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Everything posted by zammmo

  1. Actually it was the Angling Times I read it in, if it's in A.C. as well, it won't be too long before everyone is using it...
  2. I see the latest idea is to put an ssg weight inside the boilie, anyone tried this? what was the result?
  3. I had this problem and posted about it, most of the advice given mentioned about cutting at an angle and I found this improved matters considerably...
  4. thanks mate have u fished blackroot pool in sutton park ? No, that's no I hav'nt...
  5. No, that's no I don't know if there's any carp.Not no there is no carp...
  6. I've been there a couple of times, probably the best fishery I have been to it's got everything you could wish for... Check out their website. www.cromwelllake.com Or if you want up to the minute info ring 01636 822425
  7. You would'nt want that for a wart on the end of yer nose. Well done....
  8. Sounds like your carp fishing just move up to the next league
  9. Aaaah Sandy and Stella a marriage made in heaven...
  10. Why was I taken back to Wimledon whilst reading these post Yes the chod is a brilliant rig I use it almost exclusivly. As auntie Gok would say "lets get naked" and I do,I also use the Korda sinkers they act to weigh the chod down and add friction to stop the rig moving up the line too much. And contrary to what the mags say can be reused (large and small). You can either put them inside your beads or either side depnding on the size of the bead.I have heard say you can get away with a 2 turn grinner with a blob but I would risk this...
  11. I suppose we all have diffrent ways of looking at this, personaly speaking I start off with the rig about a foot from the lead.then during the fight the rig moves down to the lead, so much so that the korda sinker that I use ends up half way into the tail rubber.I think this stops the lead moving very much and so the fish is less likely to shed the hook.I am going to try fixing the bottom bead just to see if it makes a diffrence but I think having the lead swinging around will lose me more fish, we will see...
  12. A piece of pva foam or a small stick should sort that...
  13. I really must try harder, when I first read your post I read it as you had been to Broadlands, Sandhurst and Todber, not that they were places you were considering. In that casee I would look more closely at Broadlands...
  14. Can't do the sound of a big buzzer going off, so you will have to use your imagination. Simple rigs will never let you down, check out Daryl Peck...
  15. Been having a good search round and this place looks pretty good... www.willowparkfishery.co.uk
  16. Doh you j u s t beat me to it
  17. Glad someone remembers my Gimme the info geezer "sticky" another post that disapeared in mysterious circumstances...
  18. Not from that kneck of the woods, so not able to help. Have you tried to google "fishing in manchester"? loads of places come up...
  19. Zamm, why so light? I use a 2.5 - 3oz for most of my chods and have never had an issue. Is there some benefit to going that light? Not sure if there's any benifit, it's what I always use and I have never had an issue...
  20. Too right...
  21. Only a personal thing and agreed it would not effect hooking but with a 15mm bait I would use a size 8 hook and ensure it was sticky sharp. Also as light a lead as you can get away with, usually 1oz...
  22. Roadside near dam or farside opposite island. 18mm Mailine Cell or CCmore Meteor both with fake pop up corn. Size 10 ESP Raptor or Korda Choddy size 8. Combi, silt, or heli...
  23. Never been there but I thought 6 was supposed the speci pit?
  24. Just had a deko, it is free, you can order one off the site Just pay p+p of £1.50 or if your tight like me watch on u tube for free...
  25. Not fished there so can't help soz. Have you looked on their web site there is a lot of info on there, also they do a dvd on the place don't think it's a freebee though...
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