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Everything posted by cyborx

  1. well well, NOW who is running down baits that he knows naff all about? solar knock off? your showing your ignorance there buddy, the same team are making cherry's baits as were when they were 'partnered' with solar, the break up was all about the mark up that solar wanted to add and that you can take to the bank, i did quite an in depth look as to the why's and whatfor's for over 12 months before taking a leap of faith. as to the second bit of your statement, and "quoting out of context", i have made precisely two posts (not counting this one) and in neither one did i mention "getting heated", dont start out playing by your own rulebook cos "here be dragons" as they say i know your not CM cos your not in the same league but i would lay bets on you being a reincarnation of 'the carphauler' though.
  2. wouldnt let a little thing like that bother you bud, thats just chilly being chilly are you a Sticky rep, or one of their bait testers maybe? cos your sure defensive of them and it makes me wonder why. have i missed a trick? was there something that i was doing wrong when i use Manilla? i await the response with baited breath..... see wot i did there?
  3. my opinion is that Cell and sticky manilla are both absolute cack, i used them both for over a season and my catch rate went right down. but that coming from someone who is only bothered what a bait will do and not what a bait contains so dont jump down my throat eh!! IMO cherrycarp baits are doing the thing at the mo so are the number one bait for me
  4. if you can enjoy blanking then yes i was bud, fishing zigs on both rods and i snag a Jack pike while reeling in
  5. Woke up to this view early hours, 😁
  6. Loaded up and half hour to the lake 😉
  7. shame, i was getting into this topic, for what its worth i use both forceps and fingers. fingers to roll out a hook that is nicely in the lips and forceps for that rogue hook that gets taken a little to far back to get a thumb and finger on comfortably. there is a genuine reason for both (imo) and a time for both to come into their own. some people just wont be told tho, fyi my EXCLUSIVE venue does not insist on the use of forceps but waders? yes, for a good reason tho i would say that some of the more ridiculous rules come about thru personal preference of the more influential committee members playing God
  8. they say that 7" makes you feel like a maaan!! i think 'they' are wrong
  9. and that is true of a lot of lakes bud, we have a rule on my syndi, waders are a required piece of equipment!!! waders must be used when landing and returning fish, aprox 50% of the swims are a 2ft or more drop of the boards and a large portion of those the water is 3ft or more deep,,,,, lifting a carp in the sling would obviate the use of some very productive swims for me.
  10. hmm, tight fitting socks will slow down your circulation thereby depriving your feet of warm blood, defeets the object methinks
  11. ha!! couple of years? fish of a lifetime for most anglers Bud
  12. nice one Nick
  13. strong feelings Danny
  14. i have had both these and some by Thinsulate that were excellent and lasted for ages.
  15. from my personal POV the hate mostly comes from the absurd pricing structure, yes i realize about R&D costs, yes i am aware of marketing costs and yes i am aware about mark ups from manufacturer to shop but still. take hooks, nash and korda among others average price per hook of most styles £0.50p yet i can buy a comparable hook (often from the same manufacturer) for less at £0.30p. baits that are equally as good (if not better) for £s per kilo less. swivels, leaders and all other terminal tackle for as little as half price in most instances BUT they have not got the big name attached and that is where the carp snobbery kicks in, snobbery that is promulgated and widely encouraged by the big names, and that to me makes them no better than the street corner drug peddlers.
  16. going to be concentrating on my zig presentation more on the lead up to winter,,, maggots on a zig anyone?
  17. you been talking to er in doors Dave??
  18. - shorts and a tee, Adrenalin will keep you warm
  19. chuck the receiver in the lake and turn the alarms up to the max
  20. Y'know i never thought of that not been a member for a couple of years now tho
  21. i bet if you worked out the replacement price of that lot it would come to more than double the £1500 he's asking. poor little rich boi
  22. as a follow on to a recent thread by BC 'beginning of a decline' i spotted this on a media platform that i frequent (mods please note that i am not advertising this for sale). NOT SELLING AS A JOB LOT !!! NASH ABBREVIATED 6FT 3LBS X2 £150 NASH BLACK OPS NET £100 NASH SAWN OFF TIP TOPS X2 £10 NASH BLACK OPS SLEEP SYSTEM £180 NASH BLACK OPS BROLLY £80 NASH BLACK OPS CHAIR £65 NASH BLACK OPS RUCKSACK £50 NASH BLACK OPS FLAT MAT £30 NASH BLACK OPS 6FT DOUBLE BAG £30 NASH BLACK OPS RETAINER SYSTEM £15 NASH BLACK OPS WATER BUCKET £5 KORDA SAFES FULL TACKLE /RIGS £110 KORDA STOW BOBBINS ISOTOPES CASE £45 KORDA REUBEN SCALES AND BAR £50 KORDA COMPAC X4 £40 NASH R3 X2 GREEN £100 FOX BLACK LABLE COMPACT POD £100 SHIMANO ULTEGRA 5500 XTD X2 £140 END TACKLE JOB LOT £45 BAIT JOB LOT £65 KORDA TOWEL KORDA CATAPULT £15 NASH CYBER SHOT THWOINGSTICK £25 I will add more to the list once I've sorted through it. comment or pm me for any info Most items have only been used once 😱 😱 😱 looks like someone fell for the hype then realized his xbox was more appealing
  23. tried it but they do a circuit first, im sure they are on the look out for floating line
  24. a lake i used to fish had a group of grass carp that would always be seen together, two fairly large and two or sometimes three smaller/younger fish. the two larger carp would herd the others toward the floaters and as soon as one got hooked they would hoover up what was left. this was witnessed by me and others for at least two seasons and there was no record of the two biggies ever being on the bank? strange that.
  25. as the doc for Omeprozole bud, kills acid reflux dead, at one time i only had to smell onion in cooking and i was in agony but since getting on these i have been free from reflux for years.
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