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  3. That's a newer version buddy.
  4. The Crosscast 45 I had were just as good , if not better, than the Ultegra 14000's I had.
  5. kevtaylor

    May catch reports

    Retrieve is too slow takes 5-6 turns per rod length, gonna keep as spares - my son can use them on the Torrix. Daiwa Basia 19 SCW QD
  6. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/225959871141?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=qi2bAKUrTke&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=tGv3gu7qR9e&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  7. My pal mentioned they were going for silly money. And that is silly!
  8. Seen them in mint condition for around £2500 👀
  9. The original aero technium xta's. Awesome reels, my mate just picked up a set of the 12000 xta's. A grand I think they cost him.
  10. yonny

    May catch reports

    The reels lasted 1 trip?!!🤣 Each to their own fella, what you getting instead? Nice kipper @kevtaylor!
  11. mrmud

    May catch reports

    Well done fella. That's 1 stunning fish.
  12. kevtaylor

    May catch reports

    Social trip to Norton Disney - which was a first. I arrived first as always on these trips - experience tells me not to wait for him, and we've been enough over the years that I know I'm there to scout it out and do the decision making lol Walked around Turners and Holdens as 2 other lakes were closed, only fish I saw was on Holdens and noone on the lake so I chose there for us. Mate had 2 x 20's the first being a PB so the pressure was off on the first day whilst conditions were good, rain, cool temps, lower pressure. 2 following days were hot and no wind, the fish were cruising the far margin on the surface and despite being told to fish at a certain number of wraps I wasn't happy with the depth at that range so each day went further and further across. By the last evening I realise I'm either gonna hit 2-4feet depth or blank so proceed to chuck and chuck until I'm hitting the clip well. Thankfully a take at 3am on the last night saved a blank. New rods performed so well, beautiful bit of kit, reels not so good so just ordered another set. Should say nice lakes, well spaced, obviously needs to mature but set in what looks like Pine woodland of all sides and so quiet at night I was taken back. The planting done so far looks to be growing nicely, track is dodgy but thats nothing new to me lol
  13. My mates got a set of the big blues, might have to tell him to cash in 👍
  14. No not another baitrunner, it's the old school big pit that the likes of Tom Stokes still uses, like a silver/light blue. Power Aero or somwething like that, still fetch top money - too much money for what they are tbh
  15. Yesterday
  16. Felt like it abit, the amount of sweat pumping 🤣🤣....also done some conditioning training...Jog 20m, Sprint 20m repeat each segment until failure 😩😩😩
  17. Try running around Linear fisheries in padded salopettes, jacket wellies and carrying two buckets to hopefully find two decent swims 😏…but joking aside fair play to you for keeping fit 👍
  18. That looks like the one. Thanks. I actually popped into Gladwells today and completely forgot to look. I was more concerned with picking up mixed pellets and a sack of hemp.
  19. Is it this muesli mix? https://www.skinners.co.uk/product/muesli-mix/?_gl=1*tyh59t*_up*MQ..&gclid=Cj0KCQjwxqayBhDFARIsAANWRnSEUhHZN4M5OrSBOyxzjo2DtpzVAia-DNEMXNltS1xopqKp6OjxU0waAiQ0EALw_wcB The orange one is now a biscuit I think.
  20. Last week
  21. Dream session https://www.anglingtimes.co.uk/news/stories/common-carp-1oz-short-of-the-british-record-banked/
  22. Another 5k done this morning, not too bad this running lark 😁😁
  23. Big Blues? Shimano Big Blue Baitrunner M Apparently the best carp fishing casting reel ever made for long distance casting as decided in tests by Lee Jackson and Paul Forward. Prices on ebay for them are anything between £140 and £355 at the moment.
  24. Skinners do some dog foods very close to Vitalin. The one to look out for was Skinners Field and Trial in an orange bag, but annoyingly they have changed their packaging. It is very rich in molasses so sticky. Other than that, try a mix of rolled maize, rolled oats, Layers mash and a ground dry dog food.
  25. It was always there this set, it was/is my lads....something we can use together....but it also needs to catch a fish as he's had it now nearly 18month and nothing caught yet.
  26. 3 packs of J precision lg's size 5 barbed and a barbless. Korda mini crimp tool and small krimps. Cc Moore milk n nut crush pva bag mix. And a hooky x spod off ebay 🙄
  27. Change only for so far 👍welcome back matey.
  28. I fish for carp in the USA (using UK-Style gear/rigs/bait/tactics/etc..). Wondering if anyone can offer suggestions on how to avoid (stop) turtles of any kind, from ruining my sessions? I only started focusing on carp last year, so I still have much to learn, and I have tried fake corn and tiger nuts (soaked in hot sauce), but that’s not working this season for some reason. Any help would be greatly appreciated👍 Thanks so much - Joe
  29. I use a catchx pro bait boat with a fish finder and it will scan the area selected. Once the scanning is finished, the fish spots will be marked on the screen!
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