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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. They go through so many phases though the rods would be obsolete in a few weeks, they loved peppa pig once, went to peppa pig World and everything (pre Boris announcement) they hate her now same with frozen, tangled, most things they were Into a few months ago 😂
  2. Yeah fishing wasn't ever top priority really, it was nice to just spend some time with the littlun having fun, and showing her some of the good things of fishing, she enjoyed the food and being a bit slobby,the misty morning and particularly enjoyed reminiscing about my falling in incedent today, when I was telling some of the parents at brownie camp pick up, And the rudd fishing was exceptional sport, I might start taking the whip with me now, the maggots always put me off because I thought I needed them and never had them, but with hookable pellets I got a strong rudd game and a big rudd must be swimming about in there somewhere 😎 Still having nightmares about that tench though, was really offensive looking, which was a shame because it was the blackest tench I've ever caught
  3. Thought I would do a lil update on the kids reels I plumped for in the end, For the money they are pretty good so far, ngt profiler 60, seem pretty smooth, line went on quite nicely, drag seems usable, and actually I think they look pretty smart, I ended up pairing them with 6ft NGT profiler rods, they also seem pretty good for the money, carbon, light and will probably be quite fun to use, And with a total price tag of £85 what's not to like for a pair of rods and reels for the kids to use and abuse, and maybe me too 🤔
  4. Got Out with the littlest one tonight, got the new bivvy fox eos tt not bad it's pretty massive though, The weed is floor to ceiling all over ithe gaff I've only got two rods out, it's been a long tiring day, got one on my usual banker spot still went down with a thud, line lay has suffered a bit thanks to the weed between , but me and the girl did some raking and just cleared a margin spot for the other rod, worth a go That's last nights update this is today's Had a screamer in the night, ran out in just my pants forgetting my headtorch and glasses, little un fast asleep, thought I must have been jesus or something when I managed to net it after a tough old battle couldn't see a lot 😳, a nice 20lb+ mirror foul hooked in the side, propolised and put back, that was a shame because it was a nice looking one but hey ho, I'm only cheating myself otherwise, this morning after being forced to cook bacon at 6 30am, I switched to a wafter on the freshly raked spot, within minutes it was away, only to discover it was the mankiest looking tench I've ever seen, one sunken missing eye and white scummy bits on it treated and returned it, then we got the okuma vibe out and caught some lovely little rudd and a short while after that had grown wearisome, my other rod went into meltdown on a tight clutch before the alarm had even began I had picked it up, but alas it had weeded me up, tried for a bit then put it down as it wasn't moving, and thought I'll use the big boat this time lol, got it in the water one foot in and it was away, and before I know it I am in the drink with my kid laughing at me 🤣 after a few goes I secure the boat and manage to get out the water and back in it, by this time its letting water in or it was dripping off me, but I get out to the pads eventually and managed to get my rig back minus a fish, by that time it was decided we were going to stay and do another night, Ive got no spare pants after an oversight trying to get everything ready, so on with the other shorts, tidy up the bombsite and we're off to morrisons with a mcd chaser, it was morrisons when it started to feel hot, then the air con of mcds felt nice, we went posh and ate in, came out and it was roasting, got back thought about having a nap, but it was getting hotter by the minute and with the prospect of the sun facing us for the next few hours, I was pleased when she said, "I think we should go home. She let me rest for a whole minute before I had to pack up everything, no more action and we are home, We had a lovely time though some good laughs and it was great to spend the night out with the littlun, she more or less behaved too, which was nice 😂
  5. Monster particles did do euro van hire, not sure if that's any help, if its anything like the particles though it may break down 😂
  6. Good luck, and congratulations on the new little lad
  7. I want to get my misses to catch one if I can,she got quite into the rudd bashing, mind you I want to catch a few myself first😂
  8. I am a little concerned they might but the eldest one did well with the 16lber she caught, I would rather they weren't completely under gunned though and you know I can always help as I would be there if they are fishing, they have done a a few sessions now catching roach and rudd and bream and small tench and stuff, but seeing the carp feeding gave them quite a buzz as I am sure you can imagine, maybe too soon for them there are roach and tench in the lake also I can try and get them fishing for but will see maybe I should just let them use my greys stalker rod if its going well and they are getting bored of the roach, I might get a new reel for that as I don't like the baitrunner that's on it
  9. I've seen people using emblems with shorter rods, didn't seem to worry them, they arent mega heavy anyway I don't think, 600gms odd , I went through a 10ft phase, I now use 12's again mainly, just think they are a better allrounder,
  10. Well there is carp to near 50lb, hut also tench and that, obviously I will be there to lend a hand if required but more like junior carp rods really they have float rods and a whip but would be nice to get something a bit more robust that I could also use 😂
  11. https://www.total-fishing-tackle.com/korum-opportunist-x-8ft-rod https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/144610021480?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=cdIFxQBkRgy&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=yW-jXGLIRqK&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Is 8ft too long for kids do you think or better for learning to cast and stuff?
  12. Thanks for that, I have already got them a whip although a carp snapped the elastic last time we went out with it 🙄, and they have okuma vibe rods and reels for normal fishing, I just want to get them something a little stronger for the carp, I have a week with them in France so I'm hoping to teach Has anyone used kodex rods I've found some of these that look pretty smart and reasonably priced, they do a 6ft kompressor (retractable) or an 8ft opportunist rod that look pretty nice
  13. Thanks I did see that, but not sure i now I feel about Nash reels tbh, I'm still a bit bitter about my old titan just falling apart and needing replacing, I have tended to avoid Nash since then, I really do like my okumas tbh and even the little kids one on the vibe rod is very usable just probably not ideal for carp lol I'm also looking at 2 man bivvies at the moment, I've been promising to take the youngest for a while and I only have small bivvy and brolly that haven't got the space Torn between a quest one, a jrc one and a fox one at the moment
  14. Maybe this one would be OK https://www.fishingrepublic.co.uk/16531755/okuma-revenger-pro-55-reel-16531755
  15. Hi guys I want to get my kids a couple fo 6ft rods either sonik or more likely the tackle box darent Valley ones for France, I'm struggling to decide which reels to go with them, These seem OK in theory, simple, light enough, cheap but will they be any good? https://www.fishingrepublic.co.uk/15988430/shimano-fx-4000-fc-15988430 The thing I like is no anti reverse or stuff they will mess with, so all they do is cast and reel in, if anyone has any suggestions needs to be 4000ish size, I would go for okuma Inc6000 if they were for me (sometimes they will be😂) but I want to keep the weight down for them, and also don't want to spend a fortune on kids reels Thanks in advance Elmo
  16. Glad you bought this up I've fallen right off the wagon of late, I'm doing more longer dog walks but my diet is pretty bad hopefully we can use this as some good motivation and I can get started again Good luck with your effort hope it goes well keep posting up and I'll try and do better with you 👍
  17. Sounds like a plan to me I think, if I get one more night in I'll be happy but I'll be fine if I am a planning something for autumn, I am taking the kids pole bashing Friday if the weather is OK, we're gonna try hookable pellets with pellet freebies this time, specimen pole fishing, hopefully it will be a bit slower than maggots that's exhausting 😀
  18. Yeah it's tricky to find an area to prebait tbh at the moment I think I need to make my own spots out of the weedy kinda overlooked ones but it is hard to do without getting spotted, a good day's raking and regular baiting could get me a nice fresh zone for autumn though I guess, perhaps that's what I need to do get ready for France and just do some prep work for a few afternoons, still have a lot of pellet and pigeon conditioner to make a prime zone
  19. I have to try and sneak one in when I can tbh but I wasn't feeling it and I just thought no point wasting my time,I wasnt prepared, I didn't have any leaders or pellets for bags and I had just got it wrong I think, I just thought I could be at home with the kids maybe get some extra credit for another time and have a day with them rather than being tired for no good reason, I did only go 2 weeks ago so I wasn't desperate yet and I am only 6 weeks from France, but I just couldn't be bothered, it had been a long day walking around the village fete and all that and I don't think I had the energy left to put in, hopefully it will mean I can try again soon 🤣 Well done on persevering I think maybe if I had seen something it may have made a difference, but It's funny I thought that same thought that I need a back up plan, I did think about one of the other lakes on the complex but I felt rude as some of the others have been doing a lot of work on it lately, I have done a bit of raking on there, but I just would have felt a bit cheeky 😳 Thanks everyone it did make me feel bad thinking I've never done that before but I don't think it was a bad decision in hindsight, I will just be better prepared next time, dim going to make up some leaders and bits this week so I am ready for anything 👍
  20. Does anyone else ever do this? Last night I turned up late to find most pegs sewn up apart from a few, I walked round it all, went back to the car moved round the other side only to be met with 5ft of weed and no clean spots, I thought if I set up 3 Chods it will be dark and i'll just be pub chucking anyway into thick weed, so I packed up and came home, I'm sadly lacking a back up plan at the moment, think I need to Don the waders and get the rake out when I can
  21. I mainly use proper jobs these days they seem to work pretty well with bait screws always nice and consistent
  22. The switch are meant to be a mix of the two and are meant to change but I'm not sure tbh I think they help a bit but being overwraps I think going over glasses makes them lose some qualityand maybe definition it may be my old man eyes though they've had a tough life lol , I think if you need prescription glasses then prescription Polaroids would be the best choice, I will get some one day
  23. Not really I still prefer normal non spinny bait screws though,the metal ones from bank tackle are as good as any I find,
  24. Who's been putting a wigs worth of hair down the plughole crusian?
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