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  1. Haha
    Machali reacted to fangus15 in What’s the scariest experience you’ve had whilst carp fishing?   
    Taking the wife and only catching bream.
  2. Haha
    Machali reacted to elmoputney in What’s the scariest experience you’ve had whilst carp fishing?   
    At least you two aren't fishing on my baited spots any more 😂
    That reminds me must take my boiler suit to the dry cleaners, 👹👻
    Seriously though I think I might done a Todd in my pants and packed up too, no need for that sort of behavior at night when you are fishing 👀
  3. Thanks
    Machali reacted to yonny in Flavour of the Week - Mainline   
    I see a lot of confusion over mainlines. Guys seem to compare lines that are intended for completely different uses. There are numerous different types of lines and each have different advantages/disadvantages, and I'm only referring to mono here.... not fluoro, braid etc.....
    Pre-stretched lines:
    These are your casting lines like Fox Exocet. They obviously have very low stretch and fine diameter vs. BS and they have a super smooth finish. The result is a line that casts really well. Unfortunately the abrasion resistance is what suffers. Hence in a weedy lake you want to avoid pre-stretched lines.
    Semi-stretched lines (I made that name up, not sure what they're actually called):
    These are the latest in line tech and include Gardner GT-HD and Shimano Technium. They are pre-stretched but to a lesser extent than the casting lines. This means they cast very well but maintain other qualities (so they can sink well for example). They beat the pre-stretched lines for abrasion resistance yet still cast a long way.
    These are the more traditional mono's, the meat-and-two-veg carp lines. they include stuff like Gardner Pro and ESP Synchro. Just because they're not high tech lines doesn't mean they're not very good indeed. They'll not cast as well as the stretched lines but they are hands-down stronger, with better abrasion resistance. If weed is an issue I'd not look past this group of lines.
    Snag lines:
    Brute lines, thick with immense strength and serious abrasion resistance. You'll struggle to cast these past 100 yards without casting lessons but if there's snags about this is what you want. Stuff like Gardner HydroTuff and Rig Marole SLS Specimon Tough. 
    Now I see guys comparing lines from different categories all the time. Just the other day I saw a thread on another forum asking if GT-HD or HydrTuff was best. They cannot be compared imo - the GT-HD would be best in a lightly weeded lake requiring big chucks, but with snags or heavy weed in the water the HydroTuff wins hands down. Therefore you can only decide what is best for your angling situation. You need to look at how far you need to cast and what kind of challenges your water presents (weed, bars etc) and choose a line to suit.
    I always err on the side of caution i.e. STRENGTH. What I mean by that is I would rather be a few yards short of the carp and be in with a chance of landing them, than being able to cast on their heads but lose them all to snags/weed. I have used pre-stretched lines on French trips to huge silty waters with no weed/snags, waters where you need to cast 150, and they've been great. But there is no way I'd choose to use them on the weed choked waters I fish in the UK.
    I think a lot of guys pay to much attention to castability.
     If you need to cast 150 then fair play, go for pre-stretched lines, if you don't (and most don't), go for a proper carp line, an all-rounder or semi-stretched line at least, one that will land you everything you hook.
    So next time you see a "what's the best line?" thread we need to stop and think before we go shouting out the name of what we're currently using. What is best depends entirely on the individual and his/her angling situation. If the angling situation varies, then it is logical that the all-rounders are best (the best of which imo is Gardner Pro).
    I'm currently suing HydroTuff due to a minimum diameter rule on my syndi, which is normally very weedy. It's been great, never let me down.
  4. Like
    Machali reacted to Carpbell_ll in Books   
    I used to read a lot before the internet, now it's just when out fishing, never really read any angling books other than John Wilson and Strategic Carping by Crow and Hughes.
    Currently my book on the bank is the Godfather, much better than the film, real life  books about the New York crime syndicates are always a good read, Tom Wolfe is a good fiction writer if you like social satire.
  5. Like
    Machali reacted to yonny in Leadcore free alternative for chod rig   
    There is a school of thought that barbed hooks, once penetrated, are locked in place by the barb. Barbless on the other hand can move/slide/rotate during the fight which can lead to tearing and similar associated mouth damage.
  6. Haha
    Machali reacted to B B in How many times...?   
    I tie the line to the dogs collar then throw a stick 
  7. Haha
    Machali reacted to dayvid in Definition of Carpy   
    Im guessing the true definition of Carpy would be , what you and your camp look like after a 2 week session with no facilities , now thats Carpy ……..
  8. Like
    Machali reacted to finchey in multi rig questions   
    I've been using the multi rig for around 12 months now and I've always used a curve shank hook with it and always a bank tackle size 6, up to now I don't think I've lost a fish in all that time. I'm 100% confident in this rig I use it for bottom baits, pop ups and wafters. A massive bonus for me is that it is so quick and easy to tie. 🙂👍
  9. Like
    Machali reacted to finchey in multi rig questions   
    And forgot to mention there always hooked bang in the middle of the bottom lip. 🙂👍
  10. Like
    Machali reacted to emmcee in Coronavirus...Nooooo   
    As much as it might be a pain in the rear for some I think it's a step in the right direction.  Some people really aren't taking this thing seriously enough. People not following the advice and keeping apart by 2metres etc. The only way this virus stops by no contact.  It's going to get worse before it gets better if you ask me.
  11. Like
    Machali reacted to carpepecheur in Coronavirus...Nooooo   
    I have just returned from my first shopping experience since the lockdown started in France. I thought you guys in UK might like to know what the rest of Europe is doing and what might be coming your way.
    First, on the drive to the nearest town I did not pass a single vehicle. It felt very post apocalypse.
    In town there was a police check. I was a bit nervous because I had a sheet of paper with 6 “attestation de deplacement” (signed declaration of reason for leaving house) printed on both sides of an A4 sheet and was not sure if this would be acceptable. The idea being to sign and date a fresh one and cross out the previously used one. The first thing I noticed was that the police were not wearing masks. I guess being stopped by a heavily armed man in a mask could be seen as a bit disconcerting. I wound down my window to give him my Attestation and Carte de Sejour but was instructed to wind up the window and hold my papers against the glass so he could approach and read them. To my relief, he waved me on with a smile.
    In the pharmacy there was a table blocking entrance to the main shop. When it was my turn I had to move forward from my marked position and put the prescription on the table and step back. The pharmacist then got my prescription and placed that on the table and stepped back so I could approach and pick it up. Another customer, who had to pay for a purchase was presented with the credit card machine in a plastic bag.
    At the butchers, there was a marked line away from the counter so you could not just point at what you wanted. Your purchase was then placed on a table away from the serving area.
    In the supermarket there were hardly any trollies left. I assumed the place must be heaving but inside there were fewer people than normal. They must have taken a lot of trollies out of service to stop too many people visiting at one time. I was able to buy everything I needed. There were one or two gaps but I suspect this was just a shelf refilling problem because there were fewer staff. At the till you had to wait at your marked spot until the previous customer had left. All staff were wearing masks and disposable gloves.
    It was a sobering experience but at the same time very reassuring that EVERYBODY is taking the situation seriously.
  12. Haha
    Machali reacted to elmoputney in Coronavirus...Nooooo   
    Or at least say I need to go and use it or it will go off 
  13. Like
    Machali reacted to dayvid in Weather influence session tomorrow   
    Either Go or Dont , forget the weather , if paid to much attention to the weather id hardly fish .
  14. Like
    Machali reacted to salokcinnodrog in Spodding advice   
    You might find this thread useful:
  15. Thanks
    Machali reacted to elmoputney in Gardner Pocket Rocket Spod   
    I would try to get as close as possible, its not much fun trying to cast something too heavy or light for the rod tbh for my 3lb rods I like a 3.5oz lead, i tried a wide pva bag with a 3.5oz lead in the other day was fine for shorter distance but I wouldn't want to launch one too far, 
    If using a 3lb rod I wouldn't want to cast much more than 4oz ideally 
    I might have a look at the little avid spods today they look pretty nifty 
  16. Like
    Machali reacted to framey in Gardner Pocket Rocket Spod   
    If I used a spod rod with the small one I found it tangled.its all about the balance
  17. Like
    Machali reacted to elmoputney in Gardner Pocket Rocket Spod   
    I had that same thought earlier 😁
  18. Like
    Machali got a reaction from elmoputney in Gardner Pocket Rocket Spod   
    I usually fish in wild waters and I prefer a subtle approach during the sessions. I'll probably use a big spomb for pre-bait, and a tiny one during short sessions
  19. Like
    Machali reacted to yonny in Should I be dropping my inline leads?   
    You'll have to ditch the tail rubber if you use a leader buddy. The tail rubber won't go over the leader knot if you crack off so you could leave the kipper trailing a lead.
  20. Like
    Machali reacted to Golden Paws in Should I be dropping my inline leads?   
    I'm against dropping leads, if it's not necessary. Obviously if you're fishing a weedy water then it may be wise to err on the side of caution but not as a matter of course.
  21. Like
    Machali reacted to elmoputney in Gardner Pocket Rocket Spod   
    It's probably not a bad thing for me to go smaller though these days though, might help me feel I've put enough bait out with out overdoing it 😁
    And actually smaller Spods may better represent the pva parcel I want them to eat 👍
  22. Like
    Machali got a reaction from yonny in Gardner Pocket Rocket Spod   
    Will be my solution for now, i usually don't spod huge amounts of bait while fihsing. In a near future i'll look for a dedicated rod+reel to pre-bait campaigns.

  23. Like
    Machali got a reaction from elmoputney in Gardner Pocket Rocket Spod   
    Will be my solution for now, i usually don't spod huge amounts of bait while fihsing. In a near future i'll look for a dedicated rod+reel to pre-bait campaigns.

  24. Like
    Machali reacted to bluelabel in Gardner Pocket Rocket Spod   
    I use these too...  brill bits of kit... got mine for nowt... a mate did some development work for Bryan Houghton and got a load as freebies and he passed a few onto me... love em... loads of other styles, none better in my opinion
  25. Thanks
    Machali reacted to yonny in Gardner Pocket Rocket Spod   
    The small spomb is tiny. No problems for 3 lb TC carp rods.
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