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Bayswater Essex


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Meh.... Still nothing! Good to meet Spr though, quite embarrassing when talking bite alarms I found I forgot to turn mine on! No wonder I never catch anything. Oh and I discovered I was fishing in the right spot... But only after moving swims as my nephew arrived!! Rods out and put in new swim, walked back to get the rest of my gear to see a carp stick it's head out exactly where I just had my bait, argh!!! Oh well I can't wait until summer !

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Oh dear , oh dear , oh dear ! , it sounds as though Spr came along too late to put you straight about your bite alarms - you could have had a bite while you were sleeping dude ! .


On the positive side you seem to have worked out how to locate the Carp , and they are feeding on your bait ( ? ) .


Just stay awake next time , or turn your bite alarms on ! .



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Ha ha! Thankfully it was after I had been asleep it got turned off, and no wasn't feeding on my boat as was only on single hookbait in that particular area. Was fascinating to check the weed I dragged back in from that area as I found what I assume was a baby swan muscle not even an inch long but very definitely alive and well. Also good to note the carp was only a few meters from where I saw one cruising when I first arrived. So think I'm beginning to work out a possible patrol route to and from a feeding spot :)

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Ah , so is it your plan to intercept the Carp on their patrol route with a single ( pop up ? ) boilie Neal ? .


Did you take  Yonnys' advice and check out what you were fishing over , or was the weed and Swan attached to your cage feeder when you reeled in ? .


It all sounds positive .

Hopefully where there's 1 Swan Mussel there's more and as Nick and others  have said if you find a natural larder  fish next to it .



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Really I'm just trying to get an idea of the place, I did find out more of that particular area, noting a clear spot near the place that had weed and the muscle, this was a miss cast that brought on the weed.


Yes followed Yonnys advice and had a lead about on another area, found what I think was much thicker weed near a clearer area so will keep a note of that. :)

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Wrong club lads , wrong club ! .


Regroup and have another go , you're sooo close .


Go Neal and Spr ! .



I think Neal is just happy he's not alone in the club now [emoji23] a possible revisit in a couple of weeks time on the cards got some new tricks up my sleeve to try as well [emoji16] Edited by spr1985
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  • 3 weeks later...

Well no black eye! No five course meal and of course no fat carp [emoji30] [emoji30] [emoji33] [emoji31][emoji37] [emoji33] [emoji12] [emoji31] [emoji30] I now officially have serious concerns with my ability to catch, a chap turned up in the swim to my right and proceeded to land a 22lber within 30mins of casting in and I then found out the chap I'm the swim to my left caught a new lake record of 41lb!! Arrrrrrrrrgh!!!!!! I see golf in my near future [emoji30] [emoji30] [emoji30] really not sure what I'm doing wrong. Might be the fish want more bait, I was only using small bags, where as those near me put a few boilies out (?) Oh yes I even set a float rod up and not even a twitch on one grain of corn!! On a brighter note it was a blooming lovely day and my new light weight chair is genuinely the most comfortable fishing chair I've used...


I've now got to decide if I stick at b-water or go for a confidence boost session elsewhere...


Anyway I am nursing my battered ego with a lovely healthy maccy d's! Until next time

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Don't give up mate! You persuaded me to give it a shot so you can't bail now [emoji33] (is that enough of a guilt trip to persuade you) I'm sure it will be worth it eventually, what swim did you fish? Have you done anymore leading about? Enjoy ya Maccy d's!


I'm heading there for an over nighter on Friday hopefully so will report in if anything happens

Edited by spr1985
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I wish you the best spr, fished the shallows, no leading or markering, but I found some good spots, I'll pm you rather than give it away on here !!

Yeah really there is no chance I'll give it up, it is funny as the place is exactly what I don't like in fishery; busy, immature, no opportunity for stalking, but I blooming love the place it has got me and I've got to crack it! The fish i saw caught today was a lovely mirror, dark browns and yellows, so when I do get one it'll be worth it

Edited by nealjt
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Hi Neal hope you achieved mission impossible with no barking, glad to hear your not going to give up! I saw the 41lb beast on Instagram... Lovely looking fish! and looking forward to netting one myself :) and yes a joint session would be great.... I'm sure we can figure something out and my holiday allowance has reset now which would make it a bit easier providing I have at least a weeks notice [emoji16]

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