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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. Do you guys still include tigers at this time of year ? I haven't been out for a while will be using crushed boilies and pellet would you still include crushed tigers? Or not? I have some I can prepare for Saturday and not sure whether I should?
  2. Rush of blood to the head or something I think 😂
  3. I guess I am going to find out Wednesday, I just pulled the trigger and bought some 😬 I got 3 of these in 3.25lb for £200 on ebay https://www.total-fishing-tackle.com/daiwa-crosscast-carp-rod-tt
  4. Anyone used diawa crosscasts? I've seen a not too bad deal on a set?
  5. Nice one guys I had the 10ft vader x and they were alright tbh, another one to consider, will see what I can find
  6. I don't think they do make them now, from memory they were made by the same people that made greys rods, and the outcasts were very similar to the old prodigies
  7. Thanks Nick I am starting to lean towards the tackle box darent valley in 3.5lb, I think at the moment, I still like the cork, even though I know it gets damaged and should probably go for Japanese shrink wrap 😂
  8. Yes I spotted that TFT have 8k's for £59.99 too, that's a lorra reel for the money, Angling direct have a massive balls out sale on at the moment too 😂😂😂
  9. 2 years later and one broken wychwood eye and I'm back on the lookout, Can't decide what to get next, or what tc at the minute I use 3lb, I want a little more backbone I think so I can chuck further if needed but I still want a rod that is an all-rounder, I can't get more wychwoods the same as they have been discontinued now but I could use 2 of them as they are fine mainly, but then they won't match 😂 I can use up to 4 rods though so not sure what to do I've looked at the darant Valley 3.5lbtc Free spirit ctx 3.25 or 3. 5lb (more of an investment than the others) Shimano tx2 3.25 Pro logic c2 element I've thought about a set of extricators with new okuma inc6000 for a close in stalking set up(would use most of the time at the minute as I seem to fish close mainly) then just upgrade to some beefier rods for chucking further when I needed too, having had 10ft and 12ft I feel more natural with 12fts but I do like the idea of a stalking rod set up and a beefier set up, short rods would be useful for some of the margins too and for using with a baiting pole, so its a tough one and I don't know what to do, my 8ks are too big for smaller rods so would like the smaller reels I think if I went that way, aaaaaaaaaaagh help
  10. So what would happen if you couldn't afford to cover the cost of the procedure? Trouble is many brits are already living hand to mouth, as they are getting taxed so heavily and the cost of living is rediculous with property being highly overpriced and wholly not affordable
  11. Yes I worry about that too, I've noticed this last week the media have started trying to turn the screw on how the NHS is failing us and trying to blame them for everything when thr reality is they have been overworked and under immense pressure due to a lack of staff and funding, during austerity cuts and a pandemic, One of the tories biggest failings during this pandemic has been the test and trace app, if you look closely it is now it's being called the NHS test and trace app which is a shift to blame its failure on the NHS, I daresay had it been a success it may have been Boris's test and trace app 🤔
  12. I don't disagree it isn't perfect, but when the alternative is the american pay as you go healthcare system it is much better than that and that's what they want, healthcare should continue to be available for all, not just those with money I get bupa at work and thought I would use it when I did my back in, I got 6 30 minute treatments and it cost me over £200 quid, even with bupa, and I still needed medication from the NHS,
  13. Yep most of the profits go off shore nowadays not back Into the service, It would be a shame for this to happen to the NHS aswell, please take the time to sign this as we do need to keep the NHS, and not let the tories ruin that too, https://www.yournhsneedsyou.com/
  14. I did and didn't tbh the fox stuff would break whatever its rubbish, I cast it 6 wraps and it snapped up thr line and I had to handline it back in with a loaded spomb that hadn't opened 😬 35lb is plenty thin enough for most situations tbh,, don't see the point risking it with 20lb
  15. I use the 35lb spod braid, the fox one was 20lb and It snapped too easily
  16. I saw a Jim shelley story on Instagram the other day with a couple of well known anglers and a needle lol
  17. Yes you can mate I leave mine set up with the double loop trick on the leader and just change it for whatever I want to use it for, I haven't had to change the shock leader all year yet 😁 I set mine up so when it's ready to cast it has 5 turns round the spool of leader before the knot , even though I'm not a distance chucker I now think it's best to use a shock leader as it just makes casting seem sort of less tensiony and springy 😁
  18. I do tend to do that if I can but on my water if it gone quiet, I am happy to plop more out as and when tbh, sort off little and often style
  19. I still recommend Gardner kinetic spod braid and they also do a kinetic shockleader, which is also nice to use and I've not had any issues all year with them 👍, best braid I've used so far and I've tried a few, ( fox exocet it's the worst ever still 😁) If I can pult though I pult,and I've started trying to use baits that don't need spodding because pulting is quicker and easier to use when prebaiting, naturally it depends on distance but 1 bucket mixed sized boilies 18mm+11mm pellets, it spreads a bit but good enough for me 😁 for some reason I think the fish get sucked in by the plopping sound of bait,
  20. I quite liked seeing milliband today, he actually managed to slightly rattle Boris, Starmer can't seem to do that, There are a few Labour politicians that I seem to agree with but they are being marginalised by the red tory side of Labour, but its a poor time as we are stuck with whatever the tories want to push through as they have such a big majority, I think it would have been better under Corbyn tbh a proper socialist with values and morals,I think now we have done brexit we need someone like him who actually has a vision for the many not the few I don't think the tories are capable of that it's pure capitalism greed now, the reason I believe JC was destroyed by the media was that he was a rare decent caring politician, and the money guys and the media couldn't have that so they destroyed the party from both sides, just my opinion of course and we will never know for sure but I don't hold much hope at the moment, like everyone else I am pretty sick of it all tbh, But we need to get rid of the tories by whatever means necessary before they sell the NHS and do a rivers of poop speech, Actually the angling Trust seem to be challenging the politicians on this topic and they were hopeful of some positive changes coming so fingers crossed 👍
  21. Some positive sounding news https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/oct/26/uk-government-u-turns-on-sewage-after-tory-mps-threaten-rebellion?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  22. I regularly blame people, the 2019 labour manifesto was like porn compared to build back better or whatever 3 worded slogun it was then I keep hoping the forde enquiry will come out and make things right again, Corbyn would have got this country back on a good course, but it's been a brutal destruction of the Labour left when we most need it, Just saw this on fb, there is still some hope
  23. I thought it was Priti Patels latest weapon in her fight against immigrants 😬
  24. I've just got a spare tackle box and a couple of tackle box graveyards that I sometimes sort things into 😂
  25. There is always a when isn't there 😂 That's why I've got so many bits of end tackle I know I probably won't use again
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