic big fish hook mate, also decent.
  19. 4's and 6's for me. Standard.
  20. Pretty sure I have a few packs of the mozzy curves and their chods that you can have mate, bought them for a French trip but wasn't overly impressed. Let me check later, If I can find them I'll post them to you.
  21. Rig Marole for me, almost everything they release is a genuine step forward and offers and advantage over similar products. I use a lot of their stuff.
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