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Everything posted by yonny

  1. You can use electrical tape buddy. Not a chance mate.
  2. yonny

    BC BS

    They are auctioning off days on the blue/gold pools in addition to the page buddy.
  3. yonny

    BC BS

    Imo the very least they should be offering in return for Joe Bloggs paying for their fence is a session on the dead-mans-shoes main lake. The Gold/Blue lakes are open to anyone on a day ticket so hardly the worlds biggest incentive to pay a premium to fence a lake you'll never be able to fish.
  4. yonny

    BC BS

    I don't think that's right. It's the members that are doing it as I understand the situation.
  5. yonny

    BC BS

    I'll not slate the individuals involved but I agree the initiative is a bit cheeky to say the least.
  6. I know it well. Same thing happened on the big lake when the weed was treated back in 2016. Basically the dye inhibits weed growth which has exposed the silt/bloodworm beds that aren't normally revealed until late autumn. It makes the fishing much harder as it's tricky to compete with an abundance of natural food.
  7. ???? The Synchro is decent. Gardner Pro is cheaper and offers similar properties. Never hard of Gardner 90? They do a GT80 and a GR60 but no 90. Do you mean Berkley CM90? Check out Gardner HydroTuff. Great line.
  8. Imo these are completely different prospects, especially for pre-baiting, and I'd approach them completely differently. On such a small water (1 1/2 acres) I'd be looking to bait very small spots, very accurately. On bigger waters I'd be trying to get them visiting an area frequently. On waters as small as an acre they're already in the area so I'd be trying to get them feeding regularly on the exact spot I intend to hook them from. On any water I find frequency is more important than qty. Half a kilo 3 times a week is much more effective than one big dump once a week imo. You don't need to use anything special - any half decent baits will do the job. I tend to use a good food bait and bulk it out with something else (what that something else is will depend on what's in the lake (for example I'd avoid pellet and corn if tench are going to smash the lot)). I tend to stick to boilies and tigers if tench are about. Pick the right spot(s). Try to find an area the fish like to visit regularly regardless of pre-baiting. Try to keep it quiet. Pre-baiting is no good if others are fishing your spots when you're not there. Have fun.
  9. This makes perfect sense. I was quoting Nick Helleur who is hardly a physicist (lol). I am inclined to agree with you. But the fact about lines being pinned past 60 yards is just that - a fact. Who knows how/why? I guess line has weight, simple as that.
  10. My mate has one. Brilliant dogs🐶
  11. Yeah, at that distance you'll be fine mate.
  12. At 98 yards you can fish your lines bow-string tight and the last 30 yards + will be pinned anyway mate. Past 60 yards water pressure pins the lines. If I was you 'd go uber-tight - so tight that a single bleep can mean only one thing (a fish). Backleads at distance with rocks and weed in the equation is suicide imo buddy.
  13. @finchey, you will defo get more distance as its lighter so quicker on the throw, I just hope it's long enough buddy.
  14. Out of order. I'd have done the same mate. In my opinion every member of a syndi or club should act as bailiff.
  15. Absolutely agree mate. Just relax and show them the respect that you expect to receive and you'll be sharing a beer with them before you know it. ?? What were the warnings for mate?
  16. Exactly this @finchey 👍
  17. What were they for and why is it funny bro?
  18. You're not going to make any friends like that bro. Most syndis and clubs are the same. The longer term members can become very protective of the water which is completely normal, and this can very much give the impression of a clique. It is human nature to an extent. You have two options in this case: 1 - Take the defensive, kiss my ass attitude. This will set you up for a campaign of animosity. 2 - Feel your way in, gently gently. Be on your best behaviour, show respect and etiquette (which in the long term you WILL be shown in return), get to know the members and become part of the group. End up with a bunch of new mates and the camaraderie associated with any decent syndi or club. Worry about your own results, not others mate. Being done 4 times and losing one, when "no one else had nothing" is nothing to shout about imo bro. Even if you had caught 5 there's no need to compare your results to others just to big yourself up. There is a fine line between commenting on the high and mighty attitude of others and exhibiting that exact same characteristics yourself. Relax and enjoy your new water bro. Those other guys are only human, you'll probs get on like a house on fire in the long run.
  19. Depends how you want to use it mate. If you want to spod to a marker float then yes. If you don't, it's a waste of space and money. I use my carp rods to lead about. If I need to determine really accurate depth with a marker float I'll just use the spod rod. Nope. They're pretty much the same thing mate.
  20. Perfect for silty spots👍
  21. You have Reading an hour away buddy. Some proper waters over there. https://www.rdaa.co.uk/lakes
  22. Have you been on the fish mate?
  23. @crusian, how much do you want to spend buddy?
  24. You need to check these carefully before buying as the finish on the inside of the one I had was shocking. There were lumps of resin/adhesive in the bore which ruined performance at distance. Very poor quality.
  25. So? The purpose of lead clips is to ditch the lead if it becomes snagged.
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