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Everything posted by yonny

  1. It's a sellers market lads..... I recently sold a set of 3 with receiver on the bay for £360.....
  2. Fill it in man! Whack a gallon in there! I have caught for some very, very tricky fish in my time and most have been tripped up on size 4's.
  3. Love it mate..... so you've had to sack off work to go fishing and it's your Mrs' fault!! Top work Vik! Note to self: must try this one!
  4. What qty bud? Pffftttt..... he's clutching at straws there I reckon bud. I never scale down, even for winter.... it just means you're more likely to lose the fish when you finally get that hard earned bite!!!!
  5. yonny

    Self Takes

    What camera is it @Gazlaaar?
  6. yonny

    Self Takes

    The best tenner you'll ever spend if you do self takes!!!!!!
  7. Love that feeling when you sit back knowing there's nowt else you can do and you're on them!!!
  8. Then you're half way there buddy. Good luck!
  9. Get on YouTube buddy , you'll learn more than we can explain on here in half the time. Video yourself casting to see what you're doing right and what you're doing wrong. If you're worried about cracking off you'll lose a lot of distance Mate, you really need the confidence to hit it.
  10. I have a set of the black ones. They're brilliant for slack line/close in work, not so good for distance or tight line angling. Can't answer your question about the isotopes as I fitted normal ones in mine by placing them in cut down clear PVC tubing to increase their diameter to fill the void in the bobbins.
  11. Yup..... I only just replaced mine this year after several years of use..... with the Lo Pro, which is miles quicker, check it out if you fancy a change. Minute and a half to put up, 50 seconds to pack down, just over a kilo lighter then the MK1 Supa. Really recommend it.
  12. @finchey They're bringing out a system version this November, it's called the ESP Hideout, looks very good indeed. Defo worth checking out bud.
  13. Hi finchey.... I haven't used it in winter but will do so this year. I did do one majorly wet session a few weeks ago and it was the first time I've felt it was a little pokey.... it's based on a 50 inch umbrella so isn't massive. I used it in BIG winds this week just gone and it was fine, although I did fit a single storm pole to give it a helping hand. I'd say you need to be dedicated to use it in winter. It's more of a summer shelter IMO.
  14. yonny

    New Rigs

    I mess about with all sorts from time to time but I would honestly be more than happy if I was forced to use just the hsr for the rest of my life.
  15. See I kept a 20 year old micron in the bottom of my tackle box for when my Delks went wrong and it never let me down. Hence why I eventually replaced the Delks with the NTXr. I agree Delks give better indication but only when they're working (mine stopped working 3 times in 3 years!).
  16. For performance I agree Delks cannot be beaten. Poor reliability though in my experience. If they could build one that didn't go wrong I'd go back to Delks in a heartbeat.
  17. yonny

    New Rigs

    Easier just to tie a ronnie with triggalink IMO. Correction: easier to not bother tying it at all lol....
  18. yonny

    New Rigs

    Hardly anything is ever truly new on the rig front. I was using variations of the stiff multi some years ago. In 2012 I had my first 40 on a stiff multi-chod thing that I thought I'd invented, a week later it popped up on the Korda website and shattered my dreams lol.... Same thing happened with what Korda call the mk2 chod (the one with a tiny boom)... I thought I'd invented something special but of course it had been around forever. I very much doubt there's anything any one of us has come up with that hasn't been done and done again tbh. Of all the fancy rigs I've come up with I always go back to the HSR. It just ticks all the boxes for me, it does everything.
  19. Of those only the larger clearance around the roller wheel actually does anything that could impact performance IMO. The rest is just tarty. I suppose the extra LED is a decent idea. The increased sensitivity is a load of tosh IMO..... either the wheel rotates or it does not.
  20. Quality alarms mate! Also decent, they're what I'm using. Agree, disappointing.... they do nothing of value that ours don't.
  21. Defo. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Energizer-Vision-HD-Focus-Headlight-with-3-x-AAA-Energizer-Max-batteries-/361484083553?epid=1141863750&hash=item542a216161:g:Z58AAOSw2xRYkG-7
  22. Energizer, all day. I've always used Petzl but will be getting an Energizer one when it dies after it was recommended to me on another forum. My Mrs bought one and they're brilliant. In fact they have all the features of my Petzl at a quarter of the price.
  23. Eblem Spod is great, the Shimano one is cheaper I think.
  24. The tackle firm head torches are overpriced. Petzl are very good or if you want a good'n on the cheap the Energizer ones aint far behind.
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