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Everything posted by B B

  1. Going into work tomorrow at silly o’clock to get a job finished so hopefully have a afternoon on a small lake with mixed fishing… 🤞
  2. Kev maybe try Blue Loctite with quick release connectors like from Prologic …I had a set of heavy stainless bank sticks and buzz bars and the only way to tighten them up was using leather washers.
  3. Use a rubber o ring on the thread of the rod holder 👍
  4. So looking at this pic I could be called a Okuma fan boy got nine in total… the first reel on the left must be 20 years plus old and gets used a lot, I always try and get a couple of people fishing for the first time each year and get this small reel out with a float rod.
  5. Just had a look at a couple of vids on the Tube the 7000 looks a nice reel and of course is a little bigger and would be slightly heavier. The 6000 can easily handle the distances your after, and Iv had cats up to 22lb using it, nice clutch great line lay with the slow osculation ( which I haven’t seen mention with the 7000 ) got a 5 year guarantee and you can get them around £50 as you know, tho Iv seen them on the go out doors website for £45 last month. What ever your choice is the reels will do a good job and will outlive the both of us … and Elmo lol
  6. That’s a busy weekend… congratulations all round…I was wondering how your boy was getting on with the footy, you must be very proud of him… glad it wasn’t Man Utd 😉
  7. Theirs plenty of info on the Tube
  8. Here’s a pic of one of the best liquids can’t recommend it enough highly recommended …
  9. I haven’t seen a Inception 8000 do you mean the 8k, or the 8000 spod reel … here’s a pic of the 8k and the inc 6000
  10. Iv had whiting on a wine gum.. red was the go to colour
  11. Look at the gut on that…the pike I mean 😉 great fish 👍
  12. B B


    I was fishing Oxlease on the linear complex when another fisherman popped into my swim for a chat … 7 am 😳 this was winter time the bivvy was zipped up and I was tired having luckily had 2 fish in the early hours, I heard the tell tale crunch crunch of the gravel then a pause then a cough or two bit of a pause again then a alright mate ? then a bit of a pause then a mate you awake yet ?? I am now says I… bit of a pause again I seen your head torch on in the dark how big was your fish and get this where was your spot 😳 I gave it a extra long drawn out pause for affect and replied the fish were small and the spots went when I reached 17…then came the longest pause of all broken by the crunch crunch of the gravel and the mumblings receding into the distance.
  13. Go easy on them chocs you’ll never get out of your bag… have a good trip…sometimes just being out there is enough 👍
  14. Positive thoughts going to you and yours mate for the new year 👍
  15. Was after a rucksack had my eye on the new ESP but decided to put the Wychwood on the top of the list… can’t be staring at dpm camo and there’s almost £40 difference 😳
  16. The one on the left I would change the lead for a inline and tie the leader to a big eye swivel pulling it back into the lead then use a pva mesh attaching it to the eye of the swivel nicking the hook bait carefully in the mesh. I like the ESP pva mesh seems to have a tighter weave helps slowdown the maggots from escaping. No problem casting 22 wraps. The one on the right just put a pva nugget on around the hook… I would defo have some maggots above tbe pop ups tho … sorry for the long winded reply but the Rum is kicking in 🥃
  17. Your ad beats this one by a mile. 🤢….
  18. But what a race so exciting it had everything…almost as good as kev’s session 🤔
  19. Ian when their not in use i hang my chestys and waders up by the feet end I found if you fold them up you get a crease which over time becomes a weakness in the rubber.
  20. Had my booster jab today that’s 3 and I’m happy to have had the vaccines… but I had a decorating job cancelled for tomorrow because the couple had covid… turns out they won’t have the jab because and I quote “ well you don’t know what’s in it “
  21. Check out Carp bites on YouTube he’s made a very long diy baiting pole and has had great success with it
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