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ianfrog last won the day on June 30 2017

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  1. I know a chap in Bedfordshire who is a member ! Quite a lot of game only waters and I seem to think he had to wait a while for full membership. Some stunning places and well worth a look. Cheers Ian
  2. Commonly as the year draws to a close I would love to hear how things are going down there, in particular that valley? Cheers Ian
  3. Funny as my Aqua bivvy broke an elastic soon after I bought it ! When I phoned them they said they would keep my details and get in touch when the relevant person got back from holiday! Well 2 years on and I have given up on that one and the bivvy still works fine. Elastic would have been nice but customer service on something so expensive would have been ideal! Cheers Ian
  4. Waits patiently on the sidelines not expecting much from a company that has grown large ! Please forgive the cynicism but if they are aware of it they should have been all over it before we the great unwashed had even noticed, its their logo after all. Cheers Ian
  5. My initial thought is cock up but if they aren't that bothered then I will boycott till I see them jumping up and down and demanding the heads of the people who doctored the picture. Till then I aint buying there stuff and I hope others feel the same way? Is there any momentum for a boycott campaign from those that use facefarce? Cheers Ian
  6. Cyborx if you get a reply would you post it here please. I am fascinated to see what they say and if it`s not a fake I too will be boycotting their products. Cheers Ian
  7. Hi Commonly I am glad you appear to have fallen in love with the place as much as I did all those years ago. Whilst I was down visiting an old friend now retired (strewth we used to go drinking and womanising together ) I was wondering if anyone fishes the Bay Pond in godstone or the chain of lakes behind the church that run down to a mill house near Fairalls yard ? Waters were part of Godstone angling club back in the 70`s but the club seems defunct now (Shame !) Happy days lol
  8. Interesting idea Cyborx Wonder how many of the others up for it? Large van hire split between us may reduce costs as well and mean bait can be taken easily. Cheers Ian
  9. Fantastic bits of kit wouldn't be without it and can personally say the two biggest carp I have ever caught in the UK were because the pole got me into the exact spot with a little bit of free samples and rig with little or no disturbance ! Cheers Ian
  10. I bought the shimano one and cant fault it ! Cheers Ian
  11. Hee Hee couldn't resist !
  12. I look forward to hearing what you think ! I don't think you will ever break any records there but it is a truly beautiful place ! By the way my first 20lb pike and some great still water chub were resident in my day ! Cheers Ian
  13. Unfortunately I moved away from that area long ago (1987 to be precise) Weirwood wasn't open to us scruffy coarse fishing types back then. Pipinford is on the main road from East Grinstead going towards the coast, look for the sign for Chelwood Vachery on the right and pull into the layby on the left (all information given liable to be out of date !) 6 or 7 lakes at the bottom of a valley try looking it up on the web ! Absolutely cracking place and the first place I ever shared with a red deer coming down for a drink, also squaddies with thunder flashes in the middle of the night lol. If you find it and go down let me know what you think. Cheers Ian
  14. Hee Hee That sounds right I remember saying to my then partner in crime it was a bit like Stepford wives lol. Did you ever get to Pipingford park back in the day when it was day ticket? Possibly an old git thing but what a beautiful place and still the one that I dream of ! Cheers Ian
  15. Wow if that's the temple lake that could be very interesting. We tried a few times back in the day but unfortunately we were refused entry and then when we decided to guest it we got caught. Twice lol. Cheers Ian
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