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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/07/23 in all areas

  1. I finally took a stand yesterday, booked Friday off work and will be out for a 24hr session. It'll be my first real usage of my new bivvy. I might pick up a cheap weighing tripod before I go. Looking forward to it. 😁
    3 points
  2. ...

    Tonights Spomb mix

    On Friday I'll be out about 6pm, but only doing a quick overnighter until about 10am Saturday.... Gonna use the same spod mix as last time, but abit more sloppier. Gonna throw in some Manilla Active Mix powder to slop/stodge it up... Hopefully same result as previous session, 1 on zig, 1 on deck.
    1 point
  3. elmoputney

    Tonights Spomb mix

    I would say the mix is working for me one spot was like glass primed and ready I think , the other you have to be precise to get a drop, anywhere around it is virtually floor to ceiling weed that spot got the majority today hoping to increase it slightly, but it was progressing nicely soon be ready I think, then quick scrape with the rake to improve line lay and it will be game on.
    1 point
  4. Nice one Kev. What a session, I bet you're grinning from ear to ear?? Well done fella
    1 point
  5. I've certainly got great memories from those short sessions where you just have to fish to satisfy the bug, but with the time restraints of work and a young family and travel involved it's very easy not to go. Had my first 30 on a Friday evening session after work and with a 6 year old in tow, actually saw him enter the bay with a huge bow wave heading straight for me, he sunk down before the spot and a few seconds later he was on and heading back out the bay, what a fight and what a great memory. 33.8 Two tone mirror: Then on a crazy early morning Saturday session I managed the biggest fish in the pond. It really was like being rewarded for effort and next to no sleep - pure desire and excitement making short sessions with considerable travel worthwhile - thank you carp gods! Truth is I was there at the best times to spot feeding fish or willing fish and mobile and stealthy enough to capitalise but hey give it to the gods lol Arnie: 36 mirror likely to be Italian bloodline Bit of inspiration to get you out lads 👍
    1 point
  6. elmoputney

    Tonights Spomb mix

    This is my latest batch of boat mix, hoping to drop it off tomorrow, just needs salt, garlic granules and a healthy dose of molasses to season now. I actually started baiting a spot in the weed where I had seen some fizzing last week, will be interesting to see if it's cleared at all.
    1 point
  7. This could be of interest to you
    1 point
  8. Last night Spomb mix was the silt with bloodworm and snails, a pint of maggots, a bit of molehill soil, Vitalin and boilies crushed and whole. Reckon that works!
    1 point
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