I like these mate, very sharp, straight point and quite a large gape...…. Usually a size 6 depending on bait size or weed thickness... Once you go 4's and 5's with these, the wire gauge is a lot thicker and the hook much beefier and heavier..... I know what you mean about the in turned eye being more aggressive, or even a straight eye. But unless I'm using a larger size, the gape always looks a bit closed up without the out turned eye imo…… I like the multi rig for it's simplicity to tie. But a while back started using a variation, like a combi/multi rig..... Using a stiffer section to pass through the eye, which you can play with to create different angles of aggression...….. Carlos uses a similar rig.... Here's his version if it helps..... On a side note, there's been discussions elsewhere about fish not troughing in this heat, could be that your hook pulls are down to them just not feeding hard enough, plucking at food items, maybe feeding that bit harder when a few fish are about, hence your diffierent hook holds.... Just a thought...