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Everything posted by jemsue5

  1. They did not sure how many on it
  2. Now as some of you know i have a rig tying business and over the last few years i've tied 1000s of chod rigs. The best hooks by far for me personally and for my business have been korda choddys and nash chod twister i never get them back or any compaints. I am going to have a play this year with the Nash gapers as i like the wide gape on them and they look a nice tough hook.
  3. Not to bad mate got a couple of waters to play with this year. Like you i wouldn't fish the mere now , i know a few lads on it and none of them have had anything near to a 30 but it is a nice water.
  4. Well if its the mere it isn't a syndicate its a club water open to anyone.
  5. Fox ssc was my go to hook for ages i very rarely lost a fish on them. As for the kranks i think they are to flexible and i have no faith in them whatsoever, to me its a weak pattern and i dont fish to lose one i've hooked.
  6. What can i say a short story easily read in two or three hours but absolutely fantastic discriptive writing. A tale of a man and a fish and a young boy its an insight into a different life and the respect a man can have for his quarry.
  7. Im sure it is now a mega private syndicate with next to no chance of joining. What i will say is get permission to walk around waters when looking around or you might find yourself not getting an invite back. Keith who runs it is not looking for any new members at present, i know i have a mate on there and i cant get on. Sob sob
  8. When using a small bait I use a big hook and when using a big bait a bigger hook lol.
  9. barston or run down to brasenose 1/2 on the linear complex
  10. I think the tee lake fish went after the cold winter couple years back, never saw it the following spring.
  11. Good memory. It opened my eyes too. Sadly many fisheries have restrictions on hook size. It was in Freespool mag and yes i have a saying that for small carp use a big hook, for bigger carp use an even bigger hook. I use size 2s for barbel fishing so a hook that size aint no problem for a carp.
  12. Now i see what you are saying Kev but to suck in something large enough to stick both sides of my gob would be almost impossible with out it hitting the outside of my lips etc on the way in. The old Frank warwick anchor rig comes to mind and yes i have used that to catch a few. I just dont believe from the best part of 30 years carping that any super efficient rig is out there.
  13. As far as i'm concerned the palm and thumb tests are the biggest load of you know what in carp fishing. Utter and total gash like its the same as a carps gob sucking and blowing underwater.
  14. Sandhust because the poxy place owes a big fish
  15. Having watched the scaley beasts get away with it countless times in the margins i dont believe any rig has a more than 20% sucess rate. I dont let it worry me any more just plod along catching a few here and there.
  16. Hair and rig length i would make longer.
  17. jemsue5


    They suck it in they blow it out and occasionally i get lucky. I think you can see my thinking on rigs from that statement. Plenty of separation on bottom bait rigs with quite a long hair for me and chops or barrels as hook baits. Next to no separation on pop up rigs now both seem to work for me in my simple little uncomplicated rig world.
  18. Thats crap ive fished it since the 70s never seen a trout in there. Can you imagine casting a fly rod on those banks. It did get run by TAA many years a go and we had some superb Roach, Rudd and Perch fishing there.
  19. Its about 40ft deep and a trecharous place to fish unless you fish where the divers go in and out and even then you have the big snag to the right to worry about. I know its fished but the owner is a bit of a nutter who aint keen on anglers umless he knows you. I have seen carp in there but i would say there is no more than a handfull at most with the best being around 20lb. Three winters back me and my lad found two dead dragged up the bank which look like they had been ottered. To be honest mate it would be a ball ache to try and catch one out of there its a proper snag fest and as i say a dangerous place to fish on your own. Far better waters around with a lot less hassle.
  20. jemsue5


    Not all ready tied rigs are crap lol. I do have a rig tying business on ebay and this year i'm looking at well over £12,000 worth of sales. It's surprising the range of customers i have from total beginners to the very experienced who are quite particular in what they want. Reasons for not tying their own vary from eyesight problems to arthritus etc which have made it hard for them. I have 100% feedback rating and will always go out of my way to help and advise anybody who ask's me for advice. Far better for a newbie to use a decent simple rig until they know what they are doing rather than use crap knots etc only to leave hooks in fish. If buying off the bay just use common sense and check feedback their are a few good lads on there who do know how to tie a good rig.
  21. Rushes lake speak to mrs rushes on here
  22. Had loads of 20s and big doubles out of Larford specimen lake in winters gone by.
  23. Matt's best cat of the week, not sure of the weight as it bottomed out my 60lb reubens with a bang i think it's around the 70lb mark.
  24. The van is packed ready for the 3.00am start. Just for you Ian i have packed one or two bottles for tomorrow nights little drinking session
  25. What a stupid idea, no using single sticks, no alarms at all if battery or circuit dies. I really rate the g1s and g2s but those are just stupid.
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