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Everything posted by yonny

  1. I think we'll have to agree to disagree buddy. I have no desire to to use them but imho they are not dangerous when set up correctly.
  2. So your intent was to ditch the lead on the take? Failure to ditch the lead on the take is not a safety issue imo. It's annoying if that is your intent, but not imo unsafe. The purpose of lead clips is to ditch the lead if it becomes snagged. If it can do that then for me it is safe.
  3. I'm not trying to convince you otherwise mate. I have never and will never use a cog, I'm just saying I do not believe them to be unsafe. Any rig can be unsafe if it's set up badly.
  4. I think it's a case of the swivel being pushed into the lead too tightly. Same as a lot of guys do with tail rubbers. Imo it's the anglers fault, not the gear.
  5. Can I ask what is unsafe about them that doesn't apply to any other lead clip on the market?
  6. Please don't blame me if it snaps on the first outing 🤣
  7. I used its predecessor (the distance Cobra Quick Stick) and the main shaft broke off at the handle in the first season lol. Typical Nash. But the new one looks like it's one piece so should stand up to a bit more abuse.
  8. It is mate. Great stick, but not the one for distance. The Pro-Pela is the one for distance (but it is carbon and about 60/70 quid😬). Nash do a distance one in plastic for about 15 quid. I've not used it or even seen it but might be worth checking out if you're on a budget.
  9. Are they still available? Certainly a bargain but for me they're not long enough (you really need close to or more than a metre long for proper distance imo). A curved stick also helps, to get that top spin. There is a gap in the market imo. If someone bought a proper distance carbon stick out (more that a metre long with a nice curve) they'd clean up. There is currently no real alternative to the ACA for proper distance. I cracked mine slightly (stood on it (doh)) and am currently using it taped up as there is nothing that can match the distance.
  10. The problem is there are too many guys that are prepared to chuck kilos and kilos in when they are unable to determine whether there are feeding fish in front of them or not. There is no problem using big qty's of bait if you're on them and it's getting eaten. People need to use their eyes. You can tell if your spot is getting smashed to bits.
  11. For real distance you need the ACA/Frank Warwick stick but they are like rocking horse poop nowadays. Second to that you have the Century one which is £££££ or the Gardner Pro-Pela which is what I'd recommend buddy.
  12. You know if they're EA because they wear an EA stab vest lol.
  13. He may have been a bailiff but he certainly didn't represent the EA as they do not need to see the license. They carry a handset that they can use to check your details. Sounds like an over protective bailiff to me mate.
  14. An absolutely ridiculous rule imo. Per the posts above there's loads of options for baiting but if it were me I'd be onto the committee to discuss the rule. If it's the same Dovemere I just found online it's well over 100 yards to the middle. The carp will learn that they're relatively safe out there (in fact it sounds like they already have?). I think your best bet in the short term is piling the boilie in with the stick at range.
  15. Greed is good when it comes to angling mate 👍 Exactly this. Which bit is banned? The pellet? Or the spodding? There are loads of baits out there that can help to achieve the situation you're after, and there are normally ways around certain bait/tactical bans.
  16. OK...... So this is a result, no? Your problem is not related to rigs imo mate. You are catching fish where others are not so you're doing something right. I would be looking at baiting tactics if I were you. The fish are there and you are catching them, you just need to work the swim i.e. feed the spots tactically. Keep the bait going in (in moderation) in an attempt to extend the feeding spells. The longer they feed for, the more bites you'll get.
  17. It got me for a second too lol
  18. @carpepecheur, it's sir axeman with the problem, not Carpmaster 👍
  19. lol Imo there is absolutely nothing wrong with that mate. I don't believe an old school hair will fix any problem you associate with the rig. When you say safety bead do you mean a lead clip? Or some other type? Assume you're using it with a bottom bait or wafter? What is the substrate on the spots you're fishing? Is there much weed, silt or chod about?
  20. What rig are you currently using buddy? It is always best to change something for a specific reason. You think you're getting done which goes part way towards giving you that reason, but it is important to understand why you think your current rig is letting you down to make sense of any change.
  21. I think the bigger question is whether they'd get in the bay at all if it's a cold drizzly day. This imo^^^^^^^
  22. It's out of order what he said and there is no excuse for it but as devils advocate I'll say that it's easy for guys to become very protective over the waters they fish. I know I have in the past. In that situation I'd have gone straight over to speak with him. I'll bet that face-to-face he probs would have been very sheepish. It's not so easy to throw insults when the bloke you've just told to F off has a face and personality attached to him. He'd likely have clocked that you're a perfectly reasonable bloke, an angler just like him, and that would be the end of any animosity. I've also seen this on new waters. As above, I just go over there and chat to them like nothing's happening. Nine times out of 10 they end up being your mate lol.
  23. It's the mechanism imo. Some of them seem to open too easy on the loose setting and not at all on the tight setting. I think the spomb could do with a precision spring but that's obviously not cost effective. If you know what you're looking for you can pick a decent one off the shelf. The Dot can suffer too. After heavy use the arms on the lid/cap can bend very, very slightly which leads to it opening on the cast. The bend is so slight it's really tricky to spot (in fact I didn't realise what was going on with mine until someone pointed it out to me on here I think).
  24. I believe it held the US record for many years? I travel to CT with work quite regularly and often wonder about booking some time to fish the place.
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