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    crusian reacted to Carpbell3 in Jealousy in carp fishing! Seriously is it this bad ?   
    Mate still reading the tread but I couldn't agree more, personally I find the pettiness funny and will wide people up.
    It's a hobby for me if I ever felt serious about angling I wouldn't do it, when you are not in tune with the Korda/Nash mindset you will be looked upon as a new comer to angling that is a danger to the stock, I had to buy some green fishing brand clothing on one water just to look the part, I would of thought working my way through the stars of the lake and putting them back unharmed with minimal tackle and a very casual approach would be fine.
  2. Like
    crusian reacted to B B in Tench   
    The syndicate carp lake anglers have been keeping any Tench they catch and transferring them to  the two course lakes must have had around 15 to 5 lb ish put in there so far. 
    I used a 10ft feeder rod 8lb main line and 6lb hook length in the summer months go up to 8lb  12-14 hook this handles the carp which average 8-10 lb ok but had them to 14lb 
    Occasionally I put a second rod out which is a 8ft spinning rod almost like a fly rod action which can handle the carp to, use that with a half oz bomb…. Not much weed at the lakes and so much fun.
    My pb tench is 7lb ish but that was on carp gear had it at the carp society horseshoe lake a male fish.
  3. Like
    crusian reacted to salokcinnodrog in The Green Party   
    This is where my point exactly comes to pass.
    The DWP cannot afford to be giving funds to Albanians, to Romanians, Nigerians, and pick any number of nations who are leaving their own countries because in Britain they can get benefits for doing nothing.
    Why should we fund and pay for criminal lifestyles? Which is happening!
    In Ipswich as a Loss Prevention officer, the majority of my cases were Romanian shoplifters, who did it for a living.
    In London, Nigerians were credit card fraud, Albanian drug dealers and various Eastern Europeans and all getting benefits, more than I live on now as disabled!
    Britain's political system is broken, it needs reform, but that is reform with no political parties.
  4. Like
    crusian reacted to salokcinnodrog in The Green Party   
    I'm not offended, but I'm offended by our leaders.
    George Bush and Tony Blair wanted to be remembered as great leaders, instead they created ISIS, and a series of failed states. Iraq and Iran have gone to hell in a handbasket,  Syria, Afghanistan, all from going back into Iraq.
    Thing is we can call fascism for being on the right, but equally we have our Karen's and woke brigade calling fascism just for disagreeing. At some point we do need to stop incoming boats, that is not fascism.
    Not all of these refugees are refugees, some are economic migrants.
    This may be worth a read, long winded I know:
    I bought a bird feeder. I hung it
    on my back porch and filled it
    with seed. What a beauty of
    a bird feeder it was, as I filled it lovingly with seed.
    Within a week we had hundreds of birds
    taking advantage of the
    continuous flow of free and
    easily accessible food.
    But then the birds started
    building nests in the boards
    of the patio, above the table,
    and next to the barbecue. 
    Then came the stinky winky. It was
    everywhere: on the patio tile,
    the chairs, the table ...
    Then some of the birds
    turned mean. They would
    dive bomb me and try to
    peck me even though I had
    fed them out of my own
    And others birds were
    boisterous and loud. They
    sat on the feeder and
    squawked and screamed at
    all hours of the day and night
    and demanded that I fill it
    when it got low on food.
    After a while, I couldn't even
    sit on my own back porch
    anymore. So I took down the
    bird feeder and in three days
    the birds were gone. I cleaned
    up their mess and took down
    the many nests they had built
    all over the patio.
    Soon, the back yard was like
    it used to be ..... quiet, serene.... and no one demanding their
    rights to a free meal.
    Now let's see......
    Our government gives out
    free food, subsidized housing,
    free medical care and free
    education, and allows anyone
    born here to be an automatic
    Then the illegals came by the
    tens of thousands. Suddenly
    our taxes went up to pay for
    free services; small apartments are housing 5 families; you have to wait 6 hours to be seen by an a&e doctor; Your child's class is behind other schools because over half the class doesn't speak English.
    Corn Flakes now come in a
    bilingual box; I have to
    'press one ' to hear my bank
    talk to me in English, and
    people waving flags other
    than ”ours” are squawking and screaming in the streets, demanding more rights and free liberties.
    Just my opinion, but maybe
    it's time for the government
    to take down the bird feeder. 🤷🤷
    I'm going back to them.
    I do as little supermarket shopping as I can, I buy my meat and veg from local stores, loose.
  5. Haha
    crusian got a reaction from framey in The Green Party   
    That all makes me younger than you , Framey , but not by much ! .
  6. Haha
    crusian reacted to framey in The Green Party   
    Our reliance on cheap foreign goods and the instant culture has a lot to answer for.
    Im old enough to remember 
    satsumas just at Christmas 
    nuts just at christmas
    Paper bags 
    recycling pop bottles 
    loose fruit and veg 
    walking to the shops to do the weekly shop with my mum.
    better not
  7. Like
    crusian reacted to salokcinnodrog in The Green Party   
    This is my exact problem with politics and political parties.
    The Conservatives and Labour are the different sides of the same coin, one or the other will get in.
    The Liberal Democrats are further right than the Conservatives.
    Then we have our minor parties or groups, The Greens etc, which as @Golden Paws has pointed out do not always talk common sense.
    I have absolutely nothing against being green; I try to do my bit reducing personal plastic use,  recycling, I'm reporting sewage, litter picking, not using my vehicle etc, but I do also (think I) understand industry and economy.
    You cannot import everything from abroad 'selling' the pollution elsewhere, the ships bringing containers, the farm produce. You need an industry to pay for it, to manufacture to farm for yourself. 
    Far too many nature loving greenies and Karen's live in towns and are divorced from nature, reality and economy. The only animals they see are urban foxes and whatever they see on YouTube and Netflix.
    They don't see the real farmer, the real factory sweatshop in China, the cost of transport round the globe or realise that Just Stop Oil equates to more need on animal products. Where does polyester or nylon for clothing come from?
    Somebody joked a while back think @elmoputney that I should be voting Reform, its probably close to the truth.
    My personal choice would be a 'council of elders' people of the people chosen by the people.
  8. Like
    crusian reacted to Golden Paws in The Green Party   
    All anglers are "Green" by definition but that doesn't mean the Green Party is on our side. In Germany where they have coalition Governments almost by default, the Green Party had enormous power a few years ago and wanted to ban angling but rather than do it outright, they decreed that all fish caught were to be killed. Very green.
    We all want to see greener energy and all the major parties  are too slow to act. The damage to the environment  by burning fossil fuels is getting more undeniable and the folly of relying on cheap Russian gas has been exposed. 
    Unfortunately the Green Party dream means that we will have to revert to horse and carts again!
  9. Like
    crusian reacted to Carpbell3 in The Green Party   
    Lol each to their own but the green party? Not for me I can hardly bring myself to vote labour. Field sports aren't a political issue other than cheap political tricks to make hunting a massive issue knowing most people will vote in favour of a ban as they call a act of Parliament.
    And yes the green party are anti angling they are a international party fully inline with ethical vegan policies, they would end fish farming, so sports fish don't stand a chance.
  10. Like
    crusian reacted to framey in The Green Party   
    look at 
    AR410 and AR424 specifically 
  11. Like
    crusian reacted to framey in The Green Party   
    And then there’s this bit
    We will amend the Animal Welfare Act 2006 to protect: 
    Cephalopod and decapod crustacean species,  Animals affected by fishing activities 
  12. Like
    crusian reacted to Carpbell3 in The Green Party   
    Angling nearly got backdoored a few years back still on the cards too, the intelligencer at a charity tried to use some law totally out of the scope of which it is intended to take a test case to court, inflicting suffering yada yada, the positive of angling outweighed the dumb logic not sure how long that will last though.
  13. Like
    crusian reacted to elmoputney in The Green Party   
    Not sure I would trust them long term but they certainly have bigger fish to fry in the short term. 
    I think we are facing much bigger issues than banning fishing though at present, labour and tories both complicit in a genocide a vote for either is a vote for evil. The right wing chancers reform are just a bunch of lying racist fascists, quite frankly if you have a decent independent in your area vote for them or nothing will change 
  14. Haha
    crusian got a reaction from elmoputney in Thought of the Day pt.4   
    We're , afraid , very afraid .
  15. Haha
    crusian got a reaction from barry211 in Thought of the Day pt.4   
    We're , afraid , very afraid .
  16. Haha
    crusian got a reaction from Higham1987 in Thought of the Day pt.4   
    We're , afraid , very afraid .
  17. Like
    crusian reacted to salokcinnodrog in View from your bivvy door.   
    Been 4 months since I've been able to get onto the syndicate, but even in the wet weather I still love it here.

  18. Like
    crusian reacted to bluelabel in Thought of the Day pt.4   
    Take care mate... you'll get the bug once more... In 2011 I lost my dad and I packed up for 2 years... my lass told me to leave the gear in the garage in case I started up again ( I did)
    When I returned it wasn't the same, but the enjoyment for fishing was still there, I later packed in match fishing and got into vintage gear... I've not looked back... I still have my carbon carp rods but they are rarely used now.
    I now don't fish as often as I used to  through ill health (collapsed back and knackered knees) but when I do the thrill is still there..
    Look after yourself... 😎👍
  19. Like
    crusian got a reaction from elmoputney in Thought of the Day pt.4   
    Thanks , Highy .
    A typical  , helpful , Highy reply .
  20. Like
    crusian got a reaction from B B in Thought of the Day pt.4   
    Thanks , Highy .
    A typical  , helpful , Highy reply .
  21. Like
    crusian got a reaction from ... in Thought of the Day pt.4   
    Thanks , Highy .
    A typical  , helpful , Highy reply .
  22. Like
    crusian reacted to B B in Thought of the Day pt.4   
    In my past Iv had a couple of “ the inevitable has happened moments “
    In my case it was a relationship problem and the other was when I was fostering… but came back to fishing which if I’m honest keeps me sane  
    Keep the account open you got mates on here and you can always message us …and your posts were always good 👍
    As for the fishing gear you can replace it 6 months or a year down the line the lakes will always be there and the fish will have got bigger ..still got to catch them tho
  23. Like
    crusian reacted to ... in Thought of the Day pt.4   
    Hi Guys,
    It is me "highy", all the gear went, but kept my lads back....
    Rod bag with 1 Carp Rod setup + 1 Float rod setup, Bag with little bait n Terminal, Chair, Beanie Mat (need a coarse net)
    His float rod is actually a spinning rod, so a new 6ft float rod and reelmis on way and I'm gonna start a little spinning setup, lures n spinners. 
  24. Haha
    crusian reacted to ... in Thought of the Day pt.4   
    Mad innit....
    From this....

    To this....

  25. Like
    crusian reacted to ... in Thought of the Day pt.4   
    Honestly, it was on cards for a while, it actually felt like a relief has been lifted off my shoulders. 
    All good, I've just got way to much going on. 
    I've need even had a thought about it really, I did come off the forum for a while, but just browsing chats now 👍👍
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