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What sort of lead set ups are people using, inline or clips ? Fixed, semi fixed or free running ?


Also why do you use your chosen method ?

i really hope NO ONE is using fixed leads these days.

running for most of my fishing but sometimes clips


I use a sort of semi fixed inline running rig, something ive played around with, and which probably already exists, i came up with when playing around with a few bits and bobs. But basicaly i use an inline lead, and put a tail rubber over the swivel which connects to the hooklink, then i simply pull the lead onto the tail rubber (inner of lead is removed) very lightly. This gives it sort of a bolt rig effect, just so it pulls that hook into the bottom lip, but once a carp shakes its head a couple of time, the lead comes back off the tail rubber, which now makes it free running, making it 100% and alot harder for the carp to get the hook out of its mouth.


Hope that may help?



Running rigs where possible and helicopters for distance and chods



ive never used running rigs for carp,what situation would you normally use them in as you say where possible :D
Running rigs where possible and helicopters for distance and chods



ive never used running rigs for carp,what situation would you normally use them in as you say where possible :D


I use running rigs with light leads for all of my lake fishing and I use the same set-up, but with heavy leads, for river fishing.

The "boltrigsemifixedleadclip" system came about from the myth that it needs a heavy lead to hook the fish.

I use lead clips that gives you the choice of making it a running lead just by removing the little stop.


My own personal opinion of that set up is that it is dangerous. I feel that the hole in the top of the tail rubber is far too small and will jam up on the slightest piece of detritus or even blanket weed. Having lost fish because of flying back leads jammed with blanket weed [and they meant to slide] I can't see how the lead-clip and tail rubber can slide safely.


no because i snip the end of the tail rubber to make it bigger so that even the silicone tubing can fall out. plus my back leads all have very big eye holes so it would cause a problem. i make all my rigs as safe as i possibly can.


Recently started fishing with mostly semi fixed leads,I just push a tail rubber over my swivel then push the lead over the tail rubber.There is enough friction to have a bolt effect and then the lead just slides up the line...


i often stick a big buffer bead between the swivel and inline while fishing in weed.love me running style,but less chance of snagging with the inline unlike the pendant.


yeah i use them,makes changing the lead easy as well :D ...its more the fact its streamlined and collects less weed, the bead stops any sort of bolt effect giving a quicker indication.....not as much as pedant,which is my preferred method.

Recently started fishing with mostly semi fixed leads,I just push a tail rubber over my swivel then push the lead over the tail rubber.There is enough friction to have a bolt effect and then the lead just slides up the line...


Same as me mate, after playing around the other day at home, I came up with that, so I tried it one morning before work last week and had 5 carp, worked great.


For me its either running or heli rigs and both are done just using the main line, no leaders for me (LeadCore or anything else). Just a John Roberts clip. Also going against the trend I don't use rigs that drop lead weights all over the lake either and never had any broblems doing it that way either.




I use lead clips regularly, but I would like to think I know how to use them without causing issue.


I bought a few packs of the fox safety run beads, really like them. The lead pops off easily, enough resistance to get a bolt effect. Just need a lead or ring system that works better with them and they would be perfect. One like the old enterprise run rig that they stopped making.

  • 1 month later...
i often stick a big buffer bead between the swivel and inline while fishing in weed.love me running style,but less chance of snagging with the inline unlike the pendant.


Almost always do the same unless fishing to known snags.




90% of my fishing I use running rig's, mostly using pendant style leads but occasionally I'll use in line.


More often that not though if I'm using an in line lead its a semi-fixed set up, using a tulip bead over the swivel then the lead connected to that with a bit of tubing, pushed on gently to allow the lead to slide off the line if I break off.


I always use a hooklink of a lesser breaking strain than my mainline by at lease 1lb, so if I break off, 99% of the time I break the hooklink and not my mainline anyway.


I don't see many people using tulip beads any more, it seems all about the lead clips etc. why is that? are the lead clips really that much safer? I've never used them but have never had too, if it aint broke, don't fix it and the tulip beads work well for me.

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