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Everything posted by zammmo

  1. What a good post, says it all really...
  2. If like me you don't fish long sessions,then pierce the boilie with a baiting needle pull some fine mono through hook a boilie stop through then tie it to your o ring. As I say ok for 18hrs or so but use as boayant a bait as you can find.
  3. What were the scores on the doors Andy?
  4. Are you sure that's Jim Shelley??? as in Jim Shelley???
  5. Tungsten tubing is good gear,your beads slide easily with a bit of pressure...
  6. Go to their web site and click on their Twitter link.
  7. P.M'd you
  8. I pride myself with usually being able to get this sort of info but this one nearly had me beat. There's an awful lot of "chatter" about this place but no contact details. Nearest I can get is this number. 01992 411205 It's a long shot but worth a try. Good luck...
  9. I have to use higher breaking strain hooklink than mainline I use mostly chod rigs (sorry Nick) and I can't tie a good chod with the same strength of line as my mainline...
  10. You can gleen loads of info off of Google Earth...
  11. zammmo


    One I would NOT recommend is Ultima Power Zig,I tried it recently and found it to be very visible.., I have tried the new dedicated zig hooks from Korda and found theses to be ok...
  12. Mmmm love thier ice-cream but I did'nt know they netted lakes
  13. gazillions mate google, "fishing in lincolnshire"
  14. Messingham Sands Scunny...
  15. Aquatels is a nice place but I did hear it could be closing...
  16. You'll have a job to top this place, Waveney Valley Lakes...
  17. Nice clean toilet is a bonus...
  18. Sorry did have the number but lost it... Not many places come up on this syn as it is very reasonable not many peep's drop out... My advice would be to find the number asap as if you don't ring fairly regularly to express an interest,you will find yourself at the bottom or even off the list... There are loads of other syn's, p.m. me if you want details...
  19. Man are you gonna be getting some P.M.s
  20. Sounds like you maybe tying your rig wrong,the line needs to be threaded through the back of the hook towards the point.Also when you do the palm test,have a bait on the hook as this gives a far better idea of wheather it is turning or not...
  21. Hi Roy, welcome to the forum...
  22. Take a look at these Wildmoor Waters in Gloucestershire... Woodland Waters Ancaster near Grantham Lincolnshire... Both have web sites...
  23. It'a like a very small salami...So my Mrs says...
  24. Getting the hang of it now, cutting line at the sharpest angle I can,leaving a longer tag end and it's going through no problems... Thanks to all for help...
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