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Showing content with the highest reputation on 18/09/24 in all areas

  1. Higham1987

    New purchases

    Love a good coffee me https://skullcrushercoffee.com/ Oooooo it's gooooood. I can do 2 brews with it, but it will be half a cup 🤣🤣
    3 points
  2. some of you guys will remember me, some not but looks like from next year i will be picking up the rods again just doing a bit of day fishing on local lake that i used to fish a long time ago, need to go through my gear whats left of it and see what im going to need to buy first up will be new mainline as the stuff on my reels is about 15 years old lol
    2 points
  3. elmoputney

    Rod Shots

    Conditions look perfect, probably shouldn't have spombed the granny out of it for a 2hr session 😬
    2 points
  4. So i dragged gear out of loft, still got a pair of rods, no brand but they cleaned up got 3 baitrunners again 2 are good one not so and that will be useful if i need any spare parts main thing i will need is a pair of cheap bite alarms and a new landing net, have ordered new line for the reels as the ESP Crystal on them is about 17 years old
    2 points
  5. ouchthathurt

    Slip D Rig

    I’ve been using slip d rigs for the last year or so, with esp claw hammer hooks and fox line aligners mate. They work well
    2 points
  6. elmoputney

    Pigeon conditioner

    They love garlic because it can help them get rid of parasites.
    2 points
  7. Blooming good job! I've said it before, it's in the blood. You might leave fishing, but fishing never leaves you.
    2 points
  8. Shame Was always superb service whenever I used them
    1 point
  9. the old Sundridge alarms cleaned up, new batteries and still work, very happy about that
    1 point
  10. framey

    Slip D Rig

    you used a line aligner 👏
    1 point
  11. kevtaylor

    Slip D Rig

    Just use a kicker mate
    1 point
  12. salokcinnodrog

    Pigeon conditioner

    If you use garlic in your pigeon conditioner, my method was crushing a clove or 2 under the flat of a knife and putting it in the water as you boil the pigeon conditioner and hemp.
    1 point
  13. salokcinnodrog

    New purchases

    Nice looking dinner that! I don't know if anyone remembers, but I did a small breakdown review of various makes of gas canisters here: I'm still of the opinion that Coleman aren't the best, but are the cheapest of the 'premium' brands. There is possibly a link to a cheap eBay supplier for boxes of 6 Coleman £27.45 carriage free. Brew up for yourself, you selfish man, 😂 I'm the same, my Bialetti Coffee maker is exactly right for 1 mug. So if I offer coffee, you must be special for me to offer you one and put it on specifically for you.
    1 point
  14. Higham1987

    New purchases

    I've not gone for normal gas, gone for a perchance gas that should last longer (apparently) I only tend to brew up for myself, I've got/had what mates call a selfish kettle that only does 1 brew 🤣🤣
    1 point
  15. elmoputney

    Rod Shots

    Went for a few hours today, nothing else to say about it really, had a sandwich and some millionaire shortbread, the morrisons garage on the way now has a Greggs just hope it doesn't get looted before I try it 😂
    1 point
  16. jh92

    Today's thought.

    I wouldn't be without my radio 🤣 I quite happily just sit there making rigs, watching the water/rods with the radio going in the background lol. This session has been a bit nuts, I've been working the spot since I got here, putting out 10 spombs after every fish (had around 18 I think) its been a lot work but very rewarding, but it's enjoyable, kind of got into a bit of a rhythm, got some music going while I bait up lol. I just wanna point out I'm not being a yobbo belting out music disturbing everyone, I'm on 90 acres of water and hundreds of yards from anyone with a small radio basically following me from the bivvy to where i bait up🤣
    1 point
  17. salokcinnodrog

    Today's thought.

    I usually have a couple of books to read when I'm fishing, The Secret Carp and Reel Time ll by Chris Yates are currently in the rucksack, along with my tablet with a couple of downloads and games. Sky gets a 2mile walk round the lake, and it's a slow walk as I combine it with fish spotting. Strange thing though, often if I see fish on the way around, then get back to my swim, I'll see fish there, so be reluctant to move. The nature here is amazing, swans, coots, ducks, muntjac and roe deer, along with owls, buzzards and red kites. I've even seen stoats and grassnakes as well as newts, frogs and toads.
    1 point
  18. cheers, Marsh Lane not too far about 8 miles but with rivers that could be anything or nothing reckon it will be fun and if i catch anything will put in on catch reports
    1 point
  19. kevtaylor

    Rod Shots

    Couple of shots from my recent 5 night blank on Swan Lake, Bluebell. A case of so near yet so far, the fish were smashing naturals in a tennis court sized area, moved to get the traps closer but chose a bad spot (felt feint gravel but the rods came back with a little silk weed on each) at ranges I shouldn't have been fishing so couldn't check the rods once in place - bad move in hindsight, thought I was being clever. 🤦‍♂️
    1 point
  20. jh92

    Rod Shots

    Back on the res for a few nights 🤙
    1 point
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