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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. I haven't said I will be using them all at once btw I may only take a couple with me as I don't like to carry too much these days, it works out a lot cheaper to buy 5 through a post free deal £27.50 than 4 with postage £29.10 so my decision to buy 5 was that it made economic sense, I saved on postage and got more baits for my bucks,
  2. It depends how long you need them to to stay buoyant rarely will I leave them out more than 12 hours, I like the cork dust ones they seem very bouyant to me,I've left them out overnight and tested them when I've bought them in still standing firm, I have a pretty good feeling about these baits also, I am a lot happier with my bait choice now, can only try them and find out but I am confident as they seem to catch a lot of fish for others, including some lovely st Ives residents 👍
  3. I now have lots of options,they smell good especially the PB'S can't wait to give em a try now
  4. I tend to put a bit in a few places and keep trickling it in, unless I am trying to make something happen or clear a spot then I may go heavier , but even then I will make sure there is also bait in other places,tbh I would've put some in but I had already emptied the bucket in other spots today
  5. Have a look at my caulking gun thread that might help you
  6. I wish it was that simple where I am they are really good at hiding I saw one in an area that is completely unfishable today
  7. September was always my favourite month tbh,I doubt there are many times better for a good pre baiting campaign, if time allows I will be fishing harder then Do you tend to focus your baiting to one area @emmcee or spread it about the lake on various spots ? (If you dont mind me asking )
  8. Their cork dusk pop ups seem very buoyant so far, I would have no worries leaving one of those out for ages,and also the wafters seem very good too So hopefully these will be the same, tbh the main reason for 5 is the post free deal it works out a lot cheaper to buy more it's just a case of trial and error now to see which will work best or quickest in my angling situations, not having the time like I used to means I need to find the way to get quick bites,the right one should aid that I guess
  9. Ep 42 of the carp cast also has quite a good Interview with Kevin Nash, and they talk about zigs quite a bit I found that quite interesting tbh worth a listen I think
  10. That was a bit spooky just listening to ep42 of the carp cast and Rob Hughes did a little talk about DNA pop ups his thoughts were BRIGHT BAITS WORK BEST IN CLEAR WATER,in coloured water they need a strong smell to help the fish locate them,but once they can see them they still work Pink will stand out against anything as no bottom is pink White is good in shallow clear water with lots of light or deeper water,in average depths he thinks going for a colour may be preferable Yellow you may think will stand out but silt underwater is a sort of yellowy colour and will blend into the algae and filamentous weed but a good fluoro yellow like the pb would be a nice and subtle and stand out enough but not be too blatant
  11. Thanks guys I've just ordered some from DNA post free specials I went for there half tones to match the flavour of my bait but white and washed out pink Some yellow PBS Pink perils White milky malts And some orange fruitylicous That should give me enough variety to try and find the right pop up for any situation, I already have matching corkdusk popups and wafters too and actually quite a few others too Will let you know what I find out, I think I have been putting my fear of yellow in clear water down to what the birds will see and destroy in the shallower part of the lake , but I have found a couple of nice spots in the deeper end today which will help and I think yellow will be first on the bait screw, when I get them, I remember catching a few on the old nutrabaits pineapple and banana baits in the olden days I am hoping these pb's smell as good 😁
  12. I do but they tend to slip down when I am resting 😀😀
  13. I am mainly ankles and builders bum area 😀
  14. Thanks nick while I am fairly confident my matching baits will work I want to test the idea and see if a bright/different bait may work quicker, I caught 10 carp on my runs water on matching wafters last week, bottom is clear due to the murkyness so I've no doubt they are finding them and fairly quickly, but it is a runs water but good to see we agree that yellow should work well for murky waters 👍 I also am thinking about using tipped snowman rigs more but I've become a bait screw fan and I am waiting for some longer ones for snowman rigs cos I am too lazy to tie them
  15. Hi guys I thought the zig thread has been interesting and I am currently looking at pop ups quite a lot, mainly in non matching colours to my bait as I use the same matching ones, and I want to make my hookbait stand out and I was thinking it may be interesting to see if anyone uses different colour pop ups for different conditions,water clarity etc with regard to making your hookbait stand out, The lake I fish is pretty shallow and clear with a silty weedy bottom so what would be your go to choice? I would say yellow is a No no as its Probably too blatant,and the ducks seem keen on visible bait, I am thinking washed out pink or pink may be ok, The club lake I have been fishing lately is the total opposite clay based and murky as hell,so my go to would probably be yellow ? What colour do you guys favour in your own range of conditions ?
  16. Do good choice of colours not vary due to water clarity, that's been my general thoughts lately tbh when considering pop ups but I thought black stood out if the fish are looking up to it from below as it's the most contrasting colour to the light from the sky,
  17. I've been using a small citronella candle and the trek deet free spray for my night sessions as I was getting savaged, that combo seems to work quite well
  18. Turmuric should work although it will probably stain everything wear an apron
  19. There is a cheap 1080p one I saw dunno what it's like but the reviews sound ok https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F202435966493
  20. I think texture may play a big part tbh, maybe if it's already starting to breakdown and it doesn't need to soak in the lake water then maybe they can digest it better and easier once it's been in the lake a while
  21. That's me sold on it 4 runs in 2 hours 3 landed one fell off at the net, all after epic battles though, and in far from ideal conditions,biggest a scraper double but it's nice to have some runs and get to test my ideas out, a much welcomed confidence boost
  22. I've just read this as yesterday I decided to bait up a bit on the little club water, I also decided that due to only being able to nick a couple of hours here are there using washed out baits would be a great edge for me, So I took home a bucket of lake water and added some frozen dumbbells to it then I added some spod syrup and robin red oil the result a fantastically attractive but washed out looking soft bait,I think this can only help with short session angling tbh As I reckon the carp will be getting loads of leftovers and living off those mainly as it's a days only mixed lake so I believe leftovers will be there main food source,
  23. I've had a bit of base mix kicking around I've added it to spod mixes and stuff to create a cloud effect and added a dusting to boilies and pellets etc , i think used this way it should be ok not sure if it would just compact into a blob though without anything else in the bag, give it a try might work a treat and create a lovely bit of attraction without giving much content other than the hookbait
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