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Everything posted by bobstains

  1. didnt Steve Renyard? do two pieces in a mag on a little lake in the IOW? If i remember when im home ill post the name and contact details.
  2. Good friends, Good fish, Good food (thanks Kim), Good weather and No work! *edit* nearly forgot, having a whole lake exclusive to you and your friends.
  3. been meaning to pick a copy up for a while now. Read nothing but good reviews. Must try harder..
  4. a piece of plastic has caught fish in the shape of fake corn Ive heard of matchmen using crisps.
  5. If your bait is buoyant enough to lift the hook and hooklink, Fluoro may work, but in long lengths how do you test it out? you could get round the long hooklink by testing its bouyant enough in 4-5 foots lengths and then use a float and adjustable zig.
  6. I just use my mainline, krystonite. I use it in 10lb for the zigs, always seemed fine for me.
  7. As always guys some lovely fish, well done on lake record common.
  8. I've looked at it twice, thats because im going on a social there in July so was taking an interest myself. I have never been, I don't live near it so have no info to offer i'm afraid. Maybe noone that visits here has fished there. Have you tried the SEARCH?, some old threads in there with limited info.
  9. Hoi there, I live in Glen Parva, Willesley could be a next lake? although not syndicate, I believe it holds fish to 30lb. I have been twice myself but only connected with Bream.. good luck with whatever you go for.
  10. Hi Forrest Take a look at http://www.fisheries.co.uk/ and look at Leicester region. Lakeside, Willesley, Gilmorton, I think there is day ticket at Watermead, if I list more i'm only repeating whats on the above website.
  11. Sorry not from up north so my knoweldge od fsiheries is limited You mentioned Linear, thought about Bluebells in N'pton? have you looked HERE? not very accurate or up to date but a rough guide.
  12. Hi If you use the SEARCH FACILITY it will bring up a couple of threads about Coking Farm post on those and it will bring them back to the top. Have you checked their website? take a look.. Tight lines.
  13. its £650 to rent and fish the boathouse swims.. looks nice.. Just waiting for my housemate to get a missus and were booking it..
  14. from what I have read my first tip would be choose a different lake. Getting a swim is like winning the lottery aparrantly. If you do a SEARCH for linear or st johns quiet a few threads will be thrown up Happy searching
  15. Hi If you use the SEARCH it might help you with your quest. Although not too many threads on it, found THIS which may have some good info on albeit 2 years old. have fun
  16. Depending on what length your after, I tie a 4-5ft hooklength as normal then use a fox bolt bubble (or any similar float) and then your lead weight. This way you can use it at different levels in the water without retying a rig. Also it helps when fishing a 10ft+ zig as its easier to cast and play/land fish. i was bored so i drew a nice picture
  17. Been looking at this, im after a week on an english lake. I wouldnt mind getting in touch with Dave Anderson who is holding the 32lb 15oz carp in front of the cabin on the "about wildmoor" part on their website, bottom of the page. He is my old football coach, took me fishing once or twice as a young lad too. So if by some weird chance you see this, PM me. Rob
  18. Hi If you use the SEARCH you may find it throws up a thread or two, like THIS one. happy hunting
  19. never tried it myself, however, someone has as I caught a carp with rig, tubing with putty and 20-30 foot of line trailing from it.
  20. Hi try the SEARCH that might throw up some threads. THIS thread probably being your best bet.
  21. Sapphire & Cromwell are nearby..
  22. WHAT!!!! Me and the missus are looking at key/eurocamp hols this weekend.. If what you say is true that would be me sorted..
  23. All I can remember is his fizzy tablet sandwiched on the hair between two halves of boilie.
  24. Jules, could I be you just for a while, please? Ian
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