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Everything posted by crusian

  1. So the Chest Waders are not just to deter interest from Aliens , but to deliver you home to your Wife unmollested ? . Who will feed the hungry Church Congregation ? . I don't believe I'm saying this , but good luck catching Bream ! ! ! .
  2. Hi Neal I didn't have to work today , but I'm in Madrid . I see nothing more has been posted since 9:52 , so either you're too busy haulin' , or you've fallen asleep ? . Hopefully an update will arrive before bedtime ! . Big smiley face
  3. When the Aliens come to get you at Bayeswater don't expect any divine intervention Neal , you've blotted your copybook now ! , Spr might just be o.k. ? .
  4. Thanks for the P.M. , Neal . I don't use Taptalk , I'm a WhatsApp man .
  5. Hi Neal What you need is Dumbledores' Pensieve ! . Failing that what Yonny has already said about knowing your swim in intimate detail , but probably above all what Carpmachine has said , K.I.S.S. ( accept he said it much more politely ! ) . Can I be cheeky and ask for a P.M. regarding the whereabouts of your local lake please ? .
  6. Hi Neal Going back to Mr Top Rod was he fishing " spots within spots " ( I think this has come up in a post before - looking for a spot within a swim that isn't fished ) that he found from his wading around ? . Does that make sense ? .
  7. I'm pleased to see you brushed your hair Neil . My Wife wants to know if either you or Spr were " probed " by the Aliens ? .
  8. Well it's obvious isn't it ? . News of your campaign on Bayeswater , Neil and Spr , has travelled out of our Solar System , and Aliens have just had to come and see for themselves ! . Is that you in the Vass Waders Neil ? . So it seems the key to success at Bayeswater is what Yonny was more or less saying - Know Your Swim In Minute Detail .
  9. So Neil had a bit of a paddle , but how's your Daughter Spr , and did either of you try Zigs as has been suggested ? . I think it's called a Corona around the Sun , Neil .
  10. McDonalds special McFlurrys' this week are Caramel Cheesecake and Strawberry Cheesecake ! .
  11. Hi Neal Now you are going Sunday hopefully Spr can join you ? . So now Spurs have stuffed up winning the Premier League , and it's still cold , windy and rainy I'm relying on you guys to bring some sunshine into my life . Go get 'em lads , tear the place apart ! .
  12. Hi Neal and Spr Rather than fish a Zig from the lake bottom up towards the surface why not float fish a boilie from the surface downwards , adjusting the depth until you get a bite ? .
  13. Go Spr! . Hope you're managing to keep warm , it looks a very open water , and the wind is cold today in Suffolk . At least it's dry ! .
  14. Well Neal tomorrow I'm finally venturing out fishing for the first time since December , as it's finally probably warm enough for me . However , you've been out there for months , and you're not quitting . So I would like to think if anyone from the forum did recognise you down at Bayeswater they'd say " you're the bloke with balls that's just not giving up ! " I do like Yonnys' idea of always having a lead about at the end of a session , especially when he has had some kind of action .
  15. Hi Neal , damn right you can't give up , this thread has had 3,561 views and they can't all be Spr and me ! . Everyone is waiting for the next exciting episode of Neal v Bayeswater . Did Neal's dog mistake him for an intruder and eat him ? . Will Neal decide to sell all his Fishing Gear and donate the proceeds to the Church Roof Restoration Fund ? . And another thing Neal , you persuaded Spr to start fishing at Bayeswater , even 6ft. plus , hairy , tatooed blokes have feelings ! .
  16. Well I have questions Neal . Are you nursing a huge Carp ? . Are you nursing a full stomach after your Wife delivered a 5 course meal ? . Or are you nursing a black eye after you tried to sneak into the marital bed and woke your Wife up ? .
  17. Go lads ! . Your Wife will just have to deliver your Lunch to the lake , won't she Neal ! .
  18. Wrong club lads , wrong club ! . Regroup and have another go , you're sooo close . Go Neal and Spr ! .
  19. Ah , so is it your plan to intercept the Carp on their patrol route with a single ( pop up ? ) boilie Neal ? . Did you take Yonnys' advice and check out what you were fishing over , or was the weed and Swan attached to your cage feeder when you reeled in ? . It all sounds positive . Hopefully where there's 1 Swan Mussel there's more and as Nick and others have said if you find a natural larder fish next to it .
  20. Oh dear , oh dear , oh dear ! , it sounds as though Spr came along too late to put you straight about your bite alarms - you could have had a bite while you were sleeping dude ! . On the positive side you seem to have worked out how to locate the Carp , and they are feeding on your bait ( ? ) . Just stay awake next time , or turn your bite alarms on ! .
  21. I want to see them , 1 at a time , on your unhooking mat with your grinning face ! . Go Neal ! .
  22. Good luck for Saturday Neal , and hopefully you'll meet up with Spr . Then together you can " unlock " Bayeswater .
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