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What in others opinions makes a good bailiff .

I'm asking this as my club has just appointed two new bailiffs , now I don't know these people so maybe jumping the gun and possible I my self should be more open minded. The two new bailiffs one young lady and one young lad have both just turned 18 .

Any way what in your opinion make a good bailiff


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18?? Surely questionable as to their relationship to the owners & their knowledge, but you'd have to show them the respect their title deserves, I guess. just laugh at them out of earshot if they are a pair of muppets. 

A good bailiff should set out any basic rules from the off, then pretty much leave you to it. You'd expect them to pass by daily. Maintaining the venue is important imo. 

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Club waters can be good value for money. I went as a guest to a local water, a bailiff did come by each day. Some of the waters round here get poached by the 'anians. So most established waters are being vigilant. 

I fish a syndicate and an estate lake. The Syndicate I'd expect to see at least one bailiff, normally 2 every day. There is 4 lakes on the complex. 1 private hire so they tend to check all is OK there & clean toilets etc. Tackle & safety equipment is checked for the first few weeks of the new season. Been there a few years now, so pretty much left to get on with it. 

The estate lake, no bailiff to speak of. Rules are standard EA on the membership form. Only seen the odd Angler, over 5 lakes separated by river & wider systems. I could run around naked and not see a soul. It's a little bit of paradise! 

So. I could say no bailiff at all works for me! 

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1 minute ago, yonny said:

I don't think age or gender have any bearing on what makes a good bailiff.

A good bailiff knows the rules, enforces the rules, helps others, doesn't abuse their position, and has excellent communication skills. That's about it imo.

I agree to a point , but I do wonder how 'diplomatic ' an 18 year old can be when they may have to offer advice and wonder how their advice on the rules will be viewed by some members . Maybe the club has been very lucky and just so happen to have found two bailiffs that have just turned 18 that meet their criteria time will tell I suppose.

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2 minutes ago, yonny said:

Their biggest challenge will be convincing the likes of you to accept their authority buddy!!!!😂

Wow calm down mate , is there really any need for that  ???  None of what I have said is argumentative please don't derail the thread .  

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51 minutes ago, yonny said:

I don't think age or gender have any bearing on what makes a good bailiff.

A good bailiff knows the rules, enforces the rules, helps others, doesn't abuse their position, and has excellent communication skills. That's about it imo.

The local water i have joined..is a 1st time ever for a bailiff...used to be an open access...but the owner of the on site ice cream parlour has bought the 2 lakes and also bailifs...the lad (24) who is bailiffing at night (every) is a lad who used to fish it years back on a regular basis and knows the 2 waters and people inside out...also us members when fishing look over the waters and we all have Membership cards if we get asked why we doing it...

Edited by Highy
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3 hours ago, oscsha said:

What in others opinions makes a good bailiff .

I'm asking this as my club has just appointed two new bailiffs , now I don't know these people so maybe jumping the gun and possible I my self should be more open minded. The two new bailiffs one young lady and one young lad have both just turned 18 .

Any way what in your opinion make a good bailiff


Different things on different waters.

I used to bailiff a fishery, although I would not want to say I was a good or bad bailiff, although I know I upset some people as I was very strict on dangerous fishing, litter in the swim. To be honest those were the only things I kicked off or banned anglers for.


The bailiffs on the Lea Valley waters I fish will if time allows stop and chat, drink your tea, have a chin wag. Of the anglers on the lake, I haven't seen one pulling any sneakies, they mostly clean up etc, so the bailiffs to them are polite, rude and in tune. To the poachers, be they Eastern Europeans or whatever,mthey give short thrift.


My local club water, which I no longer fish, I had a run in with a bailiff when there was no-one else on the lake. I was fishing water directly in front of me, but was also accessible from another swim. He didn't like my fishing that feature and got quite rude. If anyone else had turned up, I would quite happily have reeled in. However this particular bailiff didn't care about his mates drinking to excess, being loud or fishing past the end of the island etc, so I complained about him to the club.



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Unfortunately the baliff on my club water is a miserable old git who likes to chuck his weight around because he's 'got a badge'. Didn't like it though when I reported him to the Committee for breaking the rules he was supposed to uphold! So to put it on head a bit, the baliff's I hate are the one's who think that they are there to impose themselves when most people want want a quiet relaxing day's fishing. He's also pretty rude, "Ticket?" is his standard greeting.  To be fair, most of the others I've met have been courteous and polite and engage in a bit of small talk and they are off on their way with minimal fuss.

On another day ticket water I fished (once!) they employed 2 young idiots who thought they were in the Sweeny. They used to screech up in the car park and one would go one way and the other the opposite which was pretty comical, I never returned as I just don't need that kind of aggravation.

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