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    yonny got a reaction from levigsp in Tent/Bivvie Colour   
    Made me chucklešŸ˜…
  2. Like
    yonny reacted to levigsp in Tent/Bivvie Colour   
    So I always try to make myself as invisible as possible on the bank, no matter where the fishery is..
    People wearing bright colours in the countryside annoy me to the point that when I see roadside walkers wearing the compulsory yellow or orange, I want to run them over!.
    Summer in the UK does not need a shelter, winter is entirely different.
    This photo was taken of me on a seriously secret squirrel fishery in the south some years ago, well before the circus got there and ruined the place.
  3. Like
    yonny got a reaction from levigsp in Tent/Bivvie Colour   
    I totally agreešŸ‘. I am happy to fish through winter under a little brolly too. Decent clothes and sleeping bag are the most important things for winter imo.
  4. Like
    yonny got a reaction from crusian in Tent/Bivvie Colour   
    A fair bit of rubbish spoken in the last few posts imho.
    Let's face it, no-one wants to sit on the bank looking at red, yellow and blue tents. It's bad enough with all the khaki/olive and camo shelters lined up along the bank. It's supposed to be a fishery, not a campsite. These places are so busy now we can at least do our tiny little bit to blend in to the countryside by purchasing a green shelter. You can pick them up for the same price as standard tent if you look around.
    They're not imo. In fact I'd say you'll find plenty of anglers that snigger at this camo revolution that seems to be happening this past few years. I am more than happy with my olive brolly but, if we talk logically, if anything should be camouflaged it should be the biggest/most obtrusive thing...... which is the shelter.
    Each to their own at the end of the day but I can think of nothing worse than sitting staring at brightly coloured tents all day.
  5. Like
    yonny reacted to Tuckab in Tent/Bivvie Colour   
    Great response.
    I've no dog in the fight either way; I was just interested in hearing people's perceptions of why these things are frowned upon.Ā 
    The fishery and natural world makes a great point. A brolly, bed-chair, and bag are more than serviceable in the summer months (mostly) and look way better than a crowded bank. I can see the point of having a full tent set-up during the winter months, however.Ā 
  6. Like
    yonny reacted to chillfactor in Thought of the Day pt.2   
    I've not had that trouble mate ,Ā  the ones I use are hard enough to get on , they never move . But if they've solved a problem for you then its all good . šŸ‘
  7. Like
    yonny reacted to newmarket in Rods Pods and Day Ticketsā€¦   
    Welcome back to more pointless waffle ie a detailed account of my session weekend just gone on my new water , hope it doesnā€™t bore the pants off you all šŸ˜Š
    I was a lot more organised this time out , all packed and ready to go for when my chauffeur (the Mrs) got home from work.
    Where we live , tucked away down an alleyway , can be an advantage . No junk mail received or trick or treaters at Halloween cos nobody knows we are here .
    unfortunatley neither do parcel couriers but thatā€™s another thread šŸ˜”. The biggest disadvantage of all though is having a 50-100 metre walk to the car .
    So the plan is to load up my recently acquired , as yet unused , barrow to get my gear to the car .
    Well anyway thereā€™s obviously a knack to it as the damned thing kept toppling to the left as I lifted it ā€¦. 3 times , despite loading it in various different ways .
    Therefore Iā€™m sure thereā€™s a method ?Ā 
    Anyway on with the waffle šŸ˜‰.
    The lakes like Fort Knox , 2 keyed gates and 2 Combi locks to get not only onto the lake itself but into the actual road/dirt track that leads to it .
    Good for security obviously though Iā€™d imagine not so good for access after a few Ā Autumn days of heavy rain ā€¦ weā€™ll see .
    Arriving at about 6.30pm I was delighted to discover NO other anglers at all so after a leisurely walk round TWICE I chose a swim and set up .Ā 
    Im going to be posting up a few pics at the end here lads , none in any particular order , mostly of the lake itself . Nick Iā€™m sure you can tidy most of those up for me at some point as I know I can only post a couple at a time .
    I set up in a swim that not only had plenty of room ( I like to be comfortable if poss) but had plenty of features to fish to , a couple of Islands one large one very small , reeds and lots of pads . There was also plenty of fishy activity but no more than the rest of the lake . It was just beginning to cool down after a scorcher so things looked promising for the evening and nights to follow.
    As usual I set my rods up first , something I do to maximise my actual fishing time , and something on this occasion I was to live to regret .Ā 
    Using just the two rods initially , if it proved more difficult I could always add a 3rd option later , I tested the water .
    A couple of Combi rigs , 16mm Black Snail Ā with a pva stocking containing more of the same , barbless hooks as is the rules unfortunately.
    Action pretty much from the word go . Nothing big , I was warned about the little commons , and so it proved .
    At first I was just getting the odd beep then 3 or 4 second shrills from my Foxā€™s and was always lifting into nothing .
    I was reeling in rigs with half eaten boilies still attached .
    By now one more fella had arrived , having asked if I minded if he fished 2 swims along from me despite the lake being empty ā€¦ I didnā€™t mind as heā€™d had the courtesy to ask and it wouldnā€™t have disturbed me anyway . Turns out he knew a lot of the same group of Canning Townies that I grew up with so we shared a few natters and cuppas over the next two days.
    He suggested that especially whilst using running rigs to sit on my hands until the rod pretty much comes off the bank stick . He said when they go they GO . So I took his advice and waited till these short alarm bursts turned into fully blown screamers and I connected with the very first one .Ā 
    And it set the tone ( pardon the pun) for the whole weekend really . Little common (5-8lb at a guess) after little common with the odd low double thrown in , quite often both rods off at the same time .Ā 
    To be honest after a while I didnā€™t even bother with the pva attachments , I donā€™t think they were assisting. Iā€™d switched to 24mm hookbaits a little earlier to try to hopefully single out the bigger fish but these little carp didnā€™t care they just jumped on them .
    Any freebies I felt would just be a waste of bait , I didnā€™t need em neither did the Carp.
    I was so busy it must have been almost dark before Iā€™d managed to get my brolly up , next time itā€™s the first thing getting done , going against everything Iā€™ve ever done before . And totally dark by the time Iā€™d had a brew up . Unheard of šŸ˜‚
    Action was steady after dark then got busier and busier. At 3am I thought enoughs enough and pulled my rods in . Iā€™d got up at 03.45 the previous morning for work and I was knackered , time to get my head down for a couple of hours .
    And a couple of hours it was . Awake just after 5 I went for a mooch about and saw a few interesting things . Can I post videos on here Nick , as I have a couple of Carpy activity I took first thing that morning ?
    Anyway I got both my rods out again , a bit slower that morning , still quite warm and bright though nothing like the previous day .
    A few more fish arrived , again nothing big , though I have to say some of them , most of them in fact gave a very good account of themselves and a few of said Carp never gave their size away till right before the net , fighting strongly and staying deep in the water as long as they could . I very rarely knew what Iā€™d hooked until the death .
    It went quiet mid morning as the sun got higher in the sky and I dabbled with a few surface baits for a couple of hours . I got them feeding competitively quite quickly but they knew which one had my bait in every single time , from the Bakers complete to the fake doggie biscuits , they just knew . Floater presentation is definitely something I need to work on.
    So I needed a slightly different approach to bottom fishing . This time a spread of B5 and Black snail boilies over the general area of both spots and rested the swim for about 90 minutes during which time I managed to cook both late late breakfast and lunch and chatted Carp fishing and West Ham Utd with my good friend of about ten , er , hours šŸ¤£.
    This tactic appeared to work as things got hectic again despite the weather deteriorating . So hectic in fact that I never noticed that big storm closing in and just as it got dark ā€¦ BANG !!!! Thunder Lightening very very frightening !
    I doubt Iā€™ve ever moved so fast . Rods in Ā , dived into my Cabrio and there I stayed . I dunno how long the storm lasted as I must have been exhausted and fell asleep . This time inside my sleeping bag which hadnā€™t even been unpacked it being so warm the night before.Ā 
    The following morning went the same way as previously though after breakfast I even went down to fishing just the one rod . I knew Tracey was coming to pick me up at about 2.30 and needed the time to get packed away for when she arrived .
    I was happy with my first attempt on my new venue . I know Iā€™ll eventually get the hump with the smaller Carp and will have to find a way of finding out where the upper 20ā€™s and 30ā€™s hang out . My first thought was finding the deeper parts of the lake . The owner has told me thatā€™s itā€™s pretty uniform 3-4ft deep all over but Iā€™ll be finding out for myself for sure . If it really is that shallow everywhere then it makes it even more of a challenge. In a way , I think , just as much a challenge as fishing a lake with far fewer yet bigger Carp ?
    These bigger fish are in there , Iā€™ve seen the stocking photos of a couple of 30ā€™s , but to me itā€™ll just be a natural progression . Size has never been important to me ( just ask my Mrs) , Iā€™m equally happy catching fish of any description all day long or just sitting by the lake waiting for a bite for hours on end . Itā€™s not just about the fishing is it ? Itā€™s just as much to do with the peace and tranquility of a little lake that few people even know exists .
    No more day ticket circus for me . Hallelujah ! šŸ¤£
    there will be a couple of cradle pics added later to give you all an idea of the stamp of fish I was catching ( I lost count after about 30 or so) and one of a fish not all that big but pretty enough to warrant a pic I thought .
  8. Like
    yonny reacted to levigsp in Hidden gems   
    So some of you know I love quiet waters, by quiet I mean I'm on my own.
    I have found many untouched hidden gems in my life, he a a sample of unfished[before me] waters.
  9. Like
    yonny reacted to elmoputney in Line , Dia and breaking strength   
    I didn't like clear sensor,Ā 
    Stick to Gardner lines they just do what they are meant toĀ 
  10. Like
    yonny reacted to newmarket in Rods Pods and Day Ticketsā€¦   
    It Ā does Yon , thanks Iā€™ll have a little look now .
  11. Like
    yonny reacted to blankagain101 in Murpys lake   
    We done a week here 4 years ago, weather was freezing where as the week before had been mid 20's so didnt help the fishing. Nice enough lake, shower facilities are a good 20 min walk away at their house, but id say murphy and Mrs ,murphy are an acquired taste, spent most of the week drinking and smoking our cigarettes, food ok most of the time but hit and miss on what time it turned up
  12. Haha
    yonny got a reaction from crusian in Help Best way to take fish selfies with phone and tripod   
    I agree. A trophy shot is a trophy shot but the bloopers really bring back the memories of a capture.
    Here's me getting a blistering take half way through a photo shootĀ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£

  13. Like
    yonny got a reaction from salokcinnodrog in How much rest after spawning?   
    I've seen this a few times.
    You cannot know until one of the known fish gets caught down in weight.
  14. Haha
    yonny got a reaction from newmarket in Help Best way to take fish selfies with phone and tripod   
    I agree. A trophy shot is a trophy shot but the bloopers really bring back the memories of a capture.
    Here's me getting a blistering take half way through a photo shootĀ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£

  15. Like
    yonny got a reaction from salokcinnodrog in Rods Pods and Day Ticketsā€¦   
    Well you certainly made the most of it buddy!
    I love a nice long catch report and really enjoyed reading this. It sounds like the sesh had its ups and downs but ultimately you made your time on the bank count. Well done.
  16. Like
    yonny reacted to elmoputney in Exclusive family holiday in France   
    Can't wait will be just nice to chill and try and catch some whackers, and also have a nice week with the familyĀ 
  17. Haha
    yonny got a reaction from ouchthathurt in Help Best way to take fish selfies with phone and tripod   
    I agree. A trophy shot is a trophy shot but the bloopers really bring back the memories of a capture.
    Here's me getting a blistering take half way through a photo shootĀ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£

  18. Like
    yonny reacted to elmoputney in The Putneys are going to francais need to travel light?   
    It's Ā£80 to Hire the roof box but it means I can take bait and my rods and probably chairs and a brolly so it makes sense really rather than needing to hire it all when i get there, so that is money we'll spent really I thinkĀ 
  19. Like
    yonny got a reaction from elmoputney in The Putneys are going to francais need to travel light?   
    This is great news mate. Six acres is big enough for you to feel under-gunned with short rods and fish showing long imo.
  20. Like
    yonny reacted to elmoputney in The Putneys are going to francais need to travel light?   
    Thanks but I've just messed up the need for new rods šŸ˜©
    I've hired a roof box that will fit 12ft rods in šŸ˜­ good in some ways as I don't need to buy anymore rods but bad in that I don't need to buy anymore šŸ˜‚
  21. Haha
    yonny got a reaction from carpepecheur in Help Best way to take fish selfies with phone and tripod   
    I agree. A trophy shot is a trophy shot but the bloopers really bring back the memories of a capture.
    Here's me getting a blistering take half way through a photo shootĀ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£

  22. Like
    yonny got a reaction from carpyian in Help Best way to take fish selfies with phone and tripod   
    I agree. A trophy shot is a trophy shot but the bloopers really bring back the memories of a capture.
    Here's me getting a blistering take half way through a photo shootĀ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£

  23. Like
    yonny reacted to carpepecheur in Help Best way to take fish selfies with phone and tripod   
    IMHO the only way to take trophy shots is using an intervalometer. Yes you get loads of unusable shots which you simply delete. You then get to choose the best from the rest. If you are are only using a phone try this appĀ camera FV-5Ā Don't forget to keep the bloopers as well.

  24. Like
    yonny reacted to carpyian in Help Best way to take fish selfies with phone and tripod   
    thanks yonny pal i got one that works by voice so now its going to be a case of trial and errorĀ 
  25. Like
    yonny got a reaction from carpyian in Help Best way to take fish selfies with phone and tripod   
    I'm no expert with phone shots (I use a proper camera) but try Googling "Whistle Camera". There's several apps which allow you to take the shot by whistling hence no need for the remote. There's even one that will take the shot when it detects a smile I believe.
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