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Everything posted by yonny

  1. I dont look at the water temps, just one more reason not to be confident. Tbh it's not about catching in winter for me. Its about enjoying the season. But..... my winter PB came on the second coldest sesh I've ever done (-5!!!!). When times are hard i remember that Dave lane caught Mary from wrasbury in minus temps in Feb when there was 15 fish in 100 odd acres. My point: there is ALWAYS a chance. The underside of my brolly is icing up. Tell you what fellas, I LOVE it!
  2. It's chilly here but I'm sweating as I just moved swims. Hate moving in the dark, especially this time of year. The sweat will be freezing to my sack before I know it.....
  3. I bet, looks good for this time of year, good luck.
  4. Both very, very good lines mate. The Pro is an all-rounder, the Hydro Tuff is more of a snag line.
  5. Yeah I learned that lesson the hard way too lol.....
  6. Yeah that's the ones I use, no complaints at all, they've been great.
  7. I managed to find a buyer for mine a couple of months ago but found I'd misplaced them. Looked everywhere, no idea where I put them. More than a hundred quids worth, lost..... not best pleased with that....
  8. Yeah @Dannygooner I have a set. They're decent mate, no complaints with them whatsoever.
  9. Have a look at the 'Oldskool toys Trading Post' on FB @greekskii. They come up regularly.
  10. Agree, if I was to go back to Delks I'd go for the older model, all day.
  11. I know mate, couldn't believe it. Sold an old Armo for 180 odd quid too, nigh on paid for my SS3000's between them. Result! Edit: I only paid 250 quid for the Delks 4 years ago as well!!!!!
  12. It's a sellers market lads..... I recently sold a set of 3 with receiver on the bay for £360.....
  13. Fill it in man! Whack a gallon in there! I have caught for some very, very tricky fish in my time and most have been tripped up on size 4's.
  14. Love it mate..... so you've had to sack off work to go fishing and it's your Mrs' fault!! Top work Vik! Note to self: must try this one!
  15. What qty bud? Pffftttt..... he's clutching at straws there I reckon bud. I never scale down, even for winter.... it just means you're more likely to lose the fish when you finally get that hard earned bite!!!!
  16. yonny

    Self Takes

    What camera is it @Gazlaaar?
  17. yonny

    Self Takes

    The best tenner you'll ever spend if you do self takes!!!!!!
  18. Love that feeling when you sit back knowing there's nowt else you can do and you're on them!!!
  19. Then you're half way there buddy. Good luck!
  20. Get on YouTube buddy , you'll learn more than we can explain on here in half the time. Video yourself casting to see what you're doing right and what you're doing wrong. If you're worried about cracking off you'll lose a lot of distance Mate, you really need the confidence to hit it.
  21. I have a set of the black ones. They're brilliant for slack line/close in work, not so good for distance or tight line angling. Can't answer your question about the isotopes as I fitted normal ones in mine by placing them in cut down clear PVC tubing to increase their diameter to fill the void in the bobbins.
  22. Yup..... I only just replaced mine this year after several years of use..... with the Lo Pro, which is miles quicker, check it out if you fancy a change. Minute and a half to put up, 50 seconds to pack down, just over a kilo lighter then the MK1 Supa. Really recommend it.
  23. @finchey They're bringing out a system version this November, it's called the ESP Hideout, looks very good indeed. Defo worth checking out bud.
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