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Everything posted by bobstains

  1. Hello and welcome to the forums 1. Yes as long as its fairly stiff and holds a curved shape well. 2. Hair will work, but tying gives a better presentation. Why dont you tie a few boilies up beforehand and then all you have to do is tie it to the ring. Saves farting around at 2am with cold wet hands. 3. See 2. Have fun p.s. I got some bore rings free with a mag, whilst I won't use them they take the hassle out of tying on a bait. They are basically a ring with a spike on so you can just spike the bait.
  2. Hi Can't fault Raptors used them a fair bit for popups etc, really rate the armapoint though currently use a couple of patterns for all my fishing. Have to agree on the over the top packaging, at least it stops them being bashed about in a flimsy wallet.
  3. I use to catch loads at this time of year using willow blossom as bait floating on top in the windward corner, all your freebies are already there for you.
  4. Nice to see the fish coming out. A couple of forties too.
  5. I stopped going as it got so busy, nice lake though, great for the float. And yes the koi are rather nice, isn't there one that goes to 15? I'm sure i've got a picture of it somewhere.
  6. Hi As suggested you tube has loads of vids of different knots, rigs etc. HERE is a thread on how to tie a basic knotless knot and a few others. HERE is a thread that has a link to animated videos of various knots which comes in handy when learning them. One thing I will say is there is no need to overcomplicate things when it comes to rigs, one or two basic rigs cover 90% of my fishing needs. Practice with some of your mono line first so you don't waste any hooklink material practising. have fun
  7. The only things I can think of are maybe stepping up hooks to a size 4 and a lot of lakes in France have minimum bs mainline so a step up maybe required. I used a little more bait than if I was back here, however I was fishing 3 rods and knew they liked some grub.
  8. Nice pics, nice read. Glad you had a good time, Moorlands does look a nice place to be.
  9. I just use what I have on my reel, 10lb Krystonite. I would recommend Maxima Chameleon whilst not a floating line (you can get it to float) it did the job for me for years, I do keep toying with the idea of spooling back up with it. There was a thread I posted in some time ago, whilst I was still using it, rating it as floater line, Frank backed me up with some test results from various lines stating Chameleon was one of the most invisible. I can't for the life of me find the thread though. I do have some floating fly line that I have made a rig with in the past, it worked great but I only had it in 5lb so couldn't take it to many places.
  10. Hi As above if fishing straight through, I don't want to complicate things but I always fish a COMBI RIG when using flouro.
  11. Some nice fish, its just nice to get away from the norm.
  12. no, have you tried angling publications? think they sell them both
  13. Hi Isnt the idea of a lead clip supposed to eject the lead in such a scenario? Are you pushing the rubber on to far? An inline will help but ditching the lead would be the best way to go.
  14. Hi From what a read zigs are worth a pop, foam or popups. However spodding has scored for some. As Leggs has said try both fishing on a bed of bait and singles, if fishing zigs in the daytime tricle bait in a spot for dropping your rigs on at night. let us know how you get on
  15. lol I love your short sessions. cracking result in that space of time.
  16. I think it is the jet ski place.. Think Courtz gave it a bash and didnt recomend it, I havent been down myself so can offer my opinion. http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=34564&highlight=jet+ski
  17. well in mr McPot, grats on your new pb
  18. have a crack on the search to throw up some threads SEARCH Pool Hall Pool Hall Pool Hall
  19. I go for the nash armourbraid myself, I like my braid in black. Anyone else know of any black braid (not coated)?
  20. usually tie a combi, rare nowadays I fish flouro all the way through.
  21. I usually use raptors for pop up and zig fishing, although I have ran out and the last zig I tied was using an sssp and to be fair i'll prob stick with those.
  22. I don't think there is one, unless someone knows something I dont?. Ask yourself what you will be fishing over, Silt, gravel, detritus, sand, weed. Will you be using bottom baits or pop ups. I'd stick with the simple knotless knot and go from there. Take a look through The rig tying stickies to familiarise yourself with a rig or two.
  23. I cant imagine there being any bad things said, my experience was awesome http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=42817&highlight=rushes Expect nothing short of a warm friendly welcome. Expect to be made to feel at home straight away and expect to be well looked after all week. Enjoy the fishing, with upper doubles, 20's and 30's being common and cats in for good measure too. you will have a great week. which reminds me, Kim can you PM me with 2011's availability. thanks
  24. hahaha, I've got home and the mags are at work. Classic!!
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