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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. bit of a shame you cant get out there mate im the same i gotta work all this week but ill be going down there for a few days after that so i cant complain really i will give those hooks a go i think ill just be extra careful at casting with them theres a lot of trees around there
  2. hello coops hows tricks i must admit the more i think about them the more they sound really good i may give them a go i thought about the difference between a cheap drill bit and a good one the good ones always last a hell of a lot longer and stay a lot sharper so i guess its the same thing with these hooks and the cost might work itself out if they last 3 times longer than a normal hook
  3. cheers mick only 99p a hook now sounds a bargain although they do sound really good:D
  4. i had 2 hook pulls on widegape b's last week gutted but it happens i guess although i never had it with the micro barbed ones i re read the rules and i am allowed to use whisker barb which to me translates to micro barb :D is that the same thing i have used owners before in barbed and they were good and im gonna be trying a few that you have suggested although if i can it will now be microbarbed just a confidence thing i spose:D
  5. i wouldnt use fox hooks again tried them once lost a biggy whilst floater fishing(set up in an emergency) and when i checked the whole packet was blunt never again
  6. i just looked on the tackle box webbie and they are £11.99 for 10 on there thats over a pound a hook i dunno if i could spend that on hooks id be gutted if i lost one :D i will go shopping tomorrow and have a browse at some of your suggestions cheers guys
  7. cheers jimmy i had a brainwave and searched ebay just ordered 5m of clear tubing for £3 including postage and you can get any size and colour you want
  8. cheers guys i will try and get hold of some of them tomorrow
  9. hi does anyone know there i can get shrink tubing in bulk as i am fed up buying little packs of it as it works out quite pricey cheers elmo
  10. hi people i am fishing a barbless only venue and its filled with pads and snags so i need a really strong hook pattern any suggestions i am mainly using pop ups with a withy pool rig set up or line aligner with korda widegapes but i want the strongest hook i can find for it any ideas as i dont want to be losing any fish as theres some biggies in there :D thanks in advance elmo
  11. it should be quite easy and go through no probs its called a diamond eye pole threader i think ands it just a long bit of wire basically with a diamond shaped eye :D on the end which you trap your line in and pull it through :D
  12. try using a pole elastic threader to pull the line through that will make it easier it can get really annoying trying to push the line through
  13. ok thats fine i think thats where the wires crossed to be honest on that one i think courtz probably knows a lot more than the zig rig too but this guy wanted the advice and he seems qualified enough to give him that seeing as he can make it work for him where as you just dismiss it as a crap rig ill admit ive never caught a fish on a zig rig but ive never caught a fish on plastic corn either and lots of people do so its just a case of right time right place thats what makes a great angler using the right tactic at the right time
  14. are you meaning that you can use a 1lb mainline because if that is the case its hardly a safe method is it when fishing for carp
  15. courtz was just answering the original question and i think he did it well he didnt ask about the history of the zig rig just how to use it effectively he didnt claim that he invented it as long as it works for him thats all that matters and by the sounds of things it does well done courtz
  16. cheers mate i think ive got a pole elastic threader from the good old days so i will give it a go cheers mate
  17. cheers mick i still dont have a lot of faith in it but ill try :D
  18. hi all id just like to ask a bit about rig tubing if i may im used to using leadcore but its banned but i can use braided mainline with tubing(min 36") and i want some that sinks like a brick and stays pinned down as when i have used it in the past i have checked it in the margins and its looked horrible coiling up and sitting off the bottom and i guess that might be due to trapped air in the tube or something how do you get rid of that so it sinks and what will work well and look good on a weedy gravel bottom any help would be great on this one all the best elmo:D
  19. for me personally i hate tying up rigs yes i can do it but it bores me rigid i certainly wouldnt want to do it to try to make extra money i dont think its really worth doing as its gonna be loads of hassle for not a lot of cash i mean 10 rigs for 2.00 thats 20p for each rig and the parts will cost that much almost i should think and also the other thing is i have faith in my rigs and i would rather use my own i mean you might be able to charge a bit more than that but even if its a fiver for 10 rigs you still have to tie up 50 to make £25 and that is a mornings work i would think:D
  20. i like korda wide gapes best hook ive used in a while
  21. i agree i dont like fox hooks so now its official lol :D
  22. damn and there was me thinking i was gonna get rich :D still it was a good idea and i will be making one
  23. good idea makes you could adapt it by getting a bait drill in the end to save burning your fingers can we get a copyright over here please lol :D
  24. has anyone seen the solar rig cone it looks brilliant for getting the perfect bend in shrink tubing ie withy rig making i must get one
  25. diawa sensor in brown i am using it on one reel and clear on the other and i think the clear isnt as good as brown so i will be switching back to brown on both when i get around to it the clear seems to stand out in the waters i fish for value for money and quality sensor is the best has anyone used soft steel camo
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