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Everything posted by newmarket

  1. Good to get a liverpoooool fans view of it . Not my view but the general concensus down here is that the reds will get battered at the plastics next week . A Liverpool v Blunts final would be nice
  2. Well that didnt work out did it What do you reckon on your chances next week stevey ? You have your annual rout against us the following saturday ? Are the reds coming into form or was it just what you should have expected from the home team in a semi-final ?
  3. Exactly the same as me mate except i dont need a tail rubber for my run ring Though i do sometime apply a Gardner rig sleeve depending on the hooklink material . Would you say leadcore is an improvement on mills bombs then ? A little tip from one of my Albanian ex-colleagues
  4. Hi terry welcome to the forum . Cant help with the lake im afraid except to say dont believe bailiffs
  5. Me neither Jon , that is kin 'orrible ! There will be those that will blame that on an Otter or Mink or whatever but you can clearly see where a leader of some sorts has literally sawn through the fish . I was toying with the idea of using tungsten tubing of some sort this year instead of my mainline straight through but in an event of a breakage it would just slide off the line anyway so wouldnt acheive anything except make my end tackle visibler ( is that a word ? Lol ). I think i'll stick with what i do i'd hate to think there was 1% chance of me being responsible for something like that . This AC geezer needs to elaborate a littke bit . Put up or dont comment is the phrase i believe .
  6. THAT is down to Leadcore Jon ?
  7. Its £200 a year , or £20 for 24hrs . Plenty of 20's in the back lake and a couple of 30's for sure maybe more . Front lake is harder , weedy in places lotsa features lotsa 20's & 30's biggest i've seen out 39lb+ it'll do a 40 this year if it hasnt already. Bailiffs are good fellas and its as safe as houses , anything you may have heard otherwise is rubbish , it had a dodgy reputation ( pikeys) a few years ago but thats not an issue now . It can get busy at weekends but during the week its empty even in summer and they have an excellent website although some of it hasnt been updated for a while so the fish are now considerably bigger than stated . Have a butchers i recommend it . http://www.bardag.com
  8. Does it have to be a syndicate ? The Chase do annual tickets and i'll be renewing this year ? Mind you thats reason enough to stay away
  9. Syndi's are a bit thin on the ground round here Jay . Have you looked at Berwick ponds ?
  10. Was a good game . Lived up to the hype for a change . Now for that shower of dogs faeces tomorrow night . Wish they could both lose
  11. The toffees are in a sorry state i cant see Martinez lasting much longer tbh . Hope liverpool go to the plastics next week still in with a shout stevey .
  12. Chod rig Stiff hinged rig Withy pool rig Combi rig Google is everybodys friend jimmy By the way , imo simple is best so youre straightforward pop up rig is fine mate . Just need a reliably bouyant bait thats all and a good way to attach it , very short hair or D rig style
  13. Ahhh but will i get a discount for pur-chasing 30kg of it ?
  14. Well as you lot are aware , i've been down on my luck lately . Well i won £600 on the footy tonight so thats MY bait sorted out for the year
  15. Hello matey welcome to the forum . Cant help you with the lake but im sure somebody will be along to help you later :
  16. Yeah mate . If there frozen they'll thaw out pretty quickly in the lake
  17. Evening Mike , welcome to the asylum . Hope your not a footy fan
  18. The boilies that you buy in france , mate , im sure you dont need telling anyway , but just in case , buy em as you need em other wise you are going to need one big koff air drying bag :)
  19. The fact that they're fresh bait is (usually) prohibitivley expensive doesnt seem to bother them and other companies shelfies are the same price or cheaper for their ready made equivalents ? I've always wondered , rightly or wrongly , about the "food" value of their Boilies , and the fact that their current range of shelfies appear on the face of it to be mostly highly flavoured high attract "type" baits only add fuel to my wonderings . Supposing my suspicions are correct , and i cant say , im just speculating and waffling , would fresh versions be even more attractive maybe even addictive to the Carp ? Genuine question .
  20. Well if you want em to last the week i'd be air drying em for at least a week , although some of that could be on the bank i spose but how much was you taking ? You dont HAVE to rehydrate them before you use em cos they will rehydrate once they hit the water and it wont take long , but a lot of people rehydrate their boilies by putting whatever you need for the day into a bucket of lake water with some added attraction such as hemp oil or something similar , the possibilities are endless and you'll get loadsa suggestions now i reckon
  21. I dont think the OP will mind . I've been looking for his Cell shelfies . As for Mainline Muft , as i've said many times , dunno what it is , cant put my finger on it , but i find it strange that they no longer seem to be offering their big sellers in shelf life . Ive had a mooch about on the net this afternoon and the Cell , Activ-8 and Grange/new Grange , Fusion etc only seem to be available in freezer form ? All their ready mades seem to be an instant high attraction type of boilie in small bags and my albeit factless suspicions are asking why ? All the other major players seem quite happy to supply shelf life equivalents and Nash , well we know whats happening there . All very strange imo
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