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Everything posted by yonny

  1. Wychwood do some very good lower budget rods buddy. Those reels you have will be absolutely fine. https://www.wychwoodcarp.co.uk/
  2. The extra 0.05 will make no difference visually imo. It'll not behave as well though. I can't stand fluoro in higher diameters. The min diameter has been bought in due to the heavy weed growth. I agree with emmcee, the last thing you need is all that fluoro sinking into the weed - you're halfway to getting fish weeded up before you even have the take imo buddy!
  3. Yeah I would imagine that'll be the case. Shouldn't be long before I see one on the bank I reckon.
  4. D'you know what Nige, when they announced this I couldn't see any benefit over the Tempest Brolly. I honestly though it was doomed to failure. BUT..... the Tempest Brolly V2 has now been announced with an increase in weight to 5 kg meaning, for me, the Hide is now the better option. It'll be a tricky decision for those looking at the two. I'm quite looking forward to seeing one on the bank. p.s. The Hide is a similar weight to the Hideout, not the Lo Pro (Lo Pro is way down at 3.5 kg!).
  5. It's called the ESP Hideout. Looks great, lightest system on the market: http://www.esp-carpgear.com/viewProduct.php?id=338
  6. For sure. It's cheaper to have a new rod built in most cases nowadays. The builders can't be bothered with the clean up job associated with re-build. Most of them no-qoute this kind of thing.
  7. It's water under the resin. Have you dried the rod out? It might just disappear.... but it will come back every time it rains. Makes no difference to the rod tbh. Not sure if there's anything that can be done about it I'm afraid bud. Someone on here will know though.
  8. If I was loaded I'd buy one and take it down my syndi just for a wind up. Plot up 20 yards in front of my mates swims lol.
  9. I have been that guy.... it's a nightmare. There is nothing worse then being on fish then all chance ruined (for you AND him) by some bloke smashing pegs into the bank. A few years ago I packed up and went home at ~ 9 pm after some geezer showed up with one of these super powered head torches and set his bivvy up with a mallet on the other side of this tiny bay. Game over. I've never used a mallet, don't carry one, and I've fished on some terrible ground. Where there's a will there's a way I've found. Honestly, rain permitting, I'd choose to sleep under the stars over using a mallet.
  10. For sure buddy. Would be nice disappearing over the horizon for a week or so though eh.
  11. I think it's for your big European waters buddy. Chantyqoc type venues.
  12. And they have metal all the way through.
  13. It's a bit of cheap steel with a plastic cap mate. They're all cheapo. Only difference is these are blue.
  14. And a significantly higher catch rate lol.....
  15. It is. See Nick's link - 50p each.
  16. Me neither. I've found plenty on the bank that I resort to if I lose one myself. I did once look at getting these, solely for weight saving: https://www.snowandrock.com/p/msr-carbon-core-tent-stakes-D1872092.html?channable=e18640.MTA0NjU4XzE4MA&colour=180&source=webgains&siteid=153495affiliate%3Dwebgains&utm_source=webgains&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=Octer However, at 50 quid for 8 I reckon I can deal with the extra kilo..... I tend to agree. That is truly saddening mate. I couldn't have cared less about kit when I was a lad, I just wanted to be on the bank trying to catch fish.
  17. Outrageous price. You can get alu-alloy or even titanium pegs for less than that.
  18. Same here. Ditched the bag, ditched the ground sheet, ditched all but 6 pegs. Same with my Lo Pro.
  19. Me too. That is now my cold weather/long session option ha ha....
  20. Lol, yeah, just like me mate. I had an Armo for cold weather/long sessions and sold it after it had just sat in my carp room gathering dust for almost 3 years!!
  21. And in typical fashion today the Trakker website shows the new Tempest Brolly V2.... and it's gone from 4.4 kg to 5 kg. Not a massive increase but an increase never the less. A step backwards for what I'd want and one less option on the market.
  22. When the old ones went wrong he had to borrow one of my spare Micron M's, 20 years old, they never give up!
  23. A close mate had the old ones. They went wrong after a couple of years so he bought the new ones last year. They've just started going wrong too.
  24. I do know what you mean. If I'd not had issues with water I'd still be using them I have to admit.
  25. Imo the delks perform better. It's just the reliability that's the issue.
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