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Everything posted by yonny

  1. You're as bad as me Smufter. I always fit isotopes even though they do absolutely nothing other than look pretty lol. Complete waste of money but I still do it.
  2. Completely down to personal preference buddy. I have been known not to strip any. A good starting point is 10 or 20 mm behind the hook.
  3. Same here, tinned sweetcorn, perfect back-up bait. I also have a bucket of pellets handy in there.
  4. I tend to carry about 6 and have a stash in the car.
  5. I've used all sorts as backing but imo a fishing line is always best, it lends itself to a consistent fill which aids line lay. Just leave a percentage of what you already have on and add another 200 yards of your new stuff buddy. Job done.
  6. Has anyone used the Fox Coretex Tungsten?
  7. What stuff? I found the ESP at a tenner.
  8. It's actually more expensive @cloud9...... you only get 10m of the ESP vs. the 20m you get of the Fox stuff.... it's deceiving buddy. Still worth it though, you'll love it.
  9. I found hook holds were all over the place on size 6's. When I upped to a size 4 they seemed to be much, much more consistent.
  10. The Camotex offers really nice stiffness but once you've kinked it (very easy to do) you can't get rid of the kink. It also doesn't like sitting on the deck, you really need to weigh it down with blobs of putty. As said, The ESP Tungsten Loaded is the one. Miles better imo. No putty needed and pulls straight with no steaming. Banging stuff.
  11. Not heard of that one buddy. You can add a little washing-up liquid if you choose, it lubricates the line making for better casting properties. I've not tried it myself (don't want my line smelling of soap lol). P.s. fluoro doesn't require soaking, just mono.
  12. Overnight in luke warm (not hot) water is enough buddy.
  13. yonny

    Dogs and fishing

    She's a cracker @chillfactor.
  14. yonny

    Dogs and fishing

    I tried and tried to take my old staffie out fishing but I gave up in the end. The number of stalking opportunities he ruined was unbelievable. I swear he used to want to jump in and play with the carp....
  15. Not sure that's the case @greekskii. The literature I've seen touts it as an all-rounder that accentuates curve shank mechanics. The Gardner spiel refers to the blow-back and german as well as the ronnie.
  16. I can't help but think the gape on these will be almost completely closed if using a hook link with any anti tangling properties. The original Mugga is a classic curve shank and I do wonder if that pattern aint optimal in terms of performance then why does everyone offer something very similar? I'd defo be interested to hear reviews of the CVR from users. I did see a shot of it used on a ronnie somewhere and it looked good.
  17. Very good stuff. But they say technium black is better.
  18. Fluorocarbon! The best fluoros are probably Tiger Line and Gardner Mirage.
  19. Your call buddy. I'd take the TE's over Greys any day.
  20. For that kind of money you can get much better than Greys imo mate. Have a look at Harrison and Free Spirit, or maybe even Century if you're feeling really flush.
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