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Everything posted by yonny

  1. I am completely unable to get any time on the bank during the coming weeks but for those of you that can, this weekend is looking a bit spesh. Most places have been fishing well during this past few weeks anyway but the weekend sees the massive drop in pressure many have been waiting for. Most places have now spawned so the fish will be on the feed-up. If you boys can get on them I foresee some BIG results on the horizon. I recommend taking a fair bit of bait if you're fishing. Prime, prime conditions.
  2. This^^^^^ Glycerine based glugs offer almost nothing in any way to a bait imo.
  3. Yeah mine has orange and black interchangeable tops. The black is best for bright days.
  4. Decent hooks mate ๐Ÿ‘
  5. They do a blackcurrant one "Betalin & Black" that's supposed to be excellent. I've only used standard betalin so couldn't confirm.
  6. A good choice mate ๐Ÿ‘
  7. Sabre: Stinga: You can see the curve of the Stinga closes the gape quite a lot.
  8. Sounds fine although a clear line is defo best. An adjustable has to be set up running but it will have a degree of self hooking properties as you say mate. One thing I would add is that when it gets REALLY warm zigs are not always the magic answer. You still need to feed, and feed, and feed, to get their confidence up (same as you would on the surface). Zigs are at their best when it's warm with a real decent wind imo. When it's hot with no wind the carp just want to sunbathe unless you can get them going with prolonged feeding of mixers (and sometimes even that doesn't work).
  9. They're very different. The Sabre is basically the chodda but with an unturned eye. Could be considered a wide gape pattern. The Stinga is a curve shank, but not so aggressively curved as most others.
  10. I agree mate. The spod reel takes some serious punishment and gets covered in bait. It's worth spending the extra to get something reliable.
  11. Looks a minter as well buddy. Well done.
  12. I think the Bling fish is actually quite a young one? I know a chap that had it a year or two ago. Don't think it was around when @emmcee fished it, if it was it would've been a little nipper?
  13. yonny


    I think it's a good idea to leave them alone during AND after spawning. We spend all year taking advantage of one of the only things they need (food) to hook and land them, the least we can do is let them go about the other thing they need (to reproduce) without hassle. Not sure about that mate. The only time fish are NOT pregnant is a week or 2 after spawning. They immediately start rebuilding the ovaries and growing eggs. So if you don't want to fish for pregnant fish it's a case of giving up angling I'm afraid.
  14. yonny


    I agree, often you'll find there are many more fish in a water than you thought. Not always monsters either. This water I'm fishing is said to hold 30 originals and 30 stockies. Based on what I saw during spawning last year there are way more than that, it's just that many tend not to get caught.
  15. Bear in mind the post you're replying to is 10 years old. A lot can change in that time fella.
  16. Nearly correct. By law all peanuts (including bird food grade) have to be tested for aflatoxins to get into the UK. Assuming we buy from a reputable source they are all OK.
  17. Totally agree mate. You'll take that mate. Well done.
  18. That is very good advice. Even a lowly 20 mph wind feels like 40 by the time it's crossed these big open reservoirs. Just this winter I nearly got blown away in my Lo Pro. I bought a Tempest Air instead and bent all the poles on the first session in storm Ciara lol. Replaced that with a Tempest Brolly and am now very careful about how/where I set up.
  19. Hows it looking Elmo? You seen owt?
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