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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. I think I need to see a pic to completely understand what you are thinking, I don't like the sound of the hooklink being fixed off the side of the lead though, but I could be misunderstanding what you mean πŸ€”πŸ˜
  2. It depends on the fish and if they get into there, with orange corner, are there spots people would usually fish to and that's why the margins are ignored?
  3. My best pre baiting campaign was in a little forgotten back bay with an overflow pipe, chucked in a couple of handfuls every other day on 2 spots one near the pipe, one down the side near a Bush about a rod length out after 2 weeks they were getting there before me πŸ‘ Well worth the effort at times, I caught 5 fish to 26lb that day, You could make it a hit if no one sees you, πŸ‘
  4. Might be worth pre-baiting the margins a bit if you can especially if they are being neglected and you will be left alone in that swim
  5. I recently had a look at some shimano tx2s whilst browsing in a shop and they were nice rods, I would go and have a look at some if you can what's right for one isn't always right for another
  6. Also if everyone is launching lines all over the shop keep all your lines tucked away then your swim may become a safe haven away from the crowds πŸ‘
  7. Never ignore the margins mate, lots of my best fish have come just off the rod tips, nice slack lines,all pinned down, if no one is looking I may rake a couple of spots and have a go myself this weekend, there is usually a nice option for it somewhere and like you both have said they are getting massively overlooked I think πŸ‘
  8. I still might have to use a bit maybe, just not loads πŸ‘
  9. Hi Shane I would think the ugly stick isn't perhaps the right rod to use for a method feeder set up, I just had a look and it's ideal weight for casting seems to be 1.7oz, so with a packed method feeder you would be looking more like 5oz I would think, this may also explain why the feeder is dragging a bit on the retrieve as it will probably be pulling the tip over by itself and then add an angry carp to the mix, might just be too much for the rod, and it's drags I would perhaps switch to using an inline lead or lead clip set up and using pack bait around that would make it better (2oz lead would be about the max I would use with that rod ) I also agree don't put anything above the feeder it makes it dangerous, but welcome hope this helps
  10. The odd one or two have been coming out I think, but it has been a bit slow lately, I'm not going to go crazy with the bait this weekend, they are probably still getting through the post lockdown bait from everyone πŸ˜•πŸ˜³
  11. 25 mesh bags prepped and ready, liquid is doing its bizzness, they smell nice and yeasty mmmmmm Few rigs to tie and sort out day kit and I'm getting there lol 😁
  12. I think I've been learning each session and I now have options, but I don't have time to regularly pop down and bait at the moment and also, when I did the swim was taken lol , so that put me off for now maybe September onwards might be more the time for that I think, Its a funny lake really you can never see what's going on in all of it as its quite split up, so then it's easy to try and settle on your gut, or panic that there is a "Good" swim free and just go to that before someone else does, that's why I think if I am mobile I can spend more time looking and plotting and I will see more things happen,once I decide where I want to be I will just go and get the motor and my other bits and settle in with a beer and some dinner πŸ˜‚πŸΊ
  13. I've just realised it's 2 pages of this blog since I last caught a fish, I'm going to try and redress that this weekend, it's about time i did something about it , liquid loading commenced tonight I'm going to be prepped and ready for an early alarm call Saturday if Mrs putney agrees πŸ˜‚πŸ˜ It was quite good looking back though, made me remember I can do it πŸ‘ I've got a morning to myself tomorrow I might try and sort myself out with a day walking kit, rather than just choose a swim and be done with it, I can always try and slot in on an opportunity later on once I find it rather than hoping it will come to me, I can leave most stuff in the car for the night and spend more time learning new areas, this does depend on it not being too busy naturally πŸ˜‚ But I am very excited again and hoping to stop the blanks with a slightly different approach to normal πŸ€”πŸ€žπŸ™
  14. I have a real issue with the sticky wafters being weird and solid if that makes sense they seem heavy and compacted, but I have caught quite an annoying amount of fish using them lol, they are almost a bait I don't want to work but the fish seem to like them for some reason πŸ€”
  15. My names Elmo and I am a pop up aholic I have around 30 pots at a guess, various colours and flavours, I still don't know what works best, if its weedy I would probably stick with yellow, pink, or white though, if you can get them feeding confidently any will work πŸ‘
  16. Is that really for when you have to live in the doghouse? I would I think, most have headphone sockets anyway if you wanted to use headphones πŸ‘
  17. The play 10 one looks pretty good for the money I think, still fairly small 18cm long 10cm high, haven't heard one though but my mate used to have a portable one which sounded pretty decent
  18. Is that a headphones only one though? Dunno if I would want to use headphones for 3 days solid
  19. Roberts were always really good dab radios, mine was pretty bomb proof survived trips to work and all sorts still works must be nearly 20 years old, I do have another one now but I can't remember who it's made by will have a look tomorrow
  20. They are tungsten anti tangle sleeves and yeah smaller ones, tbh I've found putting the knot inside them makes it go horrible and bendy, which is why I've settled on the long loop for now, I could tie them on I guessπŸ€”πŸ˜
  21. Just wanted to share my thoughts about hydrolink, I'm starting to love it, last night I made a lovely double wafter /snowman rig based on the German rig, its lovely to use and straightens up nicely, I wanted to start using wafters on clearer spots again, I will be using curve shanks with it but only had a trig hammer to hand, although it looks quite blatent on the green background, when it's in the margins, it's almost impossible for me to see (remember I am colour blind) 🀣 Hydrolink extreme is still rubbish though, probably only suitable for booms or actual shark hooks 😭
  22. Personally I would shorten the chod rig and give more curve A bit more like this might help and make sure you have a nice buoyant pop up on there, the other rig doesn't look too bad at all tbh, the hook does look quite small but that maybe the picture, otherwise looks fine and should catch fish if its in the right place
  23. Ive been looking at these for a while now, is it perverted to like the silver ones ? I also like the gold spool ones too, i think when I've saved up a bit more I might get some of these in one colour or another, I always wanted a set of emblem 5000t the gold ones I still think they are lovely
  24. Funny you should mention that I also used a lot less or no particles recently, when I was doing well I was using quite a bit 😳
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