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Everything posted by InteraX

  1. I have bought my license and have an email proving that. If I am fishing without my phone (it's a chance to get away from modern life) and have not recieved a physical license (you are not legally required to carry it when fishing) how would I prove to you I have a license. That's a bit unfair. A fishing license is like a driving license. I don't have to show you my driving license to buy a car or if you stop me on the road. Even if I was parking in a car park that you own, you wouldn't be entitled to see my driving license, so why are you entitled to see my fishing license? Whilst I have a fishing license, if anyone other than the EA or a person in authority (police or similar) asked me for it, I would respectfully refuse to show it. Your license does not entitle you to act on the EAs behalf. There are too many people who think they are entitled to check on things that are beyond their remit.
  2. Hi guys, I've got a Fox Bolt Bubble (medium). What sort of rod would you pair it with? My main rods are 2.75lb through action, but I am concerned they would be a bit stiff. I'm not looking to get to the other side of the lake, just the other side of the feeding fish which will probably be at catapult range. Thanks.
  3. My RM Toaster (original XL) got put on the hob at home with the utensils still inside. As you can imagine, the toaster is now toast and even if you could clean it, I want to replace it anyway. I'm going to get the XL, but which type would you go for now if you had the choice? The physical clip look like it would keep the 2 halves together better with large items, but if you have a connect do you find the 2 halves popping apart a problem?
  4. I use the Bob Roberts luminous butt grips and have for years. For around £3 each you can't get better value. My rods lock in there nicely. They may be cheap and cheerful, but they do the job and seem to last. Admittedly, I'm not fishing rainbow lakes and I'm using a bait runner, so my takes don't require some form of concrete foundation, however I'm not out there in freezing conditions that may affect the rubber.
  5. Happy new year to you too. Unfortunately, my personal opinion of Thorpe Lea is not positive. Firstly, there was a KHV outbreak back in 2016. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/koi-herpesvirus-disease-outbreak-confirmed-in-surrey Personally, I won't go to anywhere I know has had KHV. It looks like the FHI have lifted the restrictions they had in place. Secondly, it can be a bit of a scrum to get a swim at opening time. Thirdly, you have to choose your swim when you arrive and it's marked off on a board at the entrance. If you go for a walk around, you could miss out on your favoured swim. It's probably less of an issue at this time of year. Finally, back when I did try this place, fish were falling off my hooks all the time due to poor mouth condition. It is a commercial runs water and attracts the casual and less than attentive crowd. I'm sure there are other places around that are better if you want a bend in your rod.
  6. I've been to otter falls in Devon the past 2 years. They've got lakeside lodges, a swimming pool and an on-site bar serving food. The only real limits are no night fishing and supposedly no alarms, but they let me use mine on silent. The fish run up to around 20lb and average about 10lb. There's also a place in Somerset with a private lake for a mobile home. I saw it featured on YouTube by cooking and carping and Alain Blair. Can't remember the name, but looks pretty good.
  7. Hi guys, Has anyone had any experience with these bivvys? I currently have an old trakker brolly system which is ok, but I want something a bit bigger with more hearoom.
  8. Hi guys. One of the side plates on one of my Shimano reels has fallen off. It's not broken, it's only glued on so I need to glue it back on. I was planning on using some isopropyl alcohol to clean the surfaces and then some 2 part epoxy glue to stick it back down. Does this sound like a good plan or are there better products for this?
  9. Try using an isobutene gas for winter. It should be good down to -10 whereas normal butane is only good down to 0. I think Jetboil gas is made using isobutene.
  10. If I was a fishery owner, I wouldn't want the additional hassle of having to challenge and check everyone entering my fishery. I would be running a business, not acting as a policeman. If it was put into law, then that would be something they would then have to police, but whilst it is not an obligation, why should they enforce checks. Buying a ticket to fish is not like purchasing alcohol. Do you need to show a car salesman your driving license to buy a car? It's the same situation. If they start acting as an enforcer without the legal obligation to do so, there are unfortunately a minority who will start making threats. The EA are a non-profit QUANGO, partly funded by DEFRA.
  11. Hi guys. Has anyone ever fished Otter Falls near Honiton? We'reoff there in a few weeks and was hoping someone could give me some advance info. They've got s stretch of the river otter with some brown trout in it, so I may even try chucking some fluff. Thanks.
  12. I've never fished there, but have had a look around. From what I've heard, it's very deep with very steep slopes. As it's an old flooded quarry, there isn't much in the way of margins. There was a small group of fish cruising around when I went, but it was only a handful however they looked to be a decent size. The main reason I haven't been back is because of the bike trials. When I go fishing, I'm not keen on the noise from bikes surrounding me for several hours a day. I want peace and quiet. The bike trials are scheduled 10am the 2pm Saturday and Sunday except when there's a meet on. I think I heard that Terry Hearn cut his teeth here when he was a lad.
  13. I have some of this. I've yet to try it out, but looks to be a good idea in places where they are a nuisance. Has anyone got any experience with it?
  14. Unfortunately that doesn't show enough info. I have an old Micron MX which I have taken apart to show you what I need to see. In the below photos, there is a green board with the electronics. I would need to see a pic of that for your alarm. It looks like in manufacturing, they've covered the board in hot melt glue for waterproofing, which may complicate things.
  15. That sounds like you have a customised set of heads. It's not standard that I'm aware of. Inside the head should be a microcontroller that runs the alarm and sends the correct signal to the receiver. It is possible that Fox left some form of external switch on the PCB to set the LED channel, but I suspect it's a soft setting in the microcontroller. Do you still have the faulty alarm? If so, can you take it apart and take some photos of the PCB inside that should help us tell.
  16. Quote from the manual: The receiver will automatically distinguish the difference between a Red, Yellow, Green or Blue head. If you choose to use more than one bite alarm with the same colour LED, only that colour LED will illuminate on the receiver.
  17. The colour of the alarm sets the colour shown on the reciever. That can't be changed.
  18. The manual is available online at https://www.foxint.com/home/support/product-manuals/, direct link http://foxcdn.blob.core.windows.net/fox-media/20410/rx_reciever.pdf There are some dip switches to change the channel. They're in the battery compartment.
  19. If you're not bothered about remote/reciever, Delkim are doing their standard plus as a 25th anniversary special for £70 each right now. You may be able to get a deal on those.
  20. Toolstation look to have a similar battery, but without a specific make/model, i cant tell. http://www.toolstation.com/shop/Electrical/d190/Batteries/sd2450/Sealed+Lead+Acid+Battery/p94217 Also, if the boat runs at and charges at 12V then the batteries will be being run in series and it could just be 1 battery that's dud, but you can't really tell without checking voltages etc. on each battery individually.
  21. Hi guys, What are your opinions on how long flourocarbon can last when looked after? If kept in a dark place (cupboard/tackle bag) inside a house or on the bank and never exposed to extremes of temperature how frequently would you replace it?
  22. I've been doing some reading on lead acid batteries. Brom what I've read, they are usually designed to be kept between 70% and 100% charged. Going below this will damage them and reduce their life. There are some, designed for use in electrical trick wheelchairs/mobility scooters that can handle deep discharge, but they are a lot heavier. Lead acid batteries loose up to 5% charge per month in storage. Over 6 months that could be 30% and if put away without full charge can cause a number of issues, including degradation of the plates in the battery which is irreversible. Unfortunately, it sounds like you will need new batteries. What are the current battery make & model numbers? If you want some insights on th e inner workings do a search for battery university or lead acid battery conditioning charge. Lead batteries can't be condition charged like ni-cd batteries but will give you some info on how to keep them in top condition whilst in storage and expected life span/charge cycles and charging. Sounds like they are pretty needy in terms of care.
  23. If you're going for a gas stove, a couple of pieces of advice. Firstly make sure it has a pre-heat tube. This passes the gas through the stove flame before sending it through the stove head. Makes the stove burn hotter. Secondly, use Jetboil fuel. This works down to much lower temperatures than most other fuels. I won't bore you with the reasoning, but on a cold night most basic fuel cans will stop working, even when there's loads of gas left in there. If it was still available, i would recommend the Advanta Power Stove (http://www.anglingdirect.co.uk/advanta-power-stove) but it seems to be discontinued. It was a rebranded fire maple stove. Nice hot flame and really quick to boil. With a quick look around, i would probably go for this one now. Has piezoelectric ignition built in as well. It's a bit more expensive, but should last you years. http://www.anglingdirect.co.uk/advanta-discovery-csx-supernova-stove
  24. Makes me wonder what the plus net swim would be like. Random line breakages and occasionally being kicked out for no reason. Damn autocorrect. Thanks. I've found a few map online and an article from Carpology that seem to have some good info. Looking forward to the visit.
  25. Hi all, In a few weeks I'll be down at my folks for a couple of days and was hoping to try out Broadbands for a day. Has anyone had any recent experience of the place? Are there any good areas? What's the lake bed like? Are there any good baits or baiting strategies that would work better than others? I've read a few people mention 'carp alley's. Which part of the lake is this? Is it the north side of the island?
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