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Everything posted by nigewoodcock

  1. Are you looking for day tickets or syndicate venues?
  2. Zigs are a devastating tactic. As anything in angling though, there is a time and place. I would say though, if I fished a full year on only zigs, I would catch more than a full year fishing on the deck only. What I try to do is get the mix of methods right to get an even better return! Steveo has given some good advice but I have to say, I use the heaviest lead I can get away with. Also, as mentioned by others in this thread, a lead clip is the way to go. The reasons behind me having a big lead on a clip include making sure it comes off on the take. Most of the time my zigs are fished over two foot deep (not always though). I don't want lead swinging around that far away from the hook when playing fish. The takes on zigs can, a lot of the time, be either screamers or drop backs ( the fish is already moving during the bite). If the lead comes off and with the use of a tight line and heavy bobbin, the drop backs will be more positive. Another reason for the heavy lead is to do with the distance from the hook again. I want the hook set straight away and the heavy lead helps this. I want the fish to feel it straight away! Where hookbaits are concerned, I like to use a half and half colour. My starting point is always black and white zig lites from avid. White on top and black underneath. If the fish is over the top, the white will stand out against the dark water or bottom. The black will silhouette if the fish passes below it. These two factors can induce an inquisitive bite. All my plastics and foams are kept in a pot soaking in thaumatin B, diluted 50:50 with water. Oh, and zigs at night definitely work!!!!
  3. You will always get flash spots on the flank of the fish if the flash is directly above the lens. An off camera flash with diffuser is the best option. If that isn't available to you, turn the fish head end slightly towards the camera.
  4. And ask him how many of his fish are in Bradley's!!
  5. http://www.blackthornfishery.co.uk/cabin/
  6. Have a look at blackthorn fishery in Shropshire. Best cabin around!
  7. Consistency. It's the major thing to remember in training.
  8. Where's Theo this year????? Would love to hear his take on things at the bridge.
  9. Here's a little video that we made in the winter last year. The bottom is really soft so a balanced bait and a longish rig may be a good starting point. Zigs work all year round on there. I would probably start with solid bags of boilie crumb if I were to go this weekend.
  10. Would have to be a real one if lures are banned. To be fair, they are better anyway. Just dont last as long on the hook as a rubber!!!
  11. Try drop shotting with a worm matey. Deadly!
  12. To make it a bit easier to see, I put them here. I'll let a few more have a guess before I tell you Andrew!
  13. Look in the four pics I put up in August catches. Three were self takes, one was taken by welder after I had dialled the settings into the camera first. See if you can guess which one.
  14. Put a photo up of it and I'll see if I can see the issue xx
  15. A fag paper might work on it?
  16. To be fair mate, your never going to get really decent pictures at night from a phone. Get on eBay and you can pick up a decent dslr or even a bridge camera that will unlock the route to better pics for you. You still need to understand how the camera works to get the best from it though.
  17. As above xx
  18. What camera have you got gaz?
  19. When I fish a heli lead arrangement, be that a chod or hinged stiff rig etc, I have no bottom stop. The rig can just slide down the the lead and sit against it. There is less movement from the lead this way than on a lead clip.
  20. Was just thinking a similar pattern hook, not a curve, just with the inturn. Just seems that the only difference in the Sr to the ssp is the eye. Seeing as your not using the out turned eye (trying to overcome it intact), it seems the inturn or straight would sit even better for you? As you say though, it's a personal thing. X
  21. Gaz, your using a fox sr hook, with an out turned eye. You are then using the shrink tube to reverse what the angle you get from the line exiting that hook. Have you thought about using a hook pattern with an in-turned eye? That way, you may be able to loose the shrink tube as the angle will be as you want it?
  22. What about the list of venues you were given on the last thread you starts asking the same question? Lol
  23. Could it be a trailer????
  24. just the passport for a guest.
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