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Everything posted by zammmo

  1. Didnt you say that last year Jules ...The 30lb+ Carp that came out of the Nene recently was caught on a hinged stiff rig...But I reckon providing you take into consideration the type of bottom,then any simple rig will catch..The secret to success is definitely prebaiting,you are lucky you live nearby...
  2. With that amount of birds, you would need to night fish it... Have you seen fish in it? Why don't you suggest to the owners opening it up for fishing. This time next year you could be a millionare...
  3. zammmo


    In place of a knot for swivels etc for better presentation.
  4. zammmo


    Did look on ebay but couldnt see any, will look again Ta...
  5. zammmo


    Been seaching online and all the crimps I can find are single barrel, I really wanted the double barrel ones. Anyone know where I can get some...
  6. zammmo


    Thanks for your views Guys, they are stronger than knots...I would feel confident using them on stiff braided lines but not so sure about mono...I am going to give them a try... Whychwood also do crimps and crimpers...
  7. zammmo


    Anybody use them? Are you 100% confident in them?
  8. Google Essex Carp Syndicates...
  9. Google fishing in lincolnshire,you will get dozens...If theres any that you fancy PM me and I can tell you what they are like as theres not many I havnt been to...
  10. This brings back soo many memories for me,I was'nt much past the jam jar on a piece of string and net on a cane stage in my fishing career,so I'm afraid I can't help you much...It was 50 years ago after all...
  11. Is this Dobbs weir on the river Lee? First place I ever fished aged about 9
  12. This is such a coincidence..My wife bought me 2 fishing dvd's yesterday "Carp from the start" by Kevin Maddocks...It shows him using the hair on the bend on one rod and on the other a maple side hooked..He was catching loads on both rods...
  13. Yea I had a look and found 43 on one site alone, just by typing in Fishing in North Shropshire...
  14. I was watching a vid the other day DF talking to some French bloke,the hook on his rig had bits of tubing coming off the hook to disguise the shape..Could this be it?
  15. Trouble with zigs is you can really only fish in depths up to 12ft as this is the average length of a rod..There is a way round this by using an ajustable zig with a sub float..Vids of how to tie and use this rig are on utube...
  16. P.M. sent
  17. Never heard of this lake until your post I googled it..They have a web site and looks like they have some really nice fish in there..Might give it a go some time..Only downside is,it is £10 per day 7am till 5pm.
  18. Ooops meant to say "isn't it worth it when youget there":oops:
  19. Hard to belive but a substantial amount of money has been spent on repairng "the track" and isn't worth it when you get there...
  20. Hi,guy that owns it is called Elliot Symax phone number is 01733 558329..Have his mobi if you can't get any joy at that number...
  21. I think this guy is already on holiday and has left his computer at home
  22. I Googled it and there is some info on it..Including the fact it's £20 per day,I kid you not...
  23. I really despair when I read posts like this
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