So you're not fishing 2 bait stringers exclusively or first cast if you are creeping them up and no one does ever, In reality you are making more disturbance than a boat. And even with a map spots change, so you would probably check that first with a marker or lead which is more disturbance, and that's before any bait is applied. I used to hate bait boats too, now I can see that used correctly they can be a great tool.
With a boat with a sonar you can turn up blind, put your rig and bait (probably 20 spombs worth or more ) on a nice spot that you've just found, line tight and feel for a drop and bingo, you are fishing effectively. And that's just the basics you can find spots you could never find with a marker rod, be more accurate, you could literally fish on a dustbin lid at 35 wraps without any bait falling out of the dustbin lid. Not that I would mind, I like to know I am able to cast as far as any boat I send out. Not only that I still like to cast sometimes, you get a better drop from a cast. I will also use marker, wraps and the boat to make sure I am super accurate, you cant do that pub chucking a 2 bait stringer out.