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Everything posted by salokcinnodrog

  1. We have had threads on Elphicks (spelt correctly) in the past, just by posting on one of them brings it back to the top of the section. The second link that I have put down below contains a link to the website at Elphicks, (and I found them by using the Search facility) http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=16135&highlight=elphicks http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=21147&highlight=elphicks Seriously asking about the areas to fish is a like waving a "Red Rag to a Bull"! On any water, you will have to do some work yourself. The fish may be moved about the venue by pressure, by the wind and weather, etc. Whatever info you get from the forum now, may well be out of date by the time you go down there in a week, month etc, so the best bet is to get in touch with the bailiff or Fishery Manager. On top of that you get there and whatever you have been told may feel totally wrong. You may get a feeling for a particular swim dependant on the weather on what it may do (or is forecast), or a recent change that has happened that day. On top of that certain fish may come out of particular swims, but only be catchable at certain times of the year, so to give you advice to go into "Swim2" 'cos "Harry" lives there. (apologies to Bob James and Chris Yates) I seem to remember the advice was to use plenty of bait as the Carp were always hungry as at the time it was a fairly new water and Natural food may have been a bit low. However, the larger Carp may spook off a bed of bait, and prefer just a small bag worth, or the larger Carp may hang off the baited area, so a single bait may score. The best bait is the bait you have confidence in, whatever you use normally. I would happily take Trigga, (B&F co) Smokey Mackeral and some others onto any water and feel confident that I will catch, even on the first time of its introduction. Of course I could always come down with you, set your bivvy up, put bait on your hooks (hair), cast in for you and you may catch. In which case you got it right! Alternatively whatever you get from here may be totally wrong in which case you will blame all the wrong information, not your Fishing!
  2. Silkworm has a brown fleck to it, and is slightly buoyant. Supersilk is a white colour but takes on the colour of the lakebed, and is slightly thinner. I would also recommend the Grinner/Uni knot for them both. When you use SuperSilk, make sure each cast you check and remove any twist
  3. The Mill is one of Essex Carp Fishery's syndicates, costing £225 plus key money, although the small lake is Day Ticket at Bailiff's discretion and tickets are Very limited
  4. This thread cover some of the hooklink question, plus in some of the links on that, an occasional swipe at other subjects http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=33587 this is another one that may interest you: http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=9536 Also I'm not sure if it has been mentioned in any of them, but have a search for Kryston SuperSilk
  5. By playing fish lightly, I imagine that the fight last longer? IMHO this increases mouth damage and the chance of a braided hook length slicing their mouth. I have seen braid slice a carps mouth quite badly, the slice was right in the scissors, the braid in question was Drennan micro braid. This is one of the reasons I stepped away from braided hook lengths and onto Magic touch mono, although this doesn't suit every situation. Drennan Micro Braid is one of the worst for slicing as it is so thin in diameter, and very "rough" and abrasive to the touch. Now you know why I do my Garage tests so I won't use tackle that may damage fish. There was also another hooklink braid that I found dangerous to use as well from the Nash stable. Anyone who uses a Mainline Braid as a hooklink without checking what it can do deserves to have it wrapped tight around their anatomy and then played like a Carp So "Goodwill to all Men" never quite entered your mindset, Nick? I'm joking, as I'm sure you know I'm a fan of flourocarbon myself, Amnesia in particular. However, some of the coated braids that are meant for use as hooklinks are as safe as we could hope. I have a spool, in black, can't remember the brand and I'm certainly not going out to the garage at this time of night to find out, which I use to make silt rigs and it's benign. Feel free to wrap me up in it and play me like a carp, but could we wait for warmer weather, please? Ian Sorry Ian, I'm trying not to laugh too much . Some of those Braids are very "sharp" and cut quite easily, like you I prefer the Coated Braids or Merlin/Silkworm. I find the very thin ones quite worrying for use as Hooklinks. I think the Coating may stop it hurting too much, and yes wait for warmer weather, Goodwill to all men? Me? Never
  6. By playing fish lightly, I imagine that the fight last longer? IMHO this increases mouth damage and the chance of a braided hook length slicing their mouth. I have seen braid slice a carps mouth quite badly, the slice was right in the scissors, the braid in question was Drennan micro braid. This is one of the reasons I stepped away from braided hook lengths and onto Magic touch mono, although this doesn't suit every situation. Drennan Micro Braid is one of the worst for slicing as it is so thin in diameter, and very "rough" and abrasive to the touch. Now you know why I do my Garage tests so I won't use tackle that may damage fish. There was also another hooklink braid that I found dangerous to use as well from the Nash stable. Anyone who uses a Mainline Braid as a hooklink without checking what it can do deserves to have it wrapped tight around their anatomy and then played like a Carp
  7. I expect someone will tell me im wrong, but as I see it the only thing preventing the lead from coming free is the single shot on the mainline which would come off in a snag situation. Had someone used a second swivel instead of the shot to create the stop then that would be unsafe. I have to say though Ive never used a running rig as shown in the diagram, I am happy that with a decent sharp hook and being close enough to the rods to strike a take there is no need for a stop on the mainline. I'd be worried with a Shot on the Line to be honest; Not for the chance of it locking up the lead, or the shot falling off, but for the worry that squeezing a shot on the line may damage and pinch the line creating a weakspot. My view is that it is far better to use those Rubber "float" stops that are available. If you are worried about them sliding then 2 together tends to stop the problem. Alternatively if you are happy enough to use tubing then Solar do Running Rigs that come complete with some Rubber Beads to make a "Shocka" set-up. There is a diagram on this thread of a simple Running set-up: http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=37603 All you need is a soft Rubber bead above the tubing to make the Shocka style set-up
  8. I know that I've done a fairly complete waters list for Suffolk: http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=16535&highlight=suffolk I also know that there are a number of waters mentioned for the Norfolk area that may suit if you use the search facility
  9. Shows that you can't be bothered to read a thread all the way through doesn't it As Bunn has said maybe I need time to perfect it, or more time on the bank as I've spent more time at work so haven't had time to be fishing. Bunn, Don't worry mate, Kingfisher has been banned a number of times for his comments and insults in the past, under various names, so I will be looking out for him in whatever guise he decides to try next time
  10. Brian Has! The one I was working on when I first thought about it, and tied one up.
  11. Read my post very carefully , it doesn't say I read it in the mags, it says I know where I first saw it, then that there is "a latest wonder rig" in the mags. The fact that I know about the rig has been in the mags could come from any source
  12. Which mag was it in? Ask me another, I don't read 'em!
  13. Sounds familiar, I gave you and Krista a load of Carp and Fishing mags at the Social and have still found more since I seem to remember some articles covering the Elstow complex, very interesting, especially some of the difficulties the anglers face on there regarding depth and the features
  14. I can tie them with out it, but I still prefer a Hook Tyer to get the loops right. I've seen John Wilson tie a size16 spade end behind his back
  15. Plus you can get your hair length sorted fairly easily with the tag end
  16. Hope this helps, believe it or not from a Sea Fishing page: Spade end knot Spade end hooks are a very good way to get the line coming from the front of the hook, hopefully to reduce ejection.
  17. If they say something along the lines of "Reproduction is banned" (think we should put that in for a few people as well ) on the cover or inside cover then posting publicly is not a good idea, so a PM would be better. The only other way is if you ask the Publishers nicely and are allowed to post it
  18. From the search facility: http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=30857&highlight=cambridgeshire+waters http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=27977&highlight=cambridgeshire+waters Scroll down to Cambridgeshire (I know Huntingdonshire exists, but is not recognised as a "proper" county) Milton Country Park, go to UK CarpFishing, The Carpcatcher is currently running a petition on it. I don't know whether Day Tickets are available any more though. There may be other threads covering the Huntingdon area, and don't forget that there are definitely Carp in the Ouse and Fen Drains systems that may be available on a day ticket or an inexpensive Club Season ticket. Don't be in too much of a hurry to go past 20lb. Enjoy every fish you catch and then when you are deemed ready by the Carp Fishing God then you may beat your PB.
  19. Kev, Steve, I fully agree with you that it is down to your personal choice as to who or whom you reveal information to. I know in the water that Paul mentioned at the start of the thread I have passed on a copy of the map I made of the water to a few select people. That is those who asked nicely or I felt would respect it, so I offered the info. I may (in fact thinking about it, know) have mentioned the Reservoir I was fishing in Essex, yet after a few chats with people have decided that I really shouldn't name it. It is their water and they are still putting the effort in, even though I'm not any there any more, (maybe I will go back) it is not fair for me to say it by name. We all need to respect others choices on whether they will pass information on, about a water directly or even as to its name or location. I asked someone on here politely if he was able to say where he caught a particular fish from (swim wise, I knew the water itself). He "refused" or more correctly, ignored my question, without causing me any offence, and I accepted the rebuttal in the way it was intended, not as an insult, but as a "Do your own work you lazy git" Sorry Paul, we have taken this wildly off your original topic question, but I hope you don't take it as an affront to you, but merely as an exchange of opinions on the waters and venues in the area.
  20. Steve, Know how you feel, actually know how Paul_Oggy feels as it may have been some of my results putting his water on the map as it were. The Guy who runs the syndicate Ian is a smashing bloke, but when I fished there he was writing Cambs Uncovered for Carp-Talk. Since I was there almost every week and definitely catching I got a few mentions in the Mag, and his water got the publicity as well. His right, he owns the water and needs it to be a viable option, just a shame that it does put extra members on our own "Private" piece of heaven I know that when I left the Syndicate on my terms I recommended it to a fair number of people on here as I had found I really enjoyed the place. Or is it the successful members like Paul and some others on there who say to 1 friend "I know a good water and reckon you should join". If Ian has 50 members and 20 (random numbers) are regularly catching and recommend it, then that is a Syndicate now at 70 (not including the drop-outs)
  21. I keep Amnesia in my tackle box, its brilliant stuff for use as the boom for combi-links and as a stiff rig in itself. While I prefer the black for shockleaders as it is slightly softer (or seems it to me), I prefer White for Hooklinks. The best knot I have found with Amnesia is a simple 2or3 turn blood knot, or if you want to use a Loop knot then the knot that is pictured in Kryston packing. Lets see if I can give a description; Tie an overhand knot in the end, but don't tighten at all, thread on swivel. Push the tag end down through the overhand knot, and then twist 4times, around the mainsection. Push the end back up the overhand knot, wet and gradually pull tight.
  22. If that is the Lake in the Field at Kirton I've fished it, and it is not easy. Basically triangular shaped, with a dam at the wide end. The water deepens gradually from the banks, although the narrow end is quite shallow. I know what the largest fish is supposed to be, but I'm not sure about that. They can be persuaded to take floaters at times, but there are a couple of Swans and ducks on theer who also like floaters. Last few times I have been there the water has been very clear. Does the Gold Membership allow Night Fishing?
  23. sums it up. If you go into Tackle shop then get the Solar stuff, or if you buy (from ELC or get it free for packaging) make sure you get the Dissolving foam. It's good stuff, helps presentation no end, "buffers" your rig landing on lake beds, and helps prevent tangles
  24. Unfortunately thats the problem with it being such a good water, new members . Mind you the effort you put in has given you the results. I would love to see the pics of the fish, see if I can match any to my captures while I was on there, I think a few have put on a bit of weight Would you mind PM'ing some over please? Sorry, Even if I can't remember every PM I send I do try to remember the name and member
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