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Everything posted by yonny

  1. Nope, not worth swapping imo. Why get rid of a rod that can do everything and replace it with a rod that can only do what you need it to at this moment in time? So why go shorter mate? You will hit 80 with short rods, but not much further with accuracy Imo.
  2. Sharpest on the market. Fact. I've used a few of Jason's, I love the Specialist Sharpened Choddas. They're evil sharp. Price is evil too but you get what you pay for. Again, these are a one-fish hook but if you're after a special fish these are the ones.
  3. They are a single-use hook for sure mate.
  4. If Farlows and Orchid can be considered Southern then you absolutely have to consider Christchurch on the Linch Hill complex. Some of the best looking carp in the country imo.
  5. yonny


    Hell of a fish mate👌
  6. That☝️ I never put more than 250 yards of new line on my UK spools, the rest is just cheapo rubbish line to pack the spool out.
  7. yonny


    Agree, it's a real good'n. I liked his second one too. To the OP: Oz Holness' book is really good. Darrel Peck's is better than I thought it would be too, brutally honest in parts. A quick fix for inspirational stories is Forgotten Chapters by Gaz Fareham. It's basically a bunch of guest chapters about special captures. Really, really good. However, 8-10 quid won't get you these👎 @emmcee There's a chapter about Dinton in Forgotten Chapters and there's a pic of a bloke with an awesome 44 lb mirror. Unless I'm mistaken. is that you????
  8. I did that for years. I now put 3 where the fish are. Catches me loads more lol.
  9. It's not a system though buddy. He'd need the Hide-Out. Tempest Brolly v2 is a good suggestion.
  10. I see this asked a lot. It's a no-brainer. As long as you can fish 3 rods effectively in a given swim, you should use 3. It's not an extra chance imo - it's an extra fish, or more, if used correctly when on the fish. I carry 3, if a swim is too small to use 3 effectively I'll use 2. Sometime I'll use just one in a diddy little corner under a bush. But the fact of the matter is if I can fish 3 effectively I will do - it catches more fish. Simple fact buddy!
  11. They just followed up their marker, spod and zig vids with one about weed fishing. On youtube now. Very interesting stuff (although nowt we didn't know already tbh), worth a watch lads.
  12. That's like saying if you can't run 100m in 9 seconds have a word with Usain Bolt dude. Terry is the world record holder.
  13. yonny


    A good bailiff doesn't put up with trouble makers. Get rid.
  14. yonny


    Fairplay imo Nick!
  15. yonny


    It was a joke fella!!!! - hence the emoji. Sorry, didn't mean to offend mate!
  16. yonny


    Their biggest challenge will be convincing the likes of you to accept their authority buddy!!!!😂
  17. yonny


    I don't think age or gender have any bearing on what makes a good bailiff. A good bailiff knows the rules, enforces the rules, helps others, doesn't abuse their position, and has excellent communication skills. That's about it imo.
  18. @Highy, get the standard version...... not the Loaded version. Both are good but the standard XT behaves much, much better.
  19. The syncro is a better line imo buddy. Very good stuff.
  20. Have a look at cork granules Nick. They make much more buoyant pop ups and they stay buoyant for miles longer too.
  21. See I'd not fill it in if the lake was fishing out of sorts (unless maybe I'd tried everything else). Seems to me you were lucky to get that result Nick, could have gone the other way. I fill it in when I know I'm on fish, I know where the spots are, and I know they're up for a feed. It normally works well. See I find that a rarity but as said, I'll only do it if the angling situation requires it to maximise results.
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