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Everything posted by salokcinnodrog

  1. I hate to destroy your illusions, but the Helicopter rig is a form of Bolt Rig Have a read of this: http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=26640 As to what bait you use on a helicopter rig, then the main reason for the helicopter has recently become so that "we" can present the Frank Warwick Short Pop-up rig. The fact is that Helicopter rigs are able to be used with any bait, pop-up or not. Best used ofr absolute distance as they are best cast hard to reduce tangles and short distances seems to create tangles when the Helicopter set-up is "lobbed"
  2. To be honest I think that it depends on how you want to fish it and what pattern you feel comfortable with! Looking back to my previous post and D-rigs; I usually use them for Snowman presentation more than Standard Pop-ups, sorry for any confusion, with the D-rigs I'll stay with the Centurions and Nailers. I often seem to prefer an outurned eye for Pop-ups when I want the bait close to the hook, yet a straight or inturned when I have some separation, the inturned for a longer separation than with the straight. Seriously, I couldn't explain why, probably that thing called confidence! Its the same with Stiff Rigs, I feel an outurned eye is slightly better for that as well. I can't remember ever feeling comfortable with the Withy Pool rig and the extreme curved shank extension, I've not caught on it when I've tried it and normally go back to my favourite patterns. I've caught a number of fish on B175's and pop-ups and the hair is normally about 10mm long. The Hook eye has putty moulded over it to keep the bait as close to the Lakebed as possible. I don't think that a larger Carp that doesn't "see" the bait from straight in front or below can tell the difference of a bait that is 2cm above the bottom to a bait that is on the bottom.
  3. I know more than you reckon! what? you where that guy? :s :S im confused No I'm not that guy, but have an inside track on some venues "That" guy is definitely fishing it at night and going to work during the day, but I know that some of the weights don't quite correspond to what you have said
  4. It's originally from The Anglers Mail Guide to Carp Fishing by Andy Little, and I think we had another discussion on the best place to position the exit point of the hair on the hook, so I put it up on here in another post a while back
  5. I remember that Andy Little, Jan Wenckza and Chris Ball used to put a piece of non dissolving foam on the hook to lift the hook above the bait when Fishing Burton (Frensham(?)). The bait was resting on the lakebed with the hook above it, I believe it was christened the "Over Rig". I'll have a look for a pic later and try to edit and include it in here Nige, Do you mean this drawing?
  6. Rib Valley The Trout Lake is currently having the Trout removed. Anglers who catch any are allowed to take them. Carp are being stocked into this lake. I gather that one of the lakes has produced a couple of Carp up to high 20's this week to an angler who was there for a couple of days
  7. Welcome to the forum. Can I suggest a quick look through this and see if any are suitable? Fisheries in France (click me) If you then go onto the Search facility and see if any have been mentioned as a good or bad venue.
  8. I keep on removing threads about Newland Hall Fishery as I know that it has been mentioned in the past. I found a thread by using the search facility What I have done is deleted these details off a previous thread and copied them onto a new post I would suggest that any more questions on Newland Hall go onto this thread
  9. I've been speaking to a friend who has moved into Hertfordshire for work and he has recommended this place, Rib Valley Fishing Lakes Proprietors. D.J.and D.M.Vigus WESTMILL FARM WARE HERTS SG12 0ES LakesTele. 01920 484913 From what I can gather I have heard that the Carp are pushing up to 30lbs and there are plenty of other fish species as well Before anyone asks, I've never fished it.
  10. That's fair enough, but the shape of the Inline can make a difference. That's about the only place where I think that Korda make the best Leads, in their original Inlines. The taper allows the weed to slide down better than other shapes. Like Nick says I also tie the Lead on if I use a Running Lead, or if I'm feeling lazy "the Paper clip"
  11. Do what?! Slide down onto the hook?!!! U gotta be jokin right!?!? If my lead was sliding onto the hook I'd be very very worried. Inline sit above a swivel, so how do they slide down onto the hook? Inlines are a no no when fishing in weed in my opinion. they'll snag on weed just like any other setup. Your best bet in my humble opinion, is to use lead clips, (I use the Armaled clips and rubbers aswell) and just push the rubbe on lightly, half a cm is enough to stop the lead ejecting on the cast, but still throw the lead very easily. If you're fishing into weed, put the whole rig into a PVA bag, not only does it give you some freebies around ur bait, it guarentees your rig is sat nicely on the bottom and not hooked up on some weed and also means you can set the tail rubber light without fear of losing the lead on the cast when goin for the biggun. The weed slides down past the lead, and either onto the hook (as it does with a Lead clip set-up), or off the end tackle anyway. Must admit I have fished into some serious weed and can't remember the last time had an Inline snag up. Also I don't always want the whole lot in a PVA bag sat on the bottom. I want my bait where the fish feed, so I may be using a Pop-up off the bottom, No use for a PVA Bag. Theer was a definite PUBLISHED problem with Lead clips releasing the Lead on contact with the water when they were inside the PVA Bag. The Bag slows down the rig, but the Lead doesn't slow, so the Lead clips were ejecting the lead on hitting the water.[/i]
  12. What about the possibility of fishing Inline Leads. They don't seem to pick or snag up with so much weed, it often slides straight down and past or onto the hook May be something on here that is useful as well: http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=26640
  13. I'm not sure that we do need to change the hook every fish. I fished at Merrington Social and put a fresh rig on for that trip. New Hook new braid etc, and landed a good 20 on it. I didn't bother to change it for my next trip, and fished in a very weedy water and landed 4 more Carp to double figures on that same hook. The hook itself was an ESP pattern. The only reason I took that hook off was that I snagged up and frayed the braid. At another water I didn't bother changing hooks and landed some 20 Carp on 1 hook over 2 trips. I don't sharpen my hooks, I do check them for, sharpness, burrs and properly closed eyes though. To sharpen a hook and to check that you are not removing the point then you really need a Jewellers Eyeglass to magnify the point. Every time you sharpen or attempt to sharpen the hook you will remove metal. If there is less metal then you will be making it harder to hone the point to needle sharpness, as each time you will need to start the "stroke" from further up the hook. No matter what, or how brittle the hook, if the rig is badly designed then the hook will not penetrate. If a point is brittle then it can be very easily broken off on a stone or snag in the water, and just by dropping a Lead as you get ready to cast, (you know that "oops the line slipped out of my fingers" as you reach back with the rod) and the hook hitting the ground, can be enough to take the point off a hook.
  14. Question for you, does it say which hooks he has sharpened? A hookpoint has often been tempered and set so by sharpening an already tempered hook makes the point more brittle or damages it in other ways. The reason that in most cases that the hook needs sharpening is that the hooks have been coated with Teflon or some other coating to protect the hook from corrosion. This coating "blunts" the hook slightly, just running a file along the edge of the hook removes it and re-sharpens the hook. There is a problem with this in that some waters, especially silty waters the hookpoint can be blunted just by being in the water. It may or may not get snagged up but something in the water blunts the hook. That is what the hook coating is there to protect from.
  15. A Hair rig and a helicopter rig? Think you're confusing yourself! The Helicopter is a Lead set-up with a rig at an angle to the mainline. A hair rig is basically any Hook with a piece of line coming off to attach the bait to. http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=22185 Description and picture in there , but I'll explain it again. Tie a Uni knot at the end of a piece of line and put pop-up into the loop you have created. Pull tight. With the other end tie it as tight and as close as you wish it to be to the Ring. I tend to use 3 or 4lb Mono for the line as I can blob melt the tag end of the knots to stop them coming undone. If you decide to use a Bottom bait under the pop-up (snowman) on a D-rig put that on the "hair" before you tie the line to the Rig Ring
  16. For the line recommendations have a look through the "Which is best" in Tackle and Equipment as for the Braid you know my answers
  17. This is part of a post from one of the Stickies at the top of the Rig Tying section:
  18. Don't get me started on SWP, and I know the place well Trevor The Bailiff is a top bloke, knows the lake like the back of his hand, won't accept any Bull or arguments. A lot of the reason he is so strict is that he is worried about Fish Care. They lost a fish due to being sacked a while ago (Army Fish). The theory was that Noddies who bought cheap kit weren't going to be made welcome, unfortunately it doesn't take into consideration "Credit card" anglers. What about waters near Alresford? there is a club there and a Reservoir near the Station.
  19. Heck, I bet that took a bit of effort to type in , capitalising every First letter Essex is fairly spread out, a reasonably large county, and some of the syndicates are a 'mare to get into. CAPS, Kelvedon, Sudbury and District are clubs with a few waters. The lake right next to the A12 near Chelmsford (the name has slipped my memory ) is day ticket, but there was or is a phone number of who controls it on the fence. It may be a bit noisy though
  20. Have a look at the Thread "Leaders" (I think) or key in Leadcore as a search, and you will be surprised at some of the tests results I found out using Leadcore. At anything over about 40metres your line will be on the lakebed anyway, as it arcs down from the rod tip. Tubing is a far safer way fo fishing than Leadcore which can fray, cut the fish, and become a Death Rig without you even noticing. A Running Rig is no safer with Leadcore than a Fixed or even Semi-Fixed Lead set-up. In fact because of the consequences of the Beads getting trapped it is more dangerous!
  21. You are joking, right? nope i have pics to prov it the biggest fish out ov the big lake todate is 39lb 6 i will post some pics ov the fish soon I can believe the Tench, but an 8lb Roach is double the species Record, the Rudd Record is 4lb10oz, the current Perch Record is 5lb9oz, but there was a 6lb Perch caught from the River Thames. Methinks you had better start checking some of these stories properly!
  22. There are many Fisheries in the Fisheries in France (click here) section, if you type some of them into the Search facility and see what is said about them then you will find many recommendations already on the forum Reminder Please do not post external links in posts!
  23. some of the Waters around Cambridgeshire, Earith Carp Lakes, and Ron Middleton's Ashmire syndicate, both Season Ticket. Virginia Water, Earith was a very good water for me. I think I had in the region of a few hundred fish over 2years and plenty of Good twenties. Ian Jones is the person to call 07799199256(?)( and there may now be a waiting list), or have a look at the website:www.earith-carp-lakes.co.uk (I think from memory) Also near Cambridge you have the Ponds at Milton (Hit the search facility as they have all been mentioned before)
  24. I've used the Fake Maggot Line Aligner using fake maggot to disguise the hook: but never the Mag Aligner with just the Fake Maggot. I actually found I didn't get as many hook-ups for some reason, but that is probably down to me fishing like a numpty Incidentally in that pic, it is scanned so the Angle from Top of the maggot with the line is not normally as severe, but the scanner lid pressed down on the maggot. Thread moved to UK Rig Tying
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