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Everything posted by ouchthathurt

  1. Well this session is going better than expected… the lakes flooded, it’s lashing it down and I’ve just landed a new park lake and club record… 🤯🤯🤯
  2. Rods out for an overnighter on the park lake, it’s been fishing poorly recently after missing a run on the last 2 sessions because of the little bobbins jamming in the buzzer roller, I’ve got a set of teeny tiny swingers, keeping the bobbin nicely away from the roller!
  3. What puts me off some waters is this business of having to prebook a lake and swim prior to arrival, a local complex near me that I used to hold a season ticket does this and it put me right off. I want to be able to arrive at a venue, look around the available lakes and swims and choose a spot based on fish location, weather conditions, watercraft etc, not prebook a lake & swim in advance, it might be a carp desert when I get there! they also banned leadcore but not lead free leaders, as the lead “seeps out and affects the water” so the lead in the lead core is dangerous, but the 3oz lump at the end of the rig is fine? they’ve now opened a farm shop, restaurant, fishing pods, glamping and little new age hippy shops all over the place… not my type of place at all!
  4. And to think, this is supposed to be a relaxing, leisurely pursuit!
  5. Newest purchase? Dental X-rays, £122 🙄
  6. Some awesome looking fish there lads, well done 👍
  7. Quick overnighter last night, set up in “catfish corner” at Hawkhurst main lake (swim 6) and baited the island margin with the new improved boilies I make at home, as it got dark, I had a strange twitchy run, when I struck, there was nothing there, but the lead had moved about 20ft to the left, I was holding the rod watching it kite across but the strike came up empty, still early days! Next run produced a 16lb common that flapped out of my arms and landed cleanly in the lake without a picture! Still the wonders of self timing photography! I then lost a fish when my right hand rod one noted, but it kited right around the back of a small island and slipped the hook, but you can’t win them all. I then had a savage drop back that produced an 18lb mutant common carp one only it’s mother could love! Next take was a bit odd, I had a twitchy run, one or two bleeps then nothing, when I got out to investigate , I found the clutch spinning and the bobbin jammed against the neville, preventing the roller from spinning! I struck, I could feel a weight, but it didn’t feel “attached” if that makes any sense, I ended up with my rig in the tip ring and loads of old line running into the lake - I’d picked up a trailer, so started hand lining it in, but the fish slipped the hook about 5yrds out, shame it couldn’t do that earlier rather than dragging this big ball of line and twigs about. As I was dozing off, another twitchy take developed into a one toner - I’d moved the butt eye to just in front of the buzzer, so the bobbin couldn’t jam in it again, which made all the difference, this resulted in a 16lb catfish it went through my other rod meaning a total retackle of both as it was a twisted mess of tubing, leads and catfish slime! I finally got both rods out fishing again and tried to get some sleep, it was nearly 6am by now… at 8am the left hand rod melted off, a powerful fight saw me being ran all over the lake, as the take just one noted from the off, I hoped a big carp was responsible, but another catfish was the result, going 28lb. I’m now lounging on the cocoon bedchair contemplating a wet and soggy wrap up in the rain! I’ll give it 30min I think…
  8. Well catfish corner lived up to its name
  9. quick overnighter tonight, set up in catfish corner
  10. If you go on the premier website, he’s put a notice on the home page, he’s still doing boilie making ingredients, but he’s stopped rolling bait. He says it’s time to retire. @emmcee how did you find the superaminos? I guess as you used it for 12yrs, you rated it!
  11. Just mixed up a 6 egg mix with the new ingredients, after 20yrs+ of using the premier aminos, I fancied updating it, so brought the superaminos base which is the aminos with added kelp, robin red, liver with a spicy note, I’ve finally had to retire the smoked ham flavour as I’m struggling to find a supply from a reputable manufacturer that I trust, so I got a bottle of the premier shellfish sense appeal, which is quite pungent! So 2ml of shellfish sense appeal, 2ml of original sense appeal, 15ml of salmon oil, cream palatant, robin red and six eggs have produced a lovely firm bait which a savoury, spicy aroma with a note of shellfish. They certainly smell good, they have a totally different smell to previous mixes I’ve made up, yet on the aminos base I’ve got so much faith in. I crumbled up a few baits into the garden pond and the carp went mad for it, so that’s a good start I suppose! The test will be tomorrow night when I slip out for a quick overnighter
  12. Just got 10kg of premier superaminos base mix with their shellfish sense appeals flavour
  13. Yeah they’re not cheap, I’ve still got my issued pair, wandered all over afghan in them, they’re 11yrs old and still going strong
  14. The boy just lost his first catfish at the net! 😭 but followed it up with this common
  15. My son just had a screamer, 19lb common on returning to my rods, it would appear that I’ve had a take and the line had dropped behind the roller on the buzzer so I didn’t hear a thing! The line came back shredded with an empty hook! can’t win them all I suppose
  16. Out live on the bank for an overnighter, last sesh with the boy before he goes back to school, he’s set up in “catfish corner” I’m fishing to open water. this little moggy swiped my boilie meant for a 40lb common that lives here… hopefully my boy gets one
  17. It sounds like the spod mix is having a positive effect mate, but also the confidence it instils when you’re fishing over it might also be a factor, the more confident you are the better you angle in my opinion
  18. I’m lying on my jrc cocoon right now! Still as good as new!
  19. It seemed to buddy, I actually carried it because my alternator was fubared so I’d use it to charge my phone and kindle over a 3night session then jump start the old crate at the end of the session! Needed a recharge then though… I’m sure Halfords did a red cased one that was cheaper, I can’t remember if it had a plug socket though, it did have cigarette sockets and a usb socket though
  20. I just used one of these mate https://www.halfords.com/motoring/battery-maintenance/jump-starters/halfords-6-in-1-jump-starter-power-pack-654898.html?cm_mmc=Google+PLA-_-Motoring>Motoring+Products>Battery+Maintenance>Jump+Starters-_-Motoring>Motoring+Products>Battery+Maintenance>Jump+Starters-_-654898&_$ja=tsid:|cid:17363835999|agid:|tid:|crid:|nw:x|rnd:17194195658762331538|dvc:m|adp:|mt:|loc:9045120&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIoI7xw83ggAMVGrjtCh1tCwuIEAQYAyABEgI_w_D_BwE
  21. Hot day, blazing sunshine, fishing very slow but I managed a 15lber my son also managed a low double hard work though
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