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Everything posted by yonny

  1. yonny

    Rig marole.

    It'll be fine buddy. I'd use a 3 turn blood for the 20đź‘Ť
  2. You can get it from most of the big bait suppliers in the UK but not sure about the US buddy. I'm guessing the real big boys like CC Moore or British Aqua Feeds will ship to the US but I'd be surprised if Google can't give you a local supplier. *I'm assuming you're in the US, if not I apologise!
  3. Crayfish meal is a very popular ingredient in the UK. Carp love it. It's pretty buoyant so go easy on the levels or your bait will float!
  4. yonny

    Rig marole.

    It is mate, and to this day completely unique. Have a go with the Specimon for zigs lads. It's something else. Rig Marole are my got-to for any link other than coated braid.
  5. I agree lads. I think it's less fun reading it when you know what's going to happen (which I did after watching DL's vlogs).
  6. yonny

    Rig marole.

    @finchey I use the CAMH2O. It's very good stuff. It makes a pretty funky boom as well as a great chod link. It pulls straight, no steaming required. It's no harder to knot than any other stiff filament type link. I find even a 2 turn blood knot is enough with the 25 lb stuff which is what I'd recommend.
  7. I've seen all the Cyp stuff, I've been a subscriber from the start. It is the best content out there imo. DF always comes across very well in interviews, he doesn't deserve any of the stick he gets. He even gets stick for the Embryo stuff which is laughable. Those waters are cheap as chips compared to similar syndicates, they're incredibly well run too. And Korda might not be the cheapest gear but the company has ethics (despite what others might tell you). I admire DF for what he's achieved in the angling world.
  8. Is there a particular pattern you're looking at @elmoputney? Ultimately most hooks are pretty good quality nowadays, especially when you sharpen them yourself. The pattern is the important bit. That said I still stick to what I consider to be decent brands. I have tried some of the cheaper hooks and found they can be inconsistent. I've not tried the BMG gear. One of the chaps that runs BMG was on a syndi with me for a while, didn't get to know him though, he fished week days where I generally fished weekends.
  9. That made me chuckle lol. I think it's very clear that blatant product plugging is a thing of the past. Just look at the latest Korda films, they hardly mention any gear during the main event, they whack it all in a "featured in this film" bit at the end that you don't have to watch. It's great. Ultimately most of these films are glorified adverts so we should expect a bit of plugging but the days are gone where it's all Trakker this, Daiwa that, Cell Cell Cell. These firms know that free content with zero plugging is out there so they had to react by creating a more viewer friendly experience. We've never had it so good imo.
  10. Hot water will destroy the proteins buddy. I'd just use normal cold water.
  11. I got a couple of fishing related bits: MPE Tackle bank sticks (for my hard anodised ali set up). Some Defiant MPS custom titanium bank sticks (for my titanium set up). Some new spool caps for my SS3 tournies. A pack of those new Trig Hammers (pretty sure we've all checked these out now lol). Of course 'Santa' in all cases above = ME lol.
  12. I think we're lucky in that there is more quality angling entertainment available completely free of charge than ever before. We don't realise how lucky we are. Twenty years ago you'd spend 20 quid on a video that wasn't half as good as some of the free stuff out there nowadays. I am looking forward to more of the ESP, Thinking Anglers and Sticky stuff. I tend not to let anything I don't like wind me up, I'll just not watch it.
  13. I'm sure the consistency should be fine but you need to consider what's in the glug mate. If it's aminos you'll kill them with hot water.
  14. Absolutely mate, it's very easy to fall into that trap when you think you know what they're up to so you commit everything only to find out they're elsewhere! Ha! Of course you'll become obsessed. Don't worry about the times it seems less enjoyable. Those times are important. Without those lows you can never experience the extreme highs that come when it all goes right!
  15. I don't get that at all elmo. I always spend a hell of a lot of time in preparation in for my fishing (my time on the bank is so limited that even the prep is a bit of an escape for me). I love it, prepping bait, tying rigs, working yourself up and getting excited. Of course it doesn't always go how you expect it to on the bank but that doesn't mean it's a waste of energy. What it means is that on those occasions when it does go to plan you are fully prepared. Nothing left to chance. You cannot be better prepared for more situations if you do not spend the time planning. It doesn't work mate. Ultimately all we have to do on the bank is whack a rig on a spot in front of some carp. There is not that much to it. I would say 50% of the work that goes into a successful campaign is actually done at home. It's the 6 P's innit; Proper preparation prevents p*ss poor performance.
  16. I know I'll not be fishing that much in 2020 (it'll be more than I did in 2019 though). I'll be repeating the little autumn campaign on the days only club water I fished over Sept/Oct. That's if I'm not lucky enough to catch the biggun in spring (which is unlikely as A) I wont have a lot of time and B) the place sees miles more pressure in spring). But having walked the place all spring last year I might have a head start over some of the other guys. I know the spring areas and I know a couple of spots (which are at a premium as it's so, so weedy). I know where the biggun tends to get caught too. I don't think I'll get away with baiting due to how busy it gets in spring so my approach will likely be singles and zigs. Autumn I'll be piling it in, it was quiet last year. Of course all this assumes the biggun doesn't get ottered this winter! My main priority for 2020 is to obtain a ticket for 2021. I have a couple of fingers in a couple of pies so I'm quite hopeful.
  17. They're supposed to be decent Elmo. Not used them myself.
  18. https://www.englandangling.co.uk/displaysearch.asp?txtSearch=sale&supplier=CHUB
  19. Now is the time buy Chub stuff as the operation is being moved abroad by the Pure Fishing Group (they own Chub, Greys , JRC , Penn etc). It's all on special/clearance offer as a lot of it is being discontinued/re-branded as JRC.
  20. I'd also recommend them or the TB CF-X but based on the options he listed they are out of his price range.
  21. Not quite 3.25 but these are supposed to be incredible value rods: https://www.tacklebox.co.uk/rods-en/carp-rods/tackle-box-darent-valley-specimen-rod-12ft-3lb-50mm.html
  22. I think there are a few option that can be used single either side buddy.
  23. Is there a reason you need a custom job or is it just tart factor? I'd have thought the cheapest custom stuff will cost more than the most expensive off-the-shelf stuff buddy.
  24. Keith at Defiant MPSđź‘Ť https://www.defiantmps.com/
  25. Yes mate. I started taking my own powders to my maggot supplier to use instead of the maize/dust they offer. I tried liver powder, GLM, and various grounbaits. I found that nothing was more effective than un-touched maggots. In fact I actually started asking for my maggots un-cleaned, straight from the trays (my supplier is a maggot farm). The dirtier and stinkier the better imo. The article says "as soon as they start sweating, they start getting Ammonia all over them. The fish just veer off them because that Ammonia is a really bad chemical, they really don’t like it". That is a load of tosh imo. Maggots secrete various substances/chemicals including ammonia as part of their natural processes, this imo is part of what makes them so attractive to carp. No processed food/bait can match these natural processes in terms of attraction imo. All those substances/chemicals (which I'm pretty sure are stuffed full of AA's), together with the tiny electrical signals given off by live maggots, are what make them so unbeatable in terms of bait. I do not believe maggots can be made more attractive by adding anything.
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