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Everything posted by yonny

  1. They'll be awful mate👎 Take it very, very easy if you use them for fishing and hook one👍
  2. Mine isn't going as well as I'd hoped. We're still seeing serious issues with algae, the fish aint acting themselves. Despite that the naturals have exploded this year (last week I bought 17 x caddis back on one hook bait 😲). There's too many tench/bream to bait with naturals so that's out of the question. I'm putting hardly any boilie in my mix as I'm not convinced my spot is being visited with any regularity and I don't want the spot going sour. Instead I'm just putting bits in that can be cleared up by anything. Conditions are improving which will help no end but the weeks are ticking by and my campaign will be over before I know it. Such is life. Must try harder.
  3. Always pays to have a plan B buddy.
  4. I think that's Eric from the Ellis vids?
  5. Will do mate. I only got 10k to cover me until I can get hold of some Trent gear tbh.
  6. Funnily enough I just bought some boiled baits off them as the Trent Baits lads were on holiday. I went for the HNV Pro. Looks ok.
  7. Fair play elmo. If you're confident in the spot and these could ruin that, bin them👍
  8. Was a bit of a long shot mate. I think it's game over. They'll still be ok for pre-baiting purposes imo. Overrated imo. Too much rubbish in fizzy pop. You just need a bit of sugar to kick-start those natural processes.
  9. To clarify, when I say they were v poor, I mean compared to what you can do yourself. They were usable. Agree, all the Dynamite Frenzied range is great. But it wants to be - it costs 5 to 10 times more than most prepared particle suppliers.
  10. Worth a go I guess elmo. I bought some from Monster last year. They were really poor. You're better off doing them yourself imo mate. Same with all particles.
  11. That's really interesting. I can only think that relates to the substrate AND the feeding situation (as the bridge area switched from BB's to PU's)?
  12. The cool box method is pants compared to proper prep mate. Soak, boil, simmer. You'll be able to turn the pan on it's side and it'll not fall out it's so gloopy👍
  13. It should gloop up itself during cooking if prepared correctly. Soak for 24, boil, then simmer for half an hour👍
  14. This is more important than any hypothetical stuff imo. Logic and fact beats theory all day👍
  15. Did you catch on all 3 (pop-up, snowman, double bottom bait) over the course of the campaign Nick?
  16. Not used one in years! On the rare occasion I need to use a bottom bait I'll use a hardened hook bait. Likewise. I can almost guarantee the length of the rig has nothing to do with your catching/not catching buddy. This is not a problem imo. The rig (assuming it is capable of presenting effectively) is not as important as many think imo.
  17. It'll not be cheap mate. You'd be wiser buying better rods than getting cheaper rods and spending money tarting them up imo.
  18. No it's fine mate. Tbh even fishmeal baits are OK in my experience. It's just high oil pellet you want to avoid. They key to winter baiting is timing imo. Any old decent bait will work. The trick is to start before winter and keep it going in. If you start in winter it's generally too late and you've missed the boat. But if you start early you can keep them visiting right through the colder months.
  19. I just carry on with whatever I'm using in summer/autumn tbh. I guess I cut down down on pellet and boilie but apart from that I just carry on.
  20. Gutted! That's the problem with mono, it's fine until you get a frap up or something like that, then you're guaranteed to lose whatever it is you're casting out. As in Spider Wire? I struggled with that stuff, it has a waxy coating, doesn't behave too well.
  21. Snap. I've used every combo of materials you can imagine and braid straight through is the least hassle by miles imo.
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