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Everything posted by mrmud

  1. That's a nice bike. I'd love to have a bike on the road. One day, maybe when I stop buying fishing stuff lol
  2. Thanks @B B, @framey Learn something new everyday. Like I said I thought it only happened on the head.
  3. Don't think it was F1 as it had both sets of barbels. I thought spawning just made them have nodules on they're head n pectoral fin but not all over 🤷🏽‍♂️. I did pass the info onto the owner with pics but they don't know alot about fish
  4. Welcome along @BackInTheGame. Out of curiosity what was the 2 wheels. I done abit on a trials bikes for a few years. Still got a trrs 250.
  5. mrmud

    May catch reports

    Finally got 2 nights in the new bivvy on a old estate lake. It's abit of a mystery what's in the lake. The current owners don't know what's in there. It fished steadily whilst the weather was nice. Then early hours Monday morning the wind changed n that was it for the fish Managed to get a few nice grass carp on the bank, biggest was 17.76lb. Plenty of tidy sized tench, biggest was at 8.66(new PB). 2 small commons at 10lbs and a horrible snotty eel.
  6. Anyone know what's up with this common. It was rough from its head right down to it's tail. I know they're face gets rough during spawning but this was all over and ain't the water still to cold for spawning. The scales also felt bumpy like a pineapple.
  7. Has anyone had any experience with the sonik vader reels. Was thinking of buying the 8000 set. Thanks
  8. They're some nice fish dude. I'd be well happy with them pair. Sorry to hear you had your kit robbed
  9. Stop putting ideas in my head. Sorry officer Mr B B told me to do it 😂
  10. Think I'll go with what I got n see how she gets on. If she gets cold I'll just get her to push my monster barrow around for a while, that'll warm her up lol. My bivvy got a overwrap aswell.
  11. I've got : thermal base layer, 95% merino socks, prologic max 5 thermo suit, hat, gloves, neck scarf. snugpak 4 season bag, snugpak jungle thermal blanket, ngt hot water bottle Got a bio ethanol(ventilated but supposed to be odourless) to burn in trangia stove if it's to wet to use gas stove outside. Did look at the candle heater but candles still produce carbon monoxide This is the main reason I was looking for some kind of heater as it can be the middle of the summer but the other half still wants the heating on.
  12. I purchased a fox camo bivvy bucket(not fox). I've not tested it yet... Just finishing getting all the stuff I think I need for a comfortable weekend fishing. Just gotta decide on a bivvy heater now. It's just a bait bucket that someones nicely boshed some wires ect in. I had it for £65
  13. Ive not been for 2 weeks n it feels like august lol. I got something like this cheapo one for day sessions if there's abit of rain forecast. https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=DChcSEwji8sO9qsaFAxUTk1AGHZ4PDnQYABAEGgJkZw&ase=2&gclid=CjwKCAjww_iwBhApEiwAuG6ccCCWa0szPVf0V5c409tRusXgrMhrT7m-WfKbztyrLnnR64yx8xFi9RoC5wUQAvD_BwE&sph=&sig=AOD64_1m3OEelMnJrSmw-ulTNJaos-GG-w&ctype=5&q=&nis=6&ved=2ahUKEwjXxL69qsaFAxUyUkEAHYwWCosQwg8oAHoECAUQFA&adurl= Getting the prologic avenger 1 man for session where it's hammering down https://www.fishingrepublic.co.uk/16212759/prologic-avenger-bivvy-1-man-and-overwrap-16212759
  14. These things are a pain. Last time I went I must have had 20 of the things, They're like the bream of the sea lol.
  15. @elmoputney nice fish fella.
  16. Thanks. I have seen them, but.... apparently I'm paying the postman's wages with how much stuff he brings 🤣. So I've been told so they'll have to wait until a tackle shop is near by lol 🤫
  17. What boat you got? When I use the bait boat with a heli setup I just stand the lead in the hopper(mine has a little slit in the flap of the rear hopper) and leave the rig hang into the water(problem if you glug your bait. When I next get the boat out(not used in a while) I am going to put a small magnet on the rear corner, then I can put the hook onto that so when the lead drops it pulls the hook off. Mainly as zigs don't dump out very well, also can use pastes n glugs then if I choose and they won't wash off on the way out out
  18. @salokcinnodrog that's more or less a dinosaur lol. If I'm right it takes about 20yrs for a pike to reach that size
  19. @emmcee Cheers. Made some chods up at around 1.5 - 2 inches the other week. Was trying to tie them off @ around a inch but they always grew as I tried to tie the swivel off. Probs using the wrong knot(3 turn grinner).
  20. Fair play a 20lb pike is a beast. That's the proper way. Putting them upside down keeps them calm doesn't it.
  21. They are a nice fish, alot nicer in the water lol. They almost look prehistoric if you ask me. I'm getting the hang of it. It's also alot easier with the barbs crushed. 10.50lb was my last one. That's the problem I have. There none around locally. Shame really
  22. Cheers. Yeah I use anti tangle sleeves where ever possible. Made some up at 7" & 10"
  23. Only had a few sessions for pike on lures but prefer the fish without teeth. Well big sharp teeth anyway as carp do have teeth
  24. Took the kids on holiday in a caravan about 10yrs ago and managed to catch a 4lb perch on a tiddler perch. The greedy git wasn't even hooked just wouldn't let go of the little perch lol I'd really like to catch a barbel or few(never caught one). Don't even have to be monsters lol. They're amazing fish.
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